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The Obama administration has been rocked by innumerable scandals, failures and displays of complete ineptness. However, one particular story has certainly not garnered the attention it certainly merits.
As Mexican and other illegals pour over our southern border as if it did not exist, our brave soldier Andrew Tahmooressi rots in a Mexican prison awaiting trial from a corrupt and unpredictable legal system. Today is day 101, and most of our country has just about forgotten our comrade in arms. I would like to say he is being held under due jurisdiction, but instead I say that he is being held hostage by an unfriendly nation.
While we openly welcome, transport and pay for the Mexicans who come illegally to our country, Mexico holds one of our soldiers hostage like a common thug in a prison that is unfit for even rats.
Where is the American outrage? Why has the president forsaken one of his own uniformed men while embracing thousands of illegal aliens braking the law to enter our country by the day? Worse yet, why when Obama recently spoke with the president of Mexico did he did not even speak of or insist upon his return? This act by Obama is completely disgraceful and typifies his attitude towards America, her citizens and her brave soldiers. He is as un-American as communism.
Let us all not forget about Andrew Tahmooressi and do everything we can through our congressman to bring him home now.