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Obama’s Father Wrote about Socialism – His father wrote a paper called “Problems With Our Socialism” that advocates 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land.
Obama’s Mother was a “Communist Sympathizer” – “Friends describe her as a “fellow traveler”, that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report.
Obama’s Parents Met in a Russian Class (Back then it was the Communist USSR)
Obama’s Teen Mentor was Frank Marshall Davis (a known Communist Party USA member)
Obama’s Brother Roy and Cousin Odinga are Marxists.
Obama Attended Socialist Conferences at Cooper Union
Obama Was Hand Picked by Alice Palmer to Succeed Her in the Illinois State Senate.
Obama’s Run for the Illinois State Senate was Launched by a Fundraiser Organized at Bill Ayers’ and Bernardine Dorhn’s Chicago Home.
Obama Had a Close Relationship with the “Anti-Capitalist” Group ACORN.
Obama Attended Several Meetings with the Democratic Socialists in Chicago and was even Endorsed by Them.
Obama Endorsed Openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.
Many Obama Supporters Idolize Che Guervara.
The Communist Party USA Endorsed Obama.
Obama was a member of Reverend Wright’s church
Obama revered Saul Alinsky

The Obama administration has been rocked by innumerable scandals, failures and displays of complete ineptness. However, one particular story has certainly not garnered the attention it certainly merits.
As Mexican and other illegals pour over our southern border as if it did not exist, our brave soldier Andrew Tahmooressi rots in a Mexican prison awaiting trial from a corrupt and unpredictable legal system. Today is day 101, and most of our country has just about forgotten our comrade in arms. I would like to say he is being held under due jurisdiction, but instead I say that he is being held hostage by an unfriendly nation.
While we openly welcome, transport and pay for the Mexicans who come illegally to our country, Mexico holds one of our soldiers hostage like a common thug in a prison that is unfit for even rats.
Where is the American outrage? Why has the president forsaken one of his own uniformed men while embracing thousands of illegal aliens braking the law to enter our country by the day? Worse yet, why when Obama recently spoke with the president of Mexico did he did not even speak of or insist upon his return? This act by Obama is completely disgraceful and typifies his attitude towards America, her citizens and her brave soldiers. He is as un-American as communism.
Let us all not forget about Andrew Tahmooressi and do everything we can through our congressman to bring him home now.

As our country’s financial debt grows to insurmountable levels, the devalued dollar becomes weaker by the day. As the dollar becomes more vulnerable, so does the American way of life and our prosperity and freedom.
Recently, Sergey Glaziev, Putin’s economy advisor, outlined a plan to rid the dollar from international trade and to stop using the dollar in their currency reserves. In a bid to help weaken the US economy, Russia plans to create a ruble-yuan swap deal in order to facilitate trade financing, thus eliminating the need for the use of the dollar.
Also, China has also branched out to South Korea and opened up a clearing bank in Soul for yuan transactions. With a goal to have a currency competitive with that if the dollar, South Korea is just the first of other Asian countries they plan increased use of the yuan.
Unfortunately, the timing of communist Russia and China’s financial moves are apropos with declining US economy. As confidence in the dollar decreases, inflation increases and as US currency is being printed nonstop, our financial institutions are in a vulnerable position.
No longer does the dollar hold the prestige it once had. No longer does the world use the term as sound as the dollar. We are now in the process of witnessing the world trying to make the dollar irrelevant. As the dollar becomes irrelevant, will the once great America falter in the same path.
Obama wanted to fundamentally change our country. He despised what we as a nation stand for set and out from the beginning to change our dominant position in the world and the quality of life here at home. Making the dollar obsolete will complete both of those goals, creating a mediocre United States ashamed of its past and with no means to change its future.
This is the Obama legacy.

