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Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Review
Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common nerve entrapment syndrome in the body occurring with an incidence of 24.7 cases per 100,000 persons per year (Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2015 Jan; 112(1-2): 14–26), second only to carpal tunnel syndrome. It occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes injured or irritated on the inside aspect of the elbow (funny bone) through compression, stretching, or other traumatic insult. In this area of the elbow, the nerve is relatively unprotected between the bone and the skin in an anatomical space named the cubital tunnel.
Symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome can be insidious in nature or more abrupt if it occurs after some traumatic event to the elbow or nerve. Symptoms usually begin with numbness or tingling in the pinky and ring finger and can extend up the forearm. Sleeping on the elbow, leaning the elbow on a chair or desk, or any acute or repetitive injury to the elbow can initiate or make the symptoms worsen. If the condition progresses, a person may have weakness and clumsiness of the hand, muscle wasting in the hand, or have a hand deformity known as “ulnar claw hand”.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is most common in people who have jobs where their elbow is bent most of the day, where they are leaning on their elbow most of the day, or where there could be any repetitive injury to the elbow during the day. Also, recreational activities like playing a musical instrument (guitar) or participating in certain sports (golf or tennis) can increase the risk of acquiring an injury to the ulnar nerve.
The most effective treatment, especially in the earlier stages, is to avoid the cause of the symptoms if possible. Sleeping differently, not leaning on the elbow at work, or avoidance of certain recreational activities may help alleviate the problem. Also, certain elbow braces which decompress the elbow area where the ulnar nerve is located or braces that inhibited bending of the elbow have proven efficacious for this condition ( L3762). Plus, some find improvement through physical therapy.
However, if the cubital tunnel symptoms progress despite conservative measures, more aggressive treatment options are available. Steroid injections into the cubital tunnel itself or surgery may be possible options. With surgery, the nerve in the region of the elbow is explored and any compressive tissues that may be aggravating the area.
*Surgical Area Exploration During Surgery
Not only can there be the afore mentioned physical ailments from cubital tunnel syndrome, but it can also lead to work loss and disability. Musculoskeletal disorders including cubital tunnel syndrome are one of the most common work-related diseases. Work. 2015;51(4):635-44. It is estimated that cubital tunnel syndrome occurs at an annual incidence 0.8% per person-year in laborers doing repetitive work activities. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2004 Jun;30(3):234-40. Plus, the mean wage replacement and medical benefits paid per case on average $19,100 and $15,200, respectively. Am J Ind Med. 2010 Dec; 53(12):1242-51.
In the end, the best defense against cubital tunnel syndrome is knowledge. Understanding the causes of this condition and treatment options enable cubital tunnel to be treated early and more easily. Avoidance of certain activities and specific bracing of the elbow can help avoid long term weakness, discomfort, and even work loss.
As a physician, I would highly recommend the Lonnie Brace for both cubital tunnel problems or tennis elbow. Its unique design decompresses and speeds up recovery of an injury to the ulnar nerve or elbow. Plus, it has a removable hinge to limit elbow mobility if required. It is also recognized by DME and has an L Code (3762) for billing:
Many Americans are truly frustrated with what’s going on in Washington. Between the rise of ISIS, outsourcing of jobs, massive rise in illegal immigration, growth of government, declining American workforce participation, the squeezing out of the middle class, decline in Western values, and an out of control president among others, many are fed up with Washington. Plus, those representatives we vote into office do little, if anything at all, to change the status quo, leaving many disenfranchised and disguised.
However, all I can think of during these grim times are those 5 million ( ) presumed conservatives who did not vote for Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential election. If they only turned out on that election day, would America be different today without the socialist American-hating president we have in office right now? Would our future and the future prosperity of further American generations be in such dire jeopardy as it is currently?
Think of the disaster now. Can you only imagine what irreparable consequences would ensue if Satan herself gets into office? Her domestic policies, Supreme Court nominees, deficit spending, increased size of government, and failed foreign policies would destroy the country. We cannot allow that to happen!
Not voting in this 2016 election year is like nailing the proverbial coffin lid over the USA. Just because you believe Trump, like Romney or even McCain, is not the perfect Republican candidate for the office by no means justifies not voting this November.
