IT Образование

Самостоятельно Учить Языки И Глубже Понимать Текст Зачем Читать В Параллельном Переводе? Хабр

А саморазвитие во всех направлениях, безусловно, откроет новые возможности для стабильного и высокого заработка. Тренинги, психологические техники позволяют укрепить характер, учат добиваться поставленных целей и ведут к неизбежному успеху. Его жизненная философия проста — необходимо научиться искусству пофигизма. Книга Хэла Элрода делает и то, и другое — и быстрее, чем вы можете себе представить.

Находите время и для чтения, и для вебинаров, и для курсов. Чужое мнение не влияет на его решения и выбор. А такая личность непременно добьётся успеха во всех сферах жизни. Кроме того, вы увидите, как сократились ваши расходы. А значит, материальная сфера также будет затронута. Образовавшееся свободное время придётся чем-то заполнить.

  • Больше говорите с незнакомцами, запишитесь на курсы ораторского мастерства.
  • Чтобы двигаться к цели и действовать, необходима мотивация.
  • Человек может самостоятельно выбрать предпочтительную сферу для развития или работать над улучшением всех вышеперечисленных составляющих одновременно.
  • Неотъемлемой частью этого процесса, как считается, является культивирование креативности и самовыражения.
  • Развивайте такое полезное качество, как уверенность в себе и своих силах.

Не секрет, что интернет затягивает в свои сети и часами не хочет отпускать. Разделите посещаемость интернета и социальных сетей на необходимость и безделье. Например, отделите часы для работы там, сократив до минимума бесцельное зависание во всемирной паутине.

Страх Перемен

Выпишите на листе бумаги все сферы саморазвития, перечисленные в нашей статье или скачайте и распечатайте чек-лист с оценкой сфер. Затем проставьте рядом с ними баллы от 0 до 5, где zero — это «не знаю ничего», а 5 — «очень хорошо разбираюсь». Если не научиться правильно воспринимать критику, саморазвитие не даст ничего, кроме стресса и низкой самооценки. Извлекайте из критики пользу, если она конструктивна, в других случаях — не принимайте замечания близко к сердцу. Эти простые действия, позволят эффективно использовать ваш временной ресурс и своевременно закрывать все рабочие задачи. Главное правило, если решили заняться саморазвитием, — не пытаться в корне изменить свою жизнь и браться за все сразу.

Темы Для Саморазвития: Какие Стоит Изучить

что нужно изучать для саморазвития

Познать себя можно через анализ мыслей, чувств и поступков, а также через наблюдение за собой и собственным поведением в разных ситуациях. Чтобы лучше понимать свои желания, возможности, ограничения и потребности. Самопознание помогает человеку стать более осознанным и ответственным за свою жизнь, способствует духовному и личностному росту. Чтобы лучше понять внутренние проблемы, спросите себя, что вызывает чувство неудовлетворенности, как близкие реагируют на ваше состояние.

что нужно изучать для саморазвития

Создание расписания на каждый день поможет вам установить приоритеты и эффективно использовать свое время. Укажите время на выполнение задач, регулярные практики и отдых. Постепенно формируйте привычку придерживаться расписания и не отклоняться от него. Также важно создать расписание, которое позволит вам эффективно распределить свое время и выполнить все задачи в срок.

Главный герой отказывается от привычной жизни успешного адвоката ради поиска истинного счастья. Эта вдохновляющая история о поиске смысла жизни заставляет задуматься о своих целях и ценностях. Главный герой попадает в необычное кафе на краю земли, где встречает людей с разными историями.

В конечном итоге вы сможете сделать выбор между саморазвитием и обращением за профессиональной помощью. Если вы решили действовать самостоятельно, записывайте все, что делаете. Отмечайте негативные Управление проектами эмоции, появляющиеся каждый день (обида, критика себя и других людей, страх, злость, презрение или апатия). Саморазвитие — не просто путь к карьерному росту и освоению новых умений. Данный процесс затрагивает все сферы жизни, открывая возможности для личностного роста. Важно понимать, что только через самосовершенствование можно достигнуть истинного понимания себя и реализовать мечты.

