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As the Ebola virus reaches pandemic proportions and spreads outside of Africa, one must ask if this disease will cause worldwide havoc like the Influenza viral outbreak of 1917. One must also ask if such a global pandemic was predicted in The Old Testament, Torah or even the Book of Revelation.
The New Reality explores these possibilities and also predicts the political, social and economic ramifications of such a biblical plague. As the world dives deeper into crippling debt, the United States’ healthcare system begins to disintegrate, and our government engages in greater militaristic actions and invades our personal freedoms, are we at a critical turning point whereby a viral outbreak such as Ebola irrevocable change life as we know it on earth?
Buy your copy of The New Reality which goes on sale as the Kindle Daily Deal on September 4, 2014.
America not only needs a leader but also deserves one also. A true leader puts those they lead’s needs before their own. A leader stands up to the challenges set before them and faces it with dignity and determination.
Unfortunately, a large void has been created due to the incompetence of the Obama administration. As our president plays golf, our country and the world burns without direction:
-Churches are set aflame in the Middle East
-China and Russia taunt us with their fighter planes
-An American journalist is beheaded
-ISIS is forming a Caliphate in The Middle East
-Our marine is still in a Mexican prison
-Our southern border has fallen
-An American General is assassinated
-The VA remains in shambles
-The administration is plague by scandals: VA, NSA, IRS, and Benghazi
-The debt has increased 8 trillion dollars
-S&P downgrades US credit rating
-The dollar is in rapid decline
-The world looks for a new global currency
-The US workforce is at an all-time lowest since Jimmy Carter
-Government subsidies high skyrocketed
-Obamacare is a proven failure and mass waste of money
-Foreign countries are declining to in invest in US because of highest tax rates
Where are we are our next generation of American headed. There has been no forward progress made by Obama. We are set to self-destruct. God save our country!
This blog post was banned from the web! If you are a blogger, try typing it in yourself. The web instantly denies it. I needed to scan it in an order to post it! Though nothing in the is inflammatory, I guess the web finds the truth to be offensive. Please read and sent to as many people as possible.
It seems as if the Obama administration the world’s media has turned a blind eye to the Christian and Jewish tragedies occurring all throughout the world. Recent conflicts have highlighted both their disinterest and lack of regard for these religions.
Recently, the Islamic State, the jihadist group formerly known as ISIS, has taken over the entire northern area of Iraq—an area with a high Christian population. More than 200,000 Christians have been forced to flee their homes. Those remaining are killed or imprisoned.
In the wake of the Islamic State’s onslaught, Christian churches are being burnt down or occupied, thousands of manuscripts are being destroyed, and crosses are being defamed. Likewise, many homes and the remaining churches are being labeled with the letter “Noon”, the first letter of the word “Nasara” which means Christian in the Koran. If it sound similar to what happened to the homes, places of worship and the businesses of the Jews in Nazi Germany, it should. Just like the Star of David or the word Juden, these places a being defamed with the letter “Noon”.
Also, do not forget how the Christian community was treated by the Muslim Brotherhood when they took control over Egypt. Like the Islamic State, they defamed the Christians and religion with the same disregard.
Plus, as the world watched as Hamas sets out to kill every Jew in Israel, the media and Obama administration remain luke warm on the subject. Secretary Kerry has disgraced our country with the handling of the situation, and Obama only came out in the end to condemn Hamas because popular support for Israel demanded such an action.
Though I am not a conspiracy theorist, it almost seems as if the Obama wants to tear down the Judeo-Christian religions and all its morals and ethics—the same morals and ethics that built our great nation and all of Western society. Thus, Obama is letting Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the media do his dirty work. In order for him to fundamentally change our nation, he needs to fundamentally change our value system. By dismantling the Judeo-Christian religion, he sees his path in creating a new world order easier. Though it sounds farfetched, the facts do speak for themselves.
The fear of Ebola spreading outside Africa continues to monopolize the news over the past week. With different western African countries already admitting they could no longer contain the virus, many European nations, the United States and Australia all brace for a possible pandemic. Some say fears of an outbreak are unfounded and are mere delusions of a paranoid media. However, the truth will even make the largest skeptic nervous.
The fact is that it could take over 2 weeks for the first sign of the Ebola virus to become evident in an infected person. So, a person flying out of Africa may leave the continent apparently healthy and possibly infect all those along the flight and whomever ever he or she comes in contact with before succumbing to the disease.
A recent story broke today of how Mount Sinai in New York has quarantined a person who recently flew out of Africa with early symptoms of what could be the Ebola virus. Will this be the first case of the disease in the country—I mean, the first case that we didn’t intentionally import?
What makes it even scarier is that some illegals crossing the Mexican border originated from a few of the western African nations stricken by the virus. With less than 5 percent of those crossing the border apprehended and tested for infection, who knows what could be coming into our country.
As the United States is being overrun by these illegals, what else may we American citizens potentially come in contact with? We’ve already seen drug resistant TB enter the country. Measles, scabies, lice and different forms of pneumonia have crossed too. Will it only be a matter of time before Ebola sneaks in illegally?
