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Many liberals are surprised that President Trump won the election. Most are still in disbelief, and actively don’t won’t to accept the election results. However, what is most surprising is how many, most especially the liberal media, don’t understand why anyone would want to vote for President Trump. This misunderstanding is the exact reason why middle, working class America will continue to vote Republican in upcoming elections.
Liberals ideas no longer resonate with middle America. Their dogmatic concept of social justice, the theory of global warming, open borders, high taxes, globalism, and intrusive government among others do not put food on the table or bring jobs to America. In fact, the liberal agenda stagnates the economy and hinders job growth.
I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. As a lesson to my liberal friends, I would like to show why Democrats will continue to lose seats across the country. If they can’t understand these numbers, they will never win again.
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Is Torture Ethical?
What if you could obtain the information that could have prevented the recent attack on the London Bridge or at the Ariana Grande concert? What if you had a captured terrorist that had the information that could save countless innocent lives? How far would you go to obtain the information? Where does one’s sense of morality and faith matter under these circumstanced?
With the recent terrorist attacks in London and Egypt, one wonders if we are just witnessing the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Is constant terrorism from radical Islam now becoming the new norm?
A bigger question is will we have to sink to the terrorists’ level in order to utterly destroy them and their perverted ideology? Will we need to give up some of our humanity in order to become just as depraved as they are in order to wipe them off the face of the earth and ensure the next generation a lifetime of peace and prosperity?
In the upcoming movie, Enhanced Interrogation, the film poses that precise question. It is as if the movie is ripped straight out of the headlines and brought to the big screen. The ethical questions poses in this dramatic thriller will both make you think and test your faith long after watching it. Please become a supporter Enhanced Interrogation: Is
Casting Call Today in Trenton, NJ
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephen Martino, Screenwriter/Producer
May 20, 2017
TRENTON, N.J. – Bloch Wall Productions and Mantaray Pictures are excited to announce the filming of its newest movie, Enhanced Interrogation, to be shot in Trenton, N.J. at the end of June and the beginning of July 2017. There will be a Meet the Cast/Fundraising event for the film on May 20, 2017 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Lafayette Yard Hotel (Formerly the Wyndham Garden Trenton) followed by a Casting Call for the movie at the hotel from 3 PM to 5 PM.
Director Terry R. Wickham writes, “(Trenton’s own) Daryl Brooks and Stephen Martino have constructed a controversial story that is incredibly topical in our modern-day society and asks the potent question of ‘What if’ our country was put in a pressure-cooker situation of the moral dilemma this story raises.”
Enhanced Interrogation is about a foreign-born terrorist who now finds herself legally on American soil, preparing to bring the terror and death from her native country of Afghanistan to the states. Caught in a routine FBI sting operation, Hamadei’s plot for a 9-11 type terrorist attack is accidently uncovered. The problem is, the FBI doesn’t know how, doesn’t know where, and doesn’t know by whom the attack will take place. What they do ascertain is that an enormous explosive, one which will make Timothy McVey’s fertilizer bomb seem like a sparkler, is set to detonate the following day. When standard interrogation methods fail produce meaningful results, the ultimate decision is left up to the President of the United States whether to utilize Abu Ghraib-type torture techniques to obtain the information.
Both the timeliness and controversial nature of the film, Martino maintains, separates this movie from the pack. “Enhanced Interrogation,’” he says, is “will make the viewer question their own ethics and beliefs and make them think long after watching it.”
Enhanced Interrogation will be released in the Fall of 2017 and be entered in all major film festivals across the country and globe. If there are any questions or if you would like to be part of the film, please contact Bloch Wall Productions at
For more information contact:
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Once dubbed the “shadow president” by the media, chief executive strategist Steve Bannon now apparently is fighting for his life in a progressively centrist Trump administration. After supporting an Obama Care II Health Care Bill, taking unilateral actions against Syria, and failing to pursue the campaign promises which brought him into office, President Trump needs his chief strategist now more than ever. However, with recent comments that the president has made against Bannon such as “I’m my own strategist, and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary”, it makes it seems as if Bannon’s days in the swamp may be numbered.
Unfortunately, as President Trump further distances himself from Bannon, he further distances himself from the political platform that got him elect. As Ann Coulter’s article Lassie Come Home states, we the “president of America” back — not “the president of the world.”
I have thus compiled some of the best reasons President Trump needs the captain of his ship, Mr. Steve Bannon, more than ever:
2020. Remember, Trump did win the primary without Bannon, but he would have NEVER won the general election without him. Without Bannon, President Trump has little chance of winning re-election against any credible challenger.
Bannon has not been corrupted by the left nor has he ever had centrist or progressive views which could distract the president from his populist agenda.
Bannon helped set the populist agenda not only during the campaign but in the White House.
President Trump has surrounded himself and aligned with centrists and some progressives. Without Bannon’s advice, the people’s voice will never be properly heard.
Steve Bannon understands the problems in the South China Sea better than any top strategist in the administration.
Steve Bannon is a fighter, and a true junkyard dog fighter is who we need in the White House to tackle both internal and external threats.