Ему предложили выделить время для своего саморазвития. Саморазвитие с точки зрения психологии означает процесс, направленный на самоизменение личности, её совершенствование. Разнообразные методики эффективно воздействуют на сознание человека.

что нужно изучать для саморазвития

Нам кажется, что мы знаем, что они сложно написаны, но за этим словом не стоит конкретики. Несчастные читатели не подозревают, в каких неожиданных областях и эпохах попадаются хорошо написанные книги. Читать высокохудожественную книгу в оригинале часто и интереснее, и проще, чем простую, и она больше после себя оставляет. Иногда, но очень редко, параллельные электронные книги можно найти в интернете одним файлом и открыть в обычном ридере.

Брайан Трейси рассказывает о том, как пересилить себя, посмотреть страху в лицо с делать то, что нужно. Только так мы растем по сравнению с собой вчерашним. Он предлагает 21 метод, который поможет тебе развить уверенность в себе и научиться принимать вызовы. Давай рассмотрим ТОП-10 книг для саморазвития, которые станут твоими верными спутниками на этой тропе.

С самого детства мы постоянно учимся и развиваемся. Однако, с годами, многие из нас перестают развиваться и останавливаются на достигнутом. В современном мире, где информация обновляется и меняется с что нужно изучать для саморазвития огромной скоростью, стагнация может быть неприемлемой. Каждый новый день должен совершенствовать личность, делать её лучше, умнее, привлекательнее и образованнее.

Sober Living

Alcohol and Allergies: Does Drinking Intensify Symptoms? 2024

alcohol sneezing fit

Sneezing after drinking beer can be caused by a variety of factors, including alcohol intolerance, allergies, or sensitivity to specific ingredients in beer. Alcohol intolerance is a genetic condition where the body struggles to break down alcohol efficiently, leading to symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose. Allergies to ingredients in beer, such as grains, preservatives, or histamines, can also trigger allergic reactions, including sneezing. Additionally, sensitivity to specific ingredients in beer, such as wheat or barley, may be the culprit. Understanding the underlying cause of sneezing after drinking beer can help individuals manage their symptoms effectively.


If any of this sounds familiar to you, you might be sensitive to one of wine’s many components. The good news is that once you identify the triggers, there are ways to reduce or even prevent these reactions, without having to ditch wine altogether. It can cause dehydration, leading to thicker mucus and sinus congestion. Certain alcoholic beverages, like red wine or beer, may contain histamines and sulfites, which can exacerbate sinus issues, trigger inflammation, and increase sensitivity to allergens.

  • These problems make it difficult for the body to break down alcohol properly.
  • Allergic reactions to beer can manifest as abdominal pain and bloating, chest tightness, hives, wheezing, and chest pain.
  • Some people find that when they drink alcohol, they experience sneezing and nasal congestion.
  • In conclusion, the exact reasons behind why some people sneeze after drinking alcohol are not definitively known.

What Effect Does Alcohol Have on Asthma?

  • If stuffy nose is accompanied with bleeding form nose, consult your physician immediately.
  • This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking.
  • In addition, some people find that the alcohol in these drinks irritates their nose, leading to sneezing.
  • Epsom salt baths may help with sulphite sensitivity over time, as well as a mineral called molybdenum which can be taken as a supplement.
  • If you’re allergic to alcohol, you may experience hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and wheezing.

First, some people have lower levels of the enzymes the body needs to break alcohol (ethanol) into metabolites that it can process and excrete. When byproducts of alcohol don’t get broken down quickly enough, they accumulate to levels high enough to cause a mild allergic reaction. Some people find that when they drink alcohol, they experience sneezing and nasal congestion. However, the sneezing caused by drinking beer could also be due to an interaction between beer or alcohol and any medication you’re taking.

