Healthcare Systems Going Bust
There is a growing and disturbing trend occurring now across the country as Obamacare implementation takes hold. It is like a domino effect that will eventually lead to both the disembodiment of our healthcare system and its eventual economic collapse. With Medicare reimbursements declining, uninsured patients rising, and high Obamacare deductibles going unpaid, hospitals are hanging on for dear financial life.
I’ll go further into some basic economics but first one of the scary trends going on in medicine is that hospitals are laying off employees. About 250 Crozer-Keystone Health System employees, including physicians and managers, were laid recently following the announcement that the health system has lost almost $16 million in the last seven months, according to system officials. This statistic may seem almost unbelievable or just to be an anomaly, but the truth is that most hospitals are watching their profits disappear.
You may ask how is that possible. Even on the Mike Church show, he was talking about the greed of the hospitals and some physicians. The simple truth is that because a large portion of patients entering a hospital are elderly and on Medicare and due to significant Medicare reimbursement cuts, an inpatient admission for a Medicare recipient is a money losing endeavor the the hospital. Plus, if the Medicare patient returns for any reason within 30 days, the hospital does not get paid for that admission.
Secondly, there has been a definite rise in the uninsured patient. Whether they are illegal aliens or just people down on their luck because of the bad economy, the numbers are rising. Again, the hospital ends up losing money for each of their admissions. Lastly, with the initiation of Obamacare, the hospitals are collecting even less. Because of the high deductibles, patients with this insurance are unable to pay for their hospital bill, creating another loss in the hospital’s overall revenue.
Taken together, hopefully you understand why we are now witnessing hospitals either going bankrupt or having massive layoffs. It’s not because the business isn’t there. As the population grows older, there is in fact a greater need for both hospitals and physicians. However, in a few years, will there be any physicians or hospitals left to take care of anybody?
Unfortunately, Friday rolled around again, and the Obama White House let out further disappointing news. No, they are not doing something incredibly stupid like the Carter administration and giving up the Panama Canal. Instead, they are doing something stupider—they are giving up American control of the internet to the world.
First of all, what agency in the world is now set to oversee the internet? Is it the New World order? Is it the UN? Could it be a band of international bankers? The truth is, we don’t know and no agency has yet has been established. Where is the common sense in this move?
PAT BUCHANAN: It’s very negative. I think you’re transferring the custody of this immensely important function from the United States to an international community which is susceptible to and could cave in to pressures—from places like China and others in terms of what they do. I think, far better that the United States do it themselves. I agree with Mike Huckabee. They made mistakes with NSA but you don’t do it because of that out of guilt.
When you consider the problem with giving up the internet to the national community, one cannot help but wonder how other countries without a First Amendment will respond. China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and recently Turkey are all prime examples of nations already mandating strict censorship over the internet. If one world body controls the World Wide Web, there obviously will be some compromise as to its content—and unfortunately, that compromise will come at the expense of our First Amendment. There would be no other way for a United States to work with the previously mentioned countries if this outcome did not occur.
So the question thus arises: Why would the US give up control over the internet? Some blame Snowden, and state Obama is doing it to appease the national community. However, I think, and this is only conjecture, that Obama and his administration have much more loftier goals than simple appeasement.
I believe that Obama is giving up the internet to the international community to ensure censorship on the US internet. Yes, as strange as it sounds, it is a valid theory. Ever since Obama took office, he has been discrediting conservative blogs and all internet means of distributing conservative views. Time and time again, he publically trashes them in his speeches and implores Americans not to listen to them.
Obviously, with our First Amendment, he cannot directly censor the internet. Instead, he can have the international community do it without getting his hands dirty. It is both a convenient and simple solution. Honestly, with all that has been going on for the last few years at the Obama administration, I’m surprised no one else thought of this theory fist.
It’s an Uphill Battle

£1.2 billion debts to their country are paid in full. This threat carries high stakes for Europe, a continent that relies heavily on Russian natural gas. Previous declines in exportation of Russian natural gas in 2006 and 2009 endangered European national grids and caused sharp rises in prices.
Labor Force Lowest in 35 Years

Say what you may about the former governor, but she is looks like Nostradamus himself this week. If you remember, she warned us about the consequences of a weak Obama presidency, and now one of her predictions (among others) is coming true.
She certainly foresaw, along with Governor Romney, the threat of an economically rejuvenated Russia, led by an iron-fist ruler. Remember, Putin was an ex-KGB member and has a heart as cold as a Siberian winter. Men like this are not to be taken lightly.
As the Middle East burns, our threats on Syria have been discounted, our military has become decimated and our economy is heading towards economic ruins, Putin knew that now was the prime opportunity for him to take a decisive, military action. Plus, with a community organizer as a president and a man without any inward conviction, he knew that Obama would proved to be a laughable opponent.
In fact, Putin immediately scoffed off Obama’s weak threats by invading the Ukraine without hesitation. Though Obama demands a Russian retreat and calls the act of aggression a breach of international law, Putin scoffs off his threats easier than he does snow from his boots.
And what are the “consequences” Obama threatened Putin with…economic isolation? Apparently, this means nothing to Putin as they can trade with China and continue selling their natural gas without much interference.
Unfortunately Obama, and now the United States, is stuck again with another Obama foreign policy debacle. Just like with Syria, Obama has made both Washington and our country look both incompetent and foolish. I’m almost afraid now to ask what else she has predicted from a further Obama administration.
Whats’ the Difference?

Though comical, this picture adeptly sums up the feeling that is emanating from Washington. Class warfare has begun. Not unlike that seen with the Russian revolution, class warfare has taken center stage. No longer is it taught or shown in the media that hard work is a positive thing. Instead, we are told wealth is bad, working hard only oppresses others and that too much success is too bad.
Are these the messages we want our kids exposed to? Are these the messages that will make our country continue to grow and prosper? When you watch TV, read the paper or hear anything coming out of Washington, just think of this picture and things will become much clearer.
Stop Taking Away Our Jobs

I am not writing this blog to argue with what is called a “Living Wage” nor am I here to adamantly say no to any increase in a minimum wage. What I wish only to do is to make a point of how “good” intentions of the government never turn out good.
This point almost seems contradictory. As a Christian, I understand that increasing the minimum wage would mean more money for the employees. Altruistically, it seems fantastic. However, pragmatically, it has the potential to be counterproductive.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office came out this week and said that the plan by President Obama and fellow Democrats to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would cost roughly 500,000 jobs but increase wages for roughly 16.5 million Americans. What makes matters worse is that the CBO analysts said their estimate of employment losses was approximate. They said the actual impact could range from a very slight employment reduction to a loss of one million workers.
“While helping some, mandating higher wages has real costs, including fewer people working,” said a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. “With unemployment Americans’ top concern, our focus should be creating — not destroying — jobs for those who need them most.”
Though I agree with an increase in minimum wage, now does not seem to be the time. The Obama administration believes that increased wage would decrease the poverty level. However, an astute analysis of the numbers clearly shows that most of those under the poverty level are unemployed. Thus, by destroying more jobs, this number is bound only to rise. Simply put, it’s a totally nearsighted Obama plan with yet again far reaching negative, economic consequences.
If the government really cared about business, they would instead create economic incentives for companies that would entice them to increase their minimum wage. There could be tax brakes, savings initiatives or tax credits that would make raising employee’s both attractive and economically solvent. It is simple math. However, the government, unlike private businesses, does not understand the bottom line. They base their economic decisions on philosophy and ideology instead of hard economic truths. And now you understand why we are over 17 trillion dollars in the hole.
Why I Like the Tea Party

2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.