Steve Bannon truly loves the Unites States. With so many self-hating American and apologist politicians in office, we need a man who truly believes in the motto “America first”.
Steve Bannon is in the White House not because he wants the power but because it is his duty to serve the people of the United States.
Steve Bannon is a loyal ally who will not turn on him like our turncoat speaker of the house, Paul Ryan.
The further President Trump distances himself from Steve Bannon, the further he distances himself from his populist base. In the end, if Steve Bannon goes, so does President Trump’s base and the credibility of his entire presidency.
If you liked this Post, Please Buy and Review Bester Seller Stephen Martino’s Conservative Political/Sci-Fi Thriller:
With the mainstream, progressive media on constant attack against anyone or any belief right of center, it is imperative that a stronger conservative voice be heard throughout the country. Tired of the constant barrage of left-wing ideas constantly being spoon fed to us by Hollywood, the public schools, and the mainstream media, Daryl Brooks and Stephen Martino set out to create a conservative alternative to the barrage of left wing ideologies pummeling us and our families every day. Thus, the short film, Enhanced Interrogation was written.
Set in modern day, RANIM HAMADEI, a foreign-born terrorist, now finds herself legally on American soil, preparing to bring the terror and death from her native country of Afghanistan to the United States. Caught in a routine FBI sting operation, Hamadei’s plot for a 9-11 type terrorist attack is accidently uncovered. The problem is, the FBI doesn’t know how, doesn’t know where, and doesn’t know by whom the attack will take place. What they do ascertain is that an enormous explosive, that will make Timothy McVey’s fertilizer bomb seem like a sparkler, is set to detonate tomorrow, on 9-11 at exactly 8:48 AM to commemorate the famed Al Qaeda attack.
When conventional interrogation techniques fail to produce any significant information, the question arises weather to utilize more enhanced interrogation methods. Morality is tested as our political leaders grapple with the dilemma they face. The idea between what is right and what is ethical becomes blurred as the tock ticks down to the next 911-type of attack.
Enhanced Interrogation will make you grapple with your own spiritual and ethical beliefs, and keep you thinking long after watching the movie. What is more important or moral to you: America and Americans first or the rights of terrorist captured on US soil? You decide.
Please make a contribution to Enhanced Interrogation. Let our CONSRVATIVE VOICES be heard!
Check out the GoFundMe Page:
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Since Donald Trump has become president of the United States, the press has gone on a witch hunt like none other since Salem witch trials in Massachusetts. Their relentless negative coverage, attacks, smearing questions during press conferences, and misreporting of the news have proven both disgraceful and unprofessional. President Trump rightfully calls them the ‘opposition party’. Many in the news mock him for this comment. However, time and time again, this analogy proves true. As Mika Brzezinski from the #FakeNews network MSNBC admits, “That is our job is,” to “control exactly what people think”. I have compiled a list of some of the “Fake News” stories run by the press since Trump has become president:
1.Nonexistent Climate Change Website ‘Purge’. The New York Times claimed President Trump administration purged “climate change references” from the White House website. However, the reporter went on to acknowledge that any changes on the website were ‘part of a routine turnover of digital authority between administrations’.
2.Trump’s Comments on Sweden. Trump was blasted by CNN and many other news outlets for the president’s snide comments about Sweden’s immigration policy working ‘beautifully’. However, despite the Fake News Media’s attempts to deny the truth, rape, violence, and crime rapes are escalating in Sweden as a direct consequence of their immigration policy. Take a look at these articles: and
3.Bust of Martin Luther King removed from White House. Time wrote that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed from the White House. However, the truth was that the reporter had simply not seen it and misreported that it had been removed.
4.Betsy DeVos states guns should be in all schools. The press ran with a story that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stated guns should be in all schools. However, she was grossly misquoted. The media purposefully lied to the public. Instead, she said, “I would imagine that there’s probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies” when discussing a school in Wyoming that had a fence around it to protect students from grizzly bears.
5.State Department Senior Staff Resigns. The Washington Post wrote that the State Department’s entire senior management team abruptly resigned. However, the truth is that those who left were not the senior management but the politically appointed staff, and they were asked to leave by the Trump team during the routine transition period.
6.Trump’s Muslim Ban. The media continues to state relentlessly that President Trump’s executive order not to allow people from 7 foreign, volatile countries who cannot be properly vetted to enter the United States as a ‘Muslim Ban’. However, these 7 countries encompass only 13% of the Muslim world and are not the largest Muslim countries on the planet. Plus, the 7 countries cited were already designated by the Obama administration as ‘countries of concern’. In fact, all the executive order did was broaden the travel restrictions already implemented by Obama.
7.Trump plans to invade Mexico. Yahoo published an AP report about a phone call President Trump shared with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto to curb Mexico’s “bad hombre” problem. However, the story was false, and there were no invasions plans being implemented by the White House.
8.Easing the Russian Sanctions. An NBC reporter tweeted that Trump was easing sanctions on Russia. The story was parroted across the Fake News networks. However, the story was later corrected, and the truth was that it was a technical fix to the Russian sanctions, planned under Obama, to avoid unintended cybersanction consequences.