  • When certain nerves in the nose are stimulated by an irritant, a message is sent to the brain to get the gunk out ASAP.
  • We use a pharmacist-formulated blend of Quercetin, Bromelain, Dihydromyricetin, Cysteine, L-Theanine, & B Vitamins to stop alcohol flushing before it can begin.
  • While they may seem similar, alcohol allergy and alcohol intolerance are distinct conditions.
  • A few alcohols are less likely to trigger symptoms in people with alcohol intolerance.
  • Additionally, it is advisable to refrain from further alcohol consumption for the day to prevent exacerbating symptoms.
  • Rarely, severe pain after drinking alcohol is a sign of a more serious disorder, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Alcohol Allergy vs. Alcohol Intolerance

Symptoms of histamine intolerance can include sneezing, hives, headaches, nausea, and digestive issues—similar to a common allergic response. Drinking alcohol with allergies may increase symptom severity, as alcohol can cause blood vessels to expand, leading to nasal congestion. It may also interact negatively with allergy medications, causing drowsiness, dizziness, or more serious side effects. Histamine intolerance can be managed by taking antihistamines, which help the body process the excess histamine. However, it is important to choose non-drowsy antihistamines, especially if planning to continue daily activities. Additionally, it is advisable to refrain from further alcohol consumption for the day to prevent exacerbating symptoms.

Why am I sick every time I drink?

Histamines are chemicals your body produces during an allergic reaction. Additionally, certain types of alcohol can trigger a reaction to wheat, grapes, or other allergens they contain. While they may seem similar, alcohol allergy and alcohol intolerance are distinct conditions.

alcohol sneezing fit

Asthmatics, for example, are at an increased risk of having a reaction to sulfite-containing food. People with certain health conditions could experience more serious side effects from stopping a sneeze. Drinking plenty of water, limiting and slowing down alcohol Sober living house consumption, and eating before drinking can help to reduce the vasodilation effects of alcohol. Now I probably only hit that 3-4 drink threshold once every couple weeks, but if I do I’m guaranteed to have a sneezing fit. Once I’ve had about 3-4 units of alcohol I sneeze uncontrollably for a couple minutes and then I’m fine. If you find that warm drinks make you sneeze, try chilling them before you drink them.

What’s the deal with wine sneezes?

alcohol sneezing fit

This will help to reduce the number of histamines in your system and make it less likely that they’ll trigger a sneeze. Mixed drinks containing any of the ingredients mentioned earlier are also likely to cause sneezing. If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients in a mixed drink, you may want to avoid it. Spirits such as vodka and gin can also cause sneezing due to the presence of histamines. In addition, some people find that the alcohol in these drinks irritates their nose, leading to sneezing. Another reason why alcohol can cause wheezing is that it not only contains histamines but also stimulates the alcohol sneezing fit body to release excess histamines, causing an inflammatory response.

alcohol sneezing fit

Subscribe to Wyndly emails for allergy care education & occasional promotions.

Lowering your risk of asthma and allergy symptoms involves proactive management of your health and environment. This includes regular use of prescribed medication, avoiding known triggers, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, you can try taking an antihistamine before drinking beer. Beer, brown liquor, and cider contain the highest levels of sulfites among alcoholic beverages. Sulfites are also found in wine, where they occur naturally as a result of the fermentation process.

Sober Living

Can Drug Dogs Smell Nicotine? 7 Interesting Facts 2024

can drug dogs smell nicotine

Using their exceptional olfactory abilities, drug dogs play a vital role in detecting illegal substances and assisting law enforcement agencies in combating drug-related crimes. What about when it comes to airport dogs, are they the same as drug dogs, and can airport dogs smell nicotine? Yes, airport dogs and drug dogs are more or less one and the same since they are both trained to do the same thing, which is to sniff out illegal drugs and substances, and sometimes, weapons. The answer is yes, drug dogs can smell nicotine however not all drug dogs are trained to alert to the presence of nicotine. There are also many variables to consider such as how the nicotine is packaged, and how far away the dog is from the odor they are searching.

