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Though Obama talked big in the speech he read from his teleprompter last night, there remains one major concern about his new policy regarding ISIS: will he do what it takes to win the war?
It is a simple yet appropriate question. As recent history clearly teaches us, bombing alone certainly does not equate to military success. Just look at Shock and Awe or our bombing campaign in Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Boots on the ground wins wars. Air superiority helps ensure victory.
What scares me the most is the thought of how many American young men and woman will possibly die as a result of his incompetence and lack of decisive action. As ISIS grows stronger and larger, Obama stands impotent against making a decisive move before the midterm elections. While he procrastinates, ISIS gets stronger, better supplied and gains more recruits. Americans will die in the long run as Obama plays politics now. He cares more about his own political agenda than he does for the military men and women who will eventually risk their lives fixing his mistakes.
Unfortunately, Obama is not the man to lead America to victory. He is a weak leader without the capability to create an effective coalition. Our enemy understands this it emboldens them. Victory will thus never be ensured as long as Obama remains in the oval office.
Vice President Joe Biden’s recent speech with regard to the ISIS threat could be at best considered amusing. Devoid of any validity or plan, the long-winded diatribe did little to inform the American public or the world of the USA’s military intentions or outline a coherent plan of attack. Instead, Joe Biden stood on stage and beat his chest and flexed his proverbial muscles with little to substantiate such boasts.
“They should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. Because hell is where they will reside. Hell is where they will reside.”
The vice president’s worlds were devoid of any true content or intentions. As the midterm elections approach, he and the president have made little to no commitment to actually drive ISIS to the gates of hell. In fact, the bombing have only prove to be a minor stumbling block to ISIS’s goal of creating a great Middle Eastern Caliphate.
Too afraid to do anything before November, the Obama administration is left impotent, unable to make a decisive military decision or take proper action. Opposite to that of former President Theodore Roosevelt’s mantra. “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” Biden and Obama speak loudly and carry a proverbial small stick.
The whole ISIS problem began because of premature withdrawal of troops from the Middle East. As Obama broadcasted our exit policy and date, ISIS sat back and waited for the troops to leave. In 2007 President George Bush predicted this entire scenario:“[It] would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.”
While Obama and Biden play politics, people die and the Middle East deteriorates. Churches burn, innocents are killed, and the entire area becomes more unstable. The gates of hell is the Middle East and we’ve opened them.
I wrote this blog entry to set the record straight. With all references to God being eradicated by the day by our government, I am here to inform everyone reading this blog that that the jurisdiction or intent for these actions never originated from our Founding Fathers.
Many state that the Constitution mandates a separation of “church and state”. However, anyone who has ever read the Constitution will quickly realize that this phrase is nowhere to be found in it. Though it’s quoted all the time, there is no reference anywhere as to its authenticity! Basically, it was never said or even written.
Some point to Amendment 1 which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
However, when you actually read it, there is no reference to the separation of church and state. Thus, where did this erroneous idea originate?
Bethany Blankley form the Christian Post sums it up rather nicely:
The U.S. Supreme Court first cited the phrase, “wall of separation between church and state,” in 1947 (Everson v. Board of Educ. of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1, 15-16) from a well-known concept expressed by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.
While the Supreme Court did rule that a “wall of separation between church and state” exists, they did so based upon seven words from one personal letter rather than from the Constitution. As a result, the Supreme Court created an erroneous precedent, ruling that law could be created from a personal letter instead of the Constitution.
Even if a letter was a law in the United States, the Supreme Court misinterpreted what Jefferson wrote. It, like most people, make judgments about facts and/or statements by taking a text out of context, thereby redefining the original meaning of the text.
During this time, the Baptists’ primary concern was if the government granted rights to freely express religious beliefs, it could also regulate or eliminate these rights.
In summary, the crux of the message was that government had to business in interfering with religion, and that all religious freedoms could only be granted by God and not the government.
Plus the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson signed, echoed these sentiments exactly:
…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…
The point can be made no clearer than the above words in our Declaration of Independence. The function of government is not meant to grant any religious rights to people but to ensure that these God given rights are protected. It is the entire basis of this document and of our entire government. Thus, to remove all religion or belief in God from our government would be like removing all meaning from our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Many ask how our country got to where it is today. The bottom line is that without God there is no Constitution. And without the Constitution we have become a soulless society devoid of morality, lawless and corrupt.
The political agenda of Obama and the media has become irrefutable in the past few weeks. As all doubts begin to dwindle with regard to the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, the true socialistic, if not communistic, goals of the Obama party have clearly shown their face.
First, no representative from the White House was sent to James Foley’s funeral while their top brass were sent to Michael Brown funeral–who irrefutably was a thief and attacked a cop. Plus, Obama himself attempted to prevent the release of Brown robbing the convenience store and manhandling the 100 pound clerk.