This crisis at the southern US border continues to worsen as the federal government stands idly by, watching the law of the Constitution continue to be broken at the expense of the American taxpayer. Plus, as more and more illegals cross the border, military bases are becoming refugee camps, border agents are becoming babysitters and American citizens are becoming more scared.
Worse yet, the illegals are being granted more rights by Obama’s administration than us American citizens. For example, First Amendment rights have been revoked for hospital workers at the Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Forced by security forces known as “Brown Shirts” to remain silent about the influx of immigrants harboring highly contagious and potentially deadly diseases, they are mandated to vainly watch as these infected people are shipped, using public transportation in some instances, to their base. These “Brown Shirts”, not unlike the offshoot Hitler’s former infamous SS unit, strip workers at the base of cellphones or any other means of communication, forcing them into silence.
Also, smugglers are forcing ranchers and other American citizens to look the other way as they escort illegal immigrants through their federally taxed land. Instead of fending off this assault on our borders, Obama watches as American private property is invaded by a foreign army of illegal immigrants and her citizens are harassed by those conducting this covert action.
In addition, the federal government is shipping these immigrants all over the country, without regard to either local or state jurisdiction. What happened to our civil liberties? What happened to asking the American people for their consent? Some have attempted at times to stop this influx while others remain unprepared as busloads are illegally unloaded on their front doorsteps. Towns and hospitals are being inundated with these illegal immigrants all over the country. Plus, with a myriad of federal handouts, we, the American taxpayer, are paying for them.
As Obama worries about the borders of Iraq and Syria, our borders are under siege. Where are our rights as Americans? What is happening to our country? Before you know it, we will be a third world nation, subservient to the whim of China and Russia. Is this the legacy of the Obama administration?

The “War on Terror” was coined by President Bush, denied by Obama and fought for by our brave soldiers. However, as the Middle East burns and the rise of increased radical Islam groups like ISIS take hold, it seems that we are slowly losing it.
Historians will look back and put the blame on many people and reasons for the loss. However, as our gains in the Middle East seemingly become squandered, one must ask, “What are we doing wrong?”
Many can blame poor strategy, a denial of the problem, a misunderstanding of Arab culture or a true lack of a president who is willing to fight for what is right. However, the fact remains, the more people we kill or capture over there, the more new terrorists are created. It’s a never ending loop. But how do we stop it?
The answer is really simple and few are willing to stand up say what is needed. The media and government are unwilling to acknowledge the solution and those that speak the truth are demonized.
The answer is simple. Just like in all the wars from ancient times until today, there is one main thing necessary to wage it—Money. Without money, there is no supplies, food, ammunition, or any other goods needed to pursue it. Where does the money the terrorist use to impose their radical Islam ways upon the world?
The answer is oil. Without oil, they would have nothing but sticks, sand and rocks to fight our soldiers. Without oil, they would not have the means to mount any offensive or counteroffensive. Without money, they would have no followers.
Cut off the oil and you cut off the head of our enemy.
Thus, the answer is emergency independence, and I’m not writing about all Obama’s green Solyndra failures. I’m writing about fracking, drilling, and mining for natural gas.
We have more than the means necessary to win this war. However, we still rely on foreign oil. And the proceeds from that oil are used to kill our soldiers and harass civilized society. It is insane that no one will properly address this problem and do what is needed to correct it. Instead, we send more and more of our brave men and woman into battle.
History repeats itself. Remember the only way we beat the Dessert Fox, Rommel, in tank warfare. We took away his oil. If we did the same to the Middle East victory would be assured.
Cut off the snake’s head and the body dies!

Here’s a great list of Obama’s socialist quotes. And he’s our president?
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.”
“Generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties.”
“If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
“I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution…”
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
“…We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”
“It’s because you have an obligation to yourself. Because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation.”
“The great task before our founders was putting into practice the ideal that government could simultaneously serve liberty and advance the common good. and Government, he believed, had an important role to play in advancing our common prosperity.”
“Political discussions, the kind at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union”

Synopsis: In “The New Reality”, author Stephen Martino delivers an action-packed medical thriller in a heart-stopping race to save humanity. After a deadly retrovirus is inadvertently released upon the planet in 2080, no country is financially prepared to deal with such a disaster. Only the acclaimed neuroscientist, Alex Pella, and NIH expert, Marissa Ambrosia, have the audacity to lead a search for the cure while simultaneously fending off a foreign elite military unit sent to stop them. Guided by an ancient code concealed within the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the scientists must traverse ancient lands and attempt to solve a biblical riddle in order to save humanity from its eminent destruction. Drawing from both our nation s politically charged environment and the worldwide economic crisis, “The New Reality” follows Alex Pella on a journey that projects a frightening path for human existence in the twenty-first century.
Critique: With a storyline that could be ripped from tomorrow’s newspaper headlines, author Stephen Martino reveals an extraordinary ability for creating memorable characters embedded in a thrill ride of an adventure that will grip the reader’s total attention from first page to last. Attention Hollywood! This is the stuff of which block buster movies and ratings gold television series are made! Highly recommended for community library fiction collections and personal reading lists, it should be noted that “The New Reality” is also available in a Kindle edition ($7.49).
Small Press Bookwatch
Midwest Book Review
June 2014