  • In conclusion, yes – drug dogs can be trained to sniff out nicotine products like cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
  • From understanding the remarkable abilities of a dog’s olfactory system to grappling with the legal boundaries and societal norms, this inquiry brings us into uncharted territory.
  • These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell and can easily detect the presence of substances like nicotine and marijuana.
  • The dogs are deployed to conduct school safety sweeps, covering entire campuses, including lockers, classrooms, school buses, and surrounding grounds.
  • It enters their bloodstream and is eventually released through breath, sweat, and skin.
  • It is not intended to replace the professional advice of your veterinarian.

Do Humans Have Anal Glands Like Dogs?

Additionally, the part of their brain devoted to processing smells is 40 times larger than ours. In the training game, low amounts of nicotine are used in training due to dogs amazing sense of smell. Dogs are trained to locate the smell, sit down and point with their noise where it is.

Understanding the Sniffer: How Well Can Drug Dogs Smell Nicotine?

can drug dogs smell nicotine

Through their exceptional sense of smell can drug dogs smell nicotine and rigorous training, drug dogs play a crucial role in the detection of nicotine and other illicit substances. Our K9’s sniff out every drug you can imagine like cocaine, heroin, marijuana, MDMA, and Amphetamines to name a few. However, with the rise of products like Juul’s parents, schools, and administrators are worried about vaping. Teenagers have never had easier access to nicotine products, and as a result, the distribution in our school systems have skyrocketed. Our K9 teams are able to locate tobacco and vape products in any form ensuring you have the cleanest environment. Police dogs have an incredible sense of smell, which, combined with their ability to be trained, makes them a key tool within law enforcement.

  • The training of drug dogs is a rigorous and complex process that usually begins when the dogs are puppies.
  • That said, all dogs have a strong sense of smell-about 100,000 times better than a human’s.
  • Advancements in drug detection technology have greatly enhanced drug dog capabilities.
  • There are also many variables to consider such as how the nicotine is packaged, and how far away the dog is from the odor they are searching.
  • Police dogs have an incredible sense of smell, which, combined with their ability to be trained, makes them a key tool within law enforcement.

Photos: Solar-powered wearable tells environment’s health through light, vibrations

Drug dogs, also known as sniffer dogs, are specially trained-canines that are used to detect the presence of illegal substances. These highly skilled dogs have an incredible sense of smell and can detect even the most minor amounts of drugs. Nicotine, a commonly consumed chemical found in tobacco products, raises intriguing questions about the capabilities of drug-sniffing dogs. In this blog post, we delve into the topic to explore whether drug dogs can indeed detect the scent of nicotine. Nicotine-sniffing dogs are used to detect and deter the use of narcotics and vape pens in schools. These highly trained dogs can locate tobacco and vape products in any form, including the various flavours and aromas of vaping devices.

can drug dogs smell nicotine

What types of drug dogs are used to smell tobacco and nicotine?

The dogs are deployed to conduct school safety sweeps, covering entire campuses, including lockers, classrooms, school buses, and surrounding grounds. The presence of these dogs on campus sends a clear message that an effective detection program is in place, deterring students from bringing prohibited substances onto school grounds. These nicotine-sniffing dogs can locate tobacco and vape products in any form, including vape pens, e-cigarettes, and Juuls, ensuring a nicotine-free environment. They can also detect the presence of nicotine in a variety of environments, from classrooms and lockers to school buses and surrounding grounds.

Nicotine is a legal substance, so the focus of law enforcement has been on illicit drugs. The extraordinary sense of smell in dogs is a topic that never fails to amaze me. This innate capability makes them adept at detection, search and rescue, and even medical diagnostics.

The science behind drug dogs’ ability to detect drugs and other substances

For instance, e-cigarettes produce less odor than traditional cigarettes, but they still contain nicotine and other chemicals that can be detected by these well-trained canines. No, drug dogs can detect nicotine in various forms including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and vaping devices. To overcome potential false positives and false negatives in vape detection, ongoing research and training programs are essential to improve drug dogs’ ability to identify vapes accurately.