Proper measures must be taken before it’s too late. An open border is like a festering wound, just waiting to sicken the rest of the country.
What you need to know about Ebola
As the Ebola virus has reached humanitarian crisis status in Western Africa, many people are still unsure what exactly this disease is or why it is important.
The Ebola virus starts with flu-like symptoms on average up to 2 weeks after contracting the disease. It then progresses to muscle aches, joint pains, fevers, chills, sore throat and a rash. Later and more progressive stages of the virus can cause confusion, coma, multi-organ failure and hemorrhage. Plus, with a mortality rate of 50-90%, the disease is extremely deadly.
Fortunately, the Ebola virus is not spread like the common cold. However, those that come in contact with any secretions or blood of an infected victim are at risk of contracting it.
What makes this outbreak in Western Africa frightening, especially Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, is that it has effected more people than any other Ebola outbreak in history. Since March, there have been 1,201 cases of Ebola and 672 deaths just in these three countries. Liberia has become so overwhelmed they declared a humanitarian crisis and state they are unable to keep track of the virus any longer. Plus, Ebola has recently been brought to Lagos in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous city by a 40 year-old Liberian civil servant who did not know that he was infected.
Now, how it can affect you. First, the disease may take 2 weeks to show symptoms. Thus, a newly infected person could fly out of Western Africa (like previously mentioned) and into any of the world’s densely packed cities without ever knowing that he or she was infected. From there, the disease could spread rapidly and exponentially.
Also, not as well publicized on the news is that a jet carrying two infected Americans from West Africa will be returning to the United States so that the victims can receive care there. It is not certain where they will arrive, but the importance of the story is that we are importing an incurable disease into our country. Though the CDC has many incurable diseases they work on every day in the labs and there are numerous incurable diseases already in our country, do we need to risk the potential of having one more?
Indeed, the virus is just one plane ride away. Though the chances of a vast Ebola pandemic seems unlikely by in professional opinion, I must ask this one question: Are we prepared for the possibility of the next pandemic when it comes?
For a great medical/political thriller that projects the future of such an outbreak, please read the best selling novel, The New Reality.
US Economy Survives Despite Obama
As my liberal friends are bestowing their accolades upon Obama for the low national unemployment number of 6.1%, I pose to them one simple question: what has he done to help the economy? Despite their adoration of this Marxist, none have provided me a single bit of evidence that he has done a thing positive to turn around the economy.
They say it’s due to Obama’s success. But not one person can point to anything he’s passed or legislation he’s favored that helped American businesses grow. They says the unemployment number is improving due to Obama. I say it’s improving despite Obama.
The honest truth is that it is a true testament to American capitalism. Despite all that Obama has done to destroy the system, it survives. Despite his higher taxes, assault on both business and those that own them, the negative economic impact of Obamacare on businesses and the crashing dollar, the country continues to move on. Though wounded and now carrying the extra weight of hundreds of thousands of illegals who Obama willingly let jump on her back, she continues to survive.
After you break down the numbers, you realize that the labor force is at the lowest point it’s been since another liberal, Carter, was in office. The only thing fueling the pitiful increase in GDP is the over 9% increase in first quarter healthcare costs. American jobs are going overseas. Other countries are decreasing their investment in the United States and our country’s credit rating has dropped.
How much longer can the US economy handle further Obama attacks?
International Best Selling Medical/Political Thriller predicts outcome of Ebola-like pandemic in an economically bankrupt world.
Buy Copy at Amazon
Is it me or does anybody else feel as if our country is spiraling out of control? It seems that every week or even day, something new occurs that disappoints me with the Obama regime or the decisions made by it.
Recently, after separatists who appear to have received both the weapon to down a Malaysian passenger plane and training to use it directly from Russia, Obama failed to lead the nation or the world in the midst of this senseless act against humanity.
While the Russian leader is standing there with a smoking gun behind his back, Obama comes across as impotent as a 100 year old man after a prostatectomy. Why is Obama not fervently out there imploring our allies to levy meaningful sanctions or take a stance against Russian aggression? Instead, he’s on the campaign trail and not on Air Force One over in Europe steadfastly rallying our allies. The old Soviet era aggression that brought us to the brink of nuclear war has once again begun. Yet, he fails to understand the ongoing significance of Putin’s actions.
Even when Putin is clearly in the wrong, Obama fails to take advantage of the situation. Does Obama even know how to take advantage of the situation? As a community organizer an avid teleprompter reader, he’s obviously does not.
The problem can be summed up simply. Obama is a man not concerned about outcome. He is so entrusted in his left-wing Marist philosophies, he appears not to care if things are going horribly wrong in this country or abroad. As long as his beliefs are sound, it does not matter what the results.
Obama has singlehandedly let the red nation of Russia rise from the ashes it was sent to by President Reagan and allowed it to once again flex its world influence and power. He is a man who pulled defeat out of almost total victory. Russia was a nonentity until he came into power.
God save our country. With Obama at the helm, we’ll soon become a nonentity.