While the Middle East burns, Russian power grows and China flexes its muscles, Obama’s domestic policies prove just as disastrous domestically as it does abroad. Higher taxes, a failed Obamacare program, increasing national debt and an unfriendly business environment have made the inevitable occur. The gross domestic product fell by 2.9 percent this first quarter as reported by the Commerce Department.
Though many in the government seem surprised by this number or even absurdly blame the weather for it, the facts show that consumer spending on goods, business outlays on equipment and housing investment were much lower than expected. Also, exports in the period fell by nearly 10%.
Economics say that in order for there to be a healthy economy and rise in GDP, consumer spending must grow at least 3% annually. However, they also point out that the high number of unemployed and underemployed Americans along with stagnant US incomes makes any growth difficult. Also, as Americans are burdened by higher taxes and a rise in the cost of living, the chance that spending will increase continues to diminish.
Unfortunately, this constriction of the US economy is a direct result of Obama’s failed policies. Higher taxes rates, greater government interference and more restrictive laws make the creation and growth of businesses in this country more difficult. As a result, both foreign and domestic investors are increasingly looking abroad for places to invest their money.
Can we survive a second Obama term?

The term Jumping the Shark was originally meant to describe when a television show had an episode or event whereby all shows afterwards declined in quality. This term has been expanded in the modern vernacular to take on a greater meaning. Now the term refers more broadly to any event or action whereby a person, business or other known entity begins to lose their credibility, quality or even relevance.
Last week, the Obama administration finally Jumped the Sharp. No, it did not occur with the NSA spying scandal, Benghazi scandal, Bergdahl scandal, the IRS scandal, the failed foreign policy, the rise in national debt beyond 17 trillion dollars or the vast expansion of government among other things. It actually occurred when 2 pivotal events happened over the last week.
First, when Lois Lerner’s and 7 of her colleagues’ emails were lost for a period of time that was under investigation, the jump came closer. The idea that the Obama administration thinks the American people are that stupid to believe 2 years of emails could be lost is completely absurd. The truth is that emails are stored on a server, the IRS has a multitude of backup systems, and emails are also saved by those receiving or responding to them. Thus, we should have quick and easy access to them. I would go into Lerner’s excuse, but it boggles the mind in stupidity.
Secondly, the administration finally Jumped the Shark and lost all of its remaining credibility when the patent office revoked the Redskin’s trademark name. This act was a blatant violation of personal property in the name of decency. What is scarier now is the government has set a precedent whereby they can take, however unlawful, private property at their own discretion. Now, no one’s property, business or possibly even earnings is safe from government confiscation.
The last shred of the Obama administration’s credibility has been lost. He has failed both abroad and domestically. As Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi rots in a Mexican prison, our debt rises, the Middle East burns, and Obama is on another vacation. It’s all downhill from here.

With deadly viruses, bacteria and fungi already prevalent and mutating throughout the United States and world, the potential for a possible outbreak like the influenza pandemic of 1917 is always present. Plus, when you realize that certain diseases such as the MERS virus in the Middle East and the Ebola virus in Africa are already causing havoc in those regions, one must wonder if any of these known or potentially unknown deadly diseases could take hold in this country. Worse yet, there is something scarier to consider: could we accidentally release one of these deadly diseases into the USA?
Though it sounds like science fiction (in fact, it is the basis of my medical/political thriller The New Reality), this possibility may be closer to fact than fiction. A recent incident at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) near Atlanta piqued my concern. It is well known that the CDC stores, evaluates and experiments upon some of the most deadly diseases in the world. One of these diseases is Anthrax—and no, not the rock band. If infected with this bacteria, a person could have gastrointestinal, skin and pulmonary symptoms, ultimately leading to death in most cases.
While working with anthrax at the CDC, scientists thought they adequately inactivated the bacteria. However, after transporting it to a few other labs within the CDC, it was discovered that the bacteria was not only not dead, but it had also aerosolized its deadly spores. 75 scientists were potentially contaminated as a result and subsequently began treatment in case they were infected.
Fortunately, no one receiving this antibiotic treatment has yet to show any signs of infection. However, the threat of potential future human errors still remains.