However, no news was reported by the MSS or garnered any of Obama’s attention when an unarmed, young white man, Dillon Taylor, was shot by a black cop outside a 7/11 in South Salt Lake. Plus, no outcry was heard when 7 black men brutally beat a white marine into a coma.
The bottom line is that All 3 stories should receive equal press and equal disgust. None should be singled out as part of a political agenda.
People don’t understand, this is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the deplorable record of the Obama administration and divert our attention from the most pertinent problems we face: ISIS, the Obama political scandals, the VA crisis, the abject failure of Obamacare, the fall of our southern border, Obama’s failed foreign policy, the rise of China and Russia and the list can go on ad nausea.
The USA and world are on the verge of a major catastrophe. Instead of addressing these problems, Obama will be fundraising, golfing, promoting his social agenda and ignoring the issues at hand. His goal was to fundamentally change our country into an average nation as retribution for our perceived evils committed in the past. By destroying our Constitution, reputation and economy, he is doing just that!
As the Ebola virus reaches pandemic proportions and spreads outside of Africa, one must ask if this disease will cause worldwide havoc like the Influenza viral outbreak of 1917. One must also ask if such a global pandemic was predicted in The Old Testament, Torah or even the Book of Revelation.
The New Reality explores these possibilities and also predicts the political, social and economic ramifications of such a biblical plague. As the world dives deeper into crippling debt, the United States’ healthcare system begins to disintegrate, and our government engages in greater militaristic actions and invades our personal freedoms, are we at a critical turning point whereby a viral outbreak such as Ebola irrevocable change life as we know it on earth?
Buy your copy of The New Reality which goes on sale as the Kindle Daily Deal on September 4, 2014.
America not only needs a leader but also deserves one also. A true leader puts those they lead’s needs before their own. A leader stands up to the challenges set before them and faces it with dignity and determination.
Unfortunately, a large void has been created due to the incompetence of the Obama administration. As our president plays golf, our country and the world burns without direction:
-Churches are set aflame in the Middle East
-China and Russia taunt us with their fighter planes
-An American journalist is beheaded
-ISIS is forming a Caliphate in The Middle East
-Our marine is still in a Mexican prison
-Our southern border has fallen
-An American General is assassinated
-The VA remains in shambles
-The administration is plague by scandals: VA, NSA, IRS, and Benghazi
-The debt has increased 8 trillion dollars
-S&P downgrades US credit rating
-The dollar is in rapid decline
-The world looks for a new global currency
-The US workforce is at an all-time lowest since Jimmy Carter
-Government subsidies high skyrocketed
-Obamacare is a proven failure and mass waste of money
-Foreign countries are declining to in invest in US because of highest tax rates
Where are we are our next generation of American headed. There has been no forward progress made by Obama. We are set to self-destruct. God save our country!
This blog post was banned from the web! If you are a blogger, try typing it in yourself. The web instantly denies it. I needed to scan it in an order to post it! Though nothing in the is inflammatory, I guess the web finds the truth to be offensive. Please read and sent to as many people as possible.
It seems as if the Obama administration the world’s media has turned a blind eye to the Christian and Jewish tragedies occurring all throughout the world. Recent conflicts have highlighted both their disinterest and lack of regard for these religions.
Recently, the Islamic State, the jihadist group formerly known as ISIS, has taken over the entire northern area of Iraq—an area with a high Christian population. More than 200,000 Christians have been forced to flee their homes. Those remaining are killed or imprisoned.
In the wake of the Islamic State’s onslaught, Christian churches are being burnt down or occupied, thousands of manuscripts are being destroyed, and crosses are being defamed. Likewise, many homes and the remaining churches are being labeled with the letter “Noon”, the first letter of the word “Nasara” which means Christian in the Koran. If it sound similar to what happened to the homes, places of worship and the businesses of the Jews in Nazi Germany, it should. Just like the Star of David or the word Juden, these places a being defamed with the letter “Noon”.
Also, do not forget how the Christian community was treated by the Muslim Brotherhood when they took control over Egypt. Like the Islamic State, they defamed the Christians and religion with the same disregard.
Plus, as the world watched as Hamas sets out to kill every Jew in Israel, the media and Obama administration remain luke warm on the subject. Secretary Kerry has disgraced our country with the handling of the situation, and Obama only came out in the end to condemn Hamas because popular support for Israel demanded such an action.
Though I am not a conspiracy theorist, it almost seems as if the Obama wants to tear down the Judeo-Christian religions and all its morals and ethics—the same morals and ethics that built our great nation and all of Western society. Thus, Obama is letting Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the media do his dirty work. In order for him to fundamentally change our nation, he needs to fundamentally change our value system. By dismantling the Judeo-Christian religion, he sees his path in creating a new world order easier. Though it sounds farfetched, the facts do speak for themselves.