9.Renaming Black History Month. Trump called February ‘National African American History Month’. However, Obama said the same thing without the media meltdown.
10.Rollback on background checks for guns. The AP reported, “House votes to roll back Obama rule on background checks for gun ownership”, and “House votes to rescind Obama gun background check rule”. However, the rule to be evaluated was that people who use a third party to manage their SSDI or SSI benefits due to some sort of mental handicap may be barred from purchasing a hand gun.
11.Attorny General Jeff Session perjured himself to Congress. The media is a buzz about Jeff Sessions allegedly perjuring himself to Congress when he stated that he had not had a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government. However, the truth is Sessions answered the question correctly. He did not meet with any Russian ambassador as a Trump surrogate. The truth is as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee , he did have contact with 20 ambassadors in THAT ROLE during 2016. He was not a surrogate for Trump. He was a surrogate in a way for the USA.
12. Rachel Maddow reports that massive riots and protests in Venezuela a result of the government giving funds to President Trump’s campaign. This claim was just about as nearsighted as she could get with those thick, black glasses. Unfortunately, the Venezuelans are protesting because socialism has failed them and that they are unemployed and starving. Nice reporting Maddow! Another winner since you released President Trump’s taxes!
If you liked this Post, Please Buy Bester Seller Stephen Martino’s Conservative Political/Sci-Fi Thriller:
The Lonnie Brace Reviews
Cubital tunnel can be a disabling condition where the ulnar nerve is compressed at the elbow, causing numbness and weakness in the hand. There are different braces and splints on the market. However, The Lonnie Brace has been proven effective, comfortable, and easy-to-use. As a physician, I highly recommend it for cubital tunnel syndrome. Here are some latest reviews:
“I just wanted to let you know that your “Lonnie Brace” has been very effective. My daughter has had a significant reduction of pain in her Ulnar Nerve
thanks to your product.
Best Wishes for a prosperous and healthy New Year.”
“So far I am loving my brace. Can’t wait to get the second one before my other arm.”
The power of the presidency has far outgrown what our forefathers ever intended. The Federalists feared the rise of a monarchical rule. Unfortunately, their fears have all but come to fruition. No, we are not Russia or North Korea where the leader’s rule is absolute. However, the presidency has turned into a position whereby it rules over an entire federal system which has inundated every single aspect of our lives. Money, housing, education, jobs, the economy, and even the bedroom are all regulated by the federal government. Plus, because of the de facto impotence of the Congress and futility of the Supreme Court, the US President has control of the land.
I write this post after 2 incidents that recently occurred. The first was when President-Elect Trump admonished Boing for their outrageous pricing of the new Airforce 1 and the second was his rebuke of the pharmaceutical industry’s drug pricing. Without even being in office, stocks from these companies instantly dipped for fear of future negative repercussions.
As Obama touted, he has a pen and a phone. That’s all it takes. Through executive fiat, the President has far reaching power that clearly oversteps its intended enumerated rights set for the by the Constitution. In the Tenth Amendment, it states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
People have become so political and ideological that they have long forgotten the intentions and warnings of our forefathers. They lived through monarchical rule and in the end, rebelled against King George III. They knew the consequences of such unbridled power. People now cheer when a president with their same political beliefs and ideas bullies their policies through Congress, shoves them down our throat, or selectively enforces laws or only parts of the laws they want. The problem is that even if you agree with the president, the Constitution is broken. The processes set forth in them are forgotten, and the power of the presidency grows by the day.
Now, when we vote for this executive chief, we are instead voting on the next proverbial king and not a leader restrained by the Constitution or other branches of government. Plus, with such a biased media who also reports Fake News such as Buzzfeed and CNN, our last theoretically unbiased check on the president has been lost. Just look at how the mainstream media failed to call out Obama on his failed Obamacare program, his disastrous foreign policy, or his grossly negligent domestic economic failures. Ironically, his approval ratings are over 50% and he has left our country and the world in a much, much worse condition than he inherited it.
We must overlook partisan politics and ideological beliefs and move back to the word of the Constitution. Without pressing a true Reset button, the power of the president and federal government will grow at the cost of all our individual liberties and livelihood. Remember, President Thomas Jefferson said, My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
If you liked this Post, Please Buy Bester Seller Stephen Martino’s Conservative Political/Sci-Fi Thriller:
Capitalism in a Nut Shell
There is a real way a capitalist looks at a situation verses a socialist doing the same. This simple example sums up why many socialist’s hearts are sometimes in the right place but their minds fall well short of reality:
A socialist looking at a Corvette turned to his capitalist friend who owned the magnificent automobile and said, “I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost you?”
The capitalist replied, “I am not sure. It fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it. It fed the people who make the tires. It fed the people who made the components that went into it. It fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires. It fed people in Decatur IL. at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore. It fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer, and it fed the people working at the dealership and their families. BUT,… I have to admit, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.”
That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality. When you buy something, you put money in people’s pockets, and give them dignity for their skills.
When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self worth.
Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for.
Pass the message on!
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The Hidden Reality
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