There is no perfect candidate nor will there ever be one. Waiting for President Reagan to be reincarnated is simply not an option. Those conservatives who chose not to vote more palatable than casting a ballot for Trump are doing just as much harm as any Hillary supporter. This passive aggressive attitude will prove nothing, and nothing positive will come out of it. This philosophy lead to another disastrous 4 year Obama debacle. The country, if not the world, needs your vote. You owe it to the USA do the right thing and cast your ballot for Trump. Leave your pride at the door and bring your brain and heart into the voting booth. Make America great again and do the right thing.
Vote Trump!
After almost 8 years of an Obama administration, what message has he sent to the American people about themselves and their role in the world. I’ve made a short list of how Obama and the liberal media want you to feel as an American:
1. Like a second class citizen
2. Ashamed of our heritage
3. Ashamed of the Founding Fathers
4. Like America does not matter any longer, and the notion of a nation state is an outdated relic
5. That we should put our needs second before the world’s
6. Our Judeo-Christian values a bigoted and should be thrown away
7. That we should all play the role of a victim
8. America has done much evil in the world
9. Our money and hard work means nothing
10. We owe the world something
11. Our NATO allies are evil colonialist and we should mow befriend countries like Iran
12. We are too weak to stand up to aggression by the Chinese, Russians or North Koreans
13. Our military is evil and should be downsized
14. Capitalism is evil
Donald Trumps’ foreign policy speech on 4/27/16 was a major turning point in the USA’s stance on both herself and the world. First of all, it was completely refreshing to hear Trump trumpet America First and embrace Western culture. For the first time in a while being an American and embracing Western immigrant/Judeo-Christian values felt really good. Between both Obama and the media berating us every day about our heritage, our beliefs, our religion, and our history, it was rejuvenating to hear Trump speak of America and her accomplishment with pride! Just because they hate America does not mean I must also!
Over the past 8 years, you were called a xenophobe, racist, bigot, or nativist for doing such a thing. We should feel good about being an American and all that we bring and have brought to the world. We should embrace not only our rich heritage but also look forward to our prosperous future. Obama has attempted to take that all away from us. No longer. There will be a new sheriff in town soon!
How many times now must we look at our national flag flying at half-mast, lamenting over a recent tragedy? It almost seems as if it flies in this position permanently. With atrocities being committed against Christian, helpless civilians, and other minorities occurring by the day, it has become commonplace to turn on the news and hear of some horrible incident. With the recent bombing of Pakistani Christians, mostly woman and children, in a park after Easter mass, the bashing of the nuns’ skulls in Yemen, the priest crucified in Yemen, or just another bombing or mass shooting, we are almost becoming numb to the constant atrocities.
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines “genocide” as killing and certain acts “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Isn’t this exactly what is occurring to Christians and other minorities in The Middle East? ISIS’ magazine, Dabiq, calls on the destruction of the “Crusader army”. Plus, their videos encourage the killing of priests and Christians. Their plan is to eradicate Catholicism from its birthplace in The Middle East and destroy our entire Western civilization.
I am pleased to be a member of The Knights of Columbus. As Obama had laid a deaf ear to all Christians in The Middle East, The Knights provided the State Department with a nearly 300-page report filled with compelling evidence that genocide is occurring against Christians as well as other religious minorities. These atrocities included assassinations of Church leaders, mass murders and deportations, torture, kidnapping for ransom, sexual enslavement and systematic rape of girls and women, forcible conversions to Islam, and destruction of Christian churches, monasteries, cemeteries, and artifacts.
After much work by The Knights’ CEO Carl Anderson and other members, Secretary of State, John Kerry, finally declared that ISIS (or as he foolishly says Daesh) is committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis and Shiite Muslims. However, this is only the first step. Unfortunately, this condemnation does nothing to solve the problem. He declared what most of us knew for over a year. Plus, his words ring hallow as there is no action behind them. At this point you must ask yourselves, is this the new norm? Will we just accept what is occurring and issue idle warnings to our enemies, paint a picture over our Facebook picture, hashtag the atrocities in disgust, and lower our flags to half-mast? Is appeasement and apathy the new norm? Well, it seems that is the society we live in now.
Fueled by political correctness, secularism, and an American President with un-American values, we are now reaching a critical point in humanity’s history. Will we revert back to 9th century barbarism or fight to restore our Liberty and our future generations’ safety. It is the question we must all ask ourselves right now. Those that do not answer it are letting the terrorists win. Those that are apathetic are letting the terrorists win. Don’t stand idly by. Talk to your Congressman. Support organizations like The Knights. Let your voice be heard before it’s too late!