The Obama administration has been marred by debt, scandals, foreign policy failures, and an overall fragmentation of this country. He has plunged the United States into an abyss of economic debt that will create generations of American servitude paying off his wayward spending endeavors. The Red, White and Blue’s epitaph will read like a litany of failures perpetrated on both the American people and the world by this president:

#Scandals (Though both Obama and the MSM denied any occurred!):

  1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies

  2. Benghazi

  3. Spying on the AP

  4. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme

  5. Sebelius demands payment

  6. The Pigford Agriculture Department Scandal

  7. The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.

  8. Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets

  9. Solyndra

  10. New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation

  11. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer

  12. Obama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act

  13. “I’ll Pass My Own Laws”

  14. NSA Spying on American People

 Foreign Policy

  1. Lack of solidarity with Israel

  2. Disaster with the Arab Spring

  3. Crimea

  4. Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over

  5. Handling of Syrian Red Line

  6. Calling ISIS “JV”

  7. Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement

  8. Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits

  9. Lack of Confidence by NATO nations

  10. Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Iran

  11.  Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl

  12. Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval

  13. Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden

     14. Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane

     15. Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)

       16. Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day

       17. Obama trashed America 18 times on Asian Tour

18. Pushing the U.N. resolution condemning Israel for legally building houses in Jewish neighborhoods

19. Released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority in last few hours of presidency

20. Downed US drone taken by Iran, reverse engineered, and sent into Israel. Obama could have destroyed the drone instead of selling the United States and allies out by asking for the drone- which obviously was never returned.

 Domestic Policy

  1. Failure to secure the Border

  2. Illegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern border

  3. Bowe Bergdahl swap

  4. Passing on the keystone pipeline

  5.  9 Trillion dollars more in debt

  6. Vast expansion of government

  7. Racial Division at all-time high

  8. Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House

  9. Disrespect for Cops

  10. Failed economic stimulus plan

  11. Constant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical rule

  12. China overtook America as world’s largest economy

  13. Double Downgrade

  14. Housing policies failed to stop foreclosures

  15. Price of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing it

  16. Education policies failed to curb college costs

  17. Highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid

  18. Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working

  19. Lowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%

  20. Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism

  21. Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016

  22. Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar Positions

  23. Mismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, California

  24. Mismanagement of Gulf Oil Spill

  25. Disastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim Nations

  26. Refusing to Listen to CIA/FBI that there is no way to properly vet certain immigrants from Muslim nations

 27.  Fort Hood Shooting

 28.  Colorado EPA Disaster

  29. Veto of 911 Crime Bill- which was overturned

  30. Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers

  31. Over 94 million Americans out of the workforce

  32. Obama commutes sentence on Chelsea Manning

   33. Obama commuted the sentence of FALN activist Oscar López Rivera




The BEST way to beat the left wing media is to support conservative writers




The New Reality Wins National Award

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Contact: Stephen Martino/

Stephen Martino receives national recognition through the NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD®!

The NYC BIG BOOK AWARD recognized The New Reality by Stephen Martino in the category of Thriller as a Distinguished Favorite. The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award winners and distinguished favorites are based on overall excellence.

Author Stephen Martino delivers an action-packed medical thriller in a heart-stopping race to save humanity in his award winning and Amazon bestselling novel The New Reality.

In the year 2080, a deadly virus similar the CORONAVIRUS is inadvertently released upon the planet. Facing financial ruin and catastrophic loss of life, the world’s nations turn to acclaimed neuroscientist Alex Pella and NIH expert Marissa Ambrosia. Assembling a team of experts, the scientists begin an international search for the cure while fighting off a foreign elite military unit sent to stop them at all costs. Guided by a code concealed within the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the scientists must traverse ancient lands and solve a biblical riddle in their quest to save humanity from its eminent destruction.

Drawing from both our nation’s politically charged environment and the worldwide economic crisis, The New Reality follows Alex Pella on a journey that projects a frightening path for human existence in the twenty-first century.