As people flew down to the annual American Enterprise Institute (AEI) meeting on a private island off the coast of Georgia, it reminded me of a who’s who list of the rich and powerful. The leaders of the Republican party included Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Karl Rove among others bellied up with the richest of the rich including Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Before continuing, I must ask is this entire meeting a slap in the face of every legal American in this country? Is this what our forefathers envisioned? The answer is a resounding no! If the Republican elite had any respect for the American voter and their populist choice, shouldn’t they be supporting Trump or possibly Cruz instead of hobnobbing with those with the largest pockets? It only proves who really has the ear of our elected Republicans in office. Clearly it is not the working man or woman of this great country.
Those at the AEI meeting unmistakably understand one simple fact—that Donald Trump or possibly is a viable threat to their borderless, cheap labor, big business, world economy agenda propagated by the minions of sheep they have financed to win seats in both the Legislative and Executive branches of our country. And who is the biggest, sellout sheep they are prodding along like a mindless puppet influenced by desires of power and money? It’s none other than our prior Tea Party Golden Boy Marco Rubio. Remember Rubio entered the Senate preaching the Tea Party doctrine which is as follows:
1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.
Despite The Tea Party fighting for Marco Rubio’s entrance into the Senate, Rubio has displayed where is his true allegiance lies—not to the Tea Party members or the working American citizen but instead to big business and the global elite. The disastrous Gang of Eight of bill, his no show vote for the 1.1 Trillion dollar Omibus bill which funded Obama’s agenda and big business interests, his support for illegal immigrant and unfettered immigration, and his denouncing public broadband while promoting the interests of AT&T all clearly show where his interests lie—BIG Business.
Unfortunate for the American citizen, Rubio continues to do the bidding of the financial elite. Just ask yourself, is there any reason he is still in the race? Real Clear Politics have his numbers almost 25 points below Trump in some Florida polls. Plus, the irony is, this is the only state left that he has any chance in winning. So why is he still running when there is absolutely no path for evident path for him to the White House and remaining in the race will only continue to make him look stupid?
The answer is that he is propped by the financial elite like a mindless puppet just waiting to do their bidding, no matter what the consequences. If Trump or Cruz do not achieve the magic 1237 delegates needed, the convention could become contested, whereby all the delegates become “free agents” able to vote for whomever they please. It is the same reason Kasich remains in the race. In a contested convention, outliers like Rubio, Kasich or even Romney could possibly be ushered in as the Republican nominee if the majority of delegated vote for them—despite popular support. If that happens, the only people who will win are the financial elite while leaving the vast majority of American voters disenfranchised, at the mercy of big business, and without any say in government.
Many people criticize Senator Cruz as being a junior Senator or sarcastically ask what has he accomplished. Unlike Obama who only achieved the title of a failed community organizer, Senator Cruz does have an imposing resume that he has earned prior to running for the highest office on the land. I’d like to thank Young Conservatives for their help creating the following list:
1. Former Law Professor described him as “Brilliant”
2. Served a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist
3. Served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008
4. Partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice
5. Authored over 80 SCOTUS briefs and presented over 40 oral arguments before The Court
6. In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz assembled a coalition of 31 states in defense of the principle that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms
7. Presented oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
8. Defended the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds
9. Defended the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools
10. Defended the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States
11. Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush Cheney campaign
12. Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation
13. Defeated Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who was heavily favored and backed by the DC old-guard GOP
14. Defeated Democrat Paul Sadler in the general election
15. Described as superb Constitutional Lawyer
16. AWARDS: “America’s Leading Lawyers for Business,” Chambers USA (2009 & 2010) “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America,” National Law Journal (2008) “25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century,” Texas Lawyer (2010) “20 Young Hispanic Americans on the Rise,” Newsweek (1999) Traphagen Distinguished Alumnus, Harvard Law School
17. Appointed vice-chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee
18. Sponsored ObamaCare Repeal Act
19. Sponsored legislation to prohibit use of drones from killing citizens of the United States within the United
20. Sponsored legislation to Disarm Criminals and Protect Communities Act
21. Sponsored legislation the Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act
22. Sponsored legislation to Defund Obamacare Act of 2013
23. Sponsored a bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office
24. Sponsored a bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards of up to $5,000,000 for information regarding the attacks on the United States diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya that began on September 11, 2012
25. Sponsored the State Marriage Defense Act of 2014
26. Sponsored a bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the intentional discrimination of a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service
27. Sponsored a bill to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities
28. Sponsored American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014
29. Sponsored a bill to deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests
30. Sponsored SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014
31. Sponsored Free All Speech Act of 2014
32. Sponsored Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Suspension Act of 2014
33. Sponsored a bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards totaling up to $5,000,000 for information on the kidnapping and murder of Naftali Fraenkel, a dual United States-Israeli citizen, that began on June 12, 2014
34. Sponsored a bill to prevent the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unlawfully created by Executive memorandum on August 15, 2012
35. Sponsored Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act of 2014
36. Sponsored the Expatriate Terrorists Act
37. Sponsored Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014
It is important to scrutinize any candidate’s resume if he or she runs for president. It not only tells their character but also offers insight into what type of person they will be in the oval office. The above resume is one of integrity, conservative values, and overall excellence. Few if any politicians can boast the same.