In 2020, the NYC Big Book Award once again achieved worldwide participation.  Entries remained strong during the worldwide pandemic. Book submissions streamed in from six continents and over 100 cities. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America all participated.  Across the globe, book entries poured in from places such as Budapest, Capetown, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York City, Port of Spain, Vancouver and Victoria to name a few.  Winners were recognized globally from Australia, Canada, England, India, Singapore, Uganda and the United States of America among others.

The breadth of publishers ranged from Amazon to Wiley, from Black Rose Writing to She Writes Press.  Our award-winning authors are from all kinds of different backgrounds and enrich the program.  We are proud of such diversity of winners and distinguished favorites in the annual NYC Big Book Award.

“We are pleased to highlight these books, recognize their excellence, and share their achievements.” said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.  The awards program “foments a strong interest in these authors and publishing houses and we expect our winners and favorites to receive a heightened level of attention.”  Olczak went on to say that “excellent books can be found globally, and we are happy to help bring them to a larger audience.”

For more information, please visit:  To view the list of winners, visit; Distinguished Favorites listed here:




Coronavirus Predicted By Best Selling Fictional Thriller, The New Reality


The bestselling fictional thriller, The New Reality, predicted the coronavirus prior to its lethal outbreak in 2020. In addition, the novel cites how the virus was inadvertently unleashed onto the planet by a bunch of unsuspecting scientists. What hits home with this story is that the COVID-19 virus started not far from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Some say it was a coincidence or mere fluke. However, if there were ever a virus to attempt weaponizing, it would be the coronavirus. As the common cold is caused by this virus 1/3 of the time, it would be an effective method to transmit an untreatable illness that could potentially cause mass hysteria and death.

The New Reality also goes on to predict the world-wide economic and political ramifications of such an illness. Whenever such a contagion is unleashed onto the planet, there will definitely be economic crisis that ensues. The question is how severe will the economic hit to the world’s economy, and will the world be financially prepared for this economic crisis. The answer at this point with the coronavirus is unknown. However, predictions are made in this novel that will both surprise and entertain the reader.

To summarize the novel:
In the year 2080, a deadly virus similar the CORONAVIRUS is inadvertently released upon the planet. Facing financial ruin and catastrophic loss of life, the world’s nations turn to acclaimed neuroscientist Alex Pella and NIH expert Marissa Ambrosia. Assembling a team of experts, the scientists begin an international search for the cure while fighting off a foreign elite military unit sent to stop them at all costs. Guided by a code concealed within the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the scientists must traverse ancient lands and solve a biblical riddle in their quest to save humanity from its eminent destruction. Drawing from both our nation’s politically charged environment and the worldwide economic crisis, The New Reality follows Alex Pella on a journey that projects a frightening path for human existence in the twenty-first century.

Pick up your copy of this must read best-seller today.





The Final Reality Becomes a Semifinalist in International Writing Contest

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The Final Reality was just named a semifinalist in a prestigious, international sci-fi writing contest held by the Chanticleer International Book Awards!

Their Cygnus Book Awards recognizes emerging new talent and outstanding works in the genre of Science Fiction, Steampunk, Alternative History, and Speculative Fiction. The Cygnus Awards is a genre division of Chanticleer International Book Awards and Novel Competitions (The CIBAs).
The Annual 2018 Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Awards has already recognized The Final Reality by Stephen Martino, in the category of Adult Fiction-Genre: Sci-Fi and Fantasy, as a Gold Medal Winner.

In the high-octane conclusion of the Alex Pella novels, the brilliant doctor and inventor finds himself racing against the unstoppable ambition of Jules Windsor who now leads The New Reality. When Jules begins to uncover the powerful, long-forgotten technology behind the world’s massive megalithic structures, he sets into motion the same cascade of events that once destroyed the ancient civilization that built them. As the planet heads toward an apocalyptical upheaval not seen since biblical times, Alex and his team know they must stop Jules–and The New Reality–once and for all.


List of Joe Biden Gaffes

Joe