The Final Reality was just named a semifinalist in a prestigious, international sci-fi writing contest held by the Chanticleer International Book Awards!
Their Cygnus Book Awards recognizes emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Science Fiction, Steampunk, Alternative History, and Speculative Fiction. The Cygnus Awards is a genre division of Chanticleer International Book Awards and Novel Competitions (The CIBAs).
The Annual 2018 Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Awards has already recognized The Final Reality by Stephen Martino, in the category of Adult Fiction-Genre: Sci-Fi and Fantasy, as a Gold Medal Winner.
Click Picture to Buy Newest Sci-Fi Political Thriller:
In the high-octane conclusion of the Alex Pella novels, the brilliant doctor and inventor finds himself racing against the unstoppable ambition of Jules Windsor who now leads The New Reality. When Jules begins to uncover the powerful, long-forgotten technology behind the world’s massive megalithic structures, he sets into motion the same cascade of events that once destroyed the ancient civilization that built them. As the planet heads toward an apocalyptical upheaval not seen since biblical times, Alex and his team know they must stop Jules—and The New Reality—once and for all.
How Capitalism Saved Thanksgiving
A recent event made me recall the history of the Plymouth colony’s survival in the new world of North America. Let me first recant the true story of Plymouth, Massachusetts in the 1620’s as written by then Governor William Bradford in Of Plymouth Plantation.
After the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, they enjoyed their first harvest of corn in 1621 and had a feast at that time to celebrate the occasion. Today, we remember this event as Thanksgiving Day. However, that is where the story ends in most text books and the real story begins.
When the Plymouth colony began, it was based upon a communal farming system whereby nobody owned the land and all farming duties were shared equally by the male colonist. However, by 1623, Governor Bradford realized this agrarian utopia as later envision by Lenin, Marx, Obama, and Sanders was a complete failure and the colony was starving as a result. Just like in Jamestown, there was not enough food to sustain the townspeople through the cold winter. It was not until Governor Bradford decided to divide the land into parcels and distribute them to each family that Plymouth became a sustainable colony. This capitalistic change marked a discernable divergence from its unsuccessful socialistic/communistic beginnings.
Once the last was distributed into the hands of its citizens, crops became plentiful. Those men who previously feigned sickness and injury not to work were now toiling the fields with as much stamina as their neighbor. The real lesson learned here is that incentive creates initiative. On the other hand, when incentive is lost, so is initiative and work degrades to the lowest common denominator.
This example plays out time and time again over history and is a warning for those who want to embrace the policies of Chavez in Venezuela or Marx in Russia. Recently, here in the North East there was a large (for this area at least) snow storm. Though the US postal office delivered the mail, the mailman refused to reach out past a certain distance while in the truck to place the mail in the mailbox. As a result, we did not receive mail for days, not understanding why it was not being delivered. I had shoved out the driveway and even the mailbox. The problem was that since the mailman had to reach over some snow to deliver the mail, he decided to hold onto it instead.
However, during this same time, I had UPS packages delivered. The delivery man actually ran through almost 2 feet of snow just to bring the package to my doorstep. Even though the driveway was shoveled to the garage, the package ended up on my door step. This example is the difference between a public verses a private business. If you are thinking of voting for Sanders, Clinton, or any RINO republicans such as Kasich or Rubio, keep this little history lesson in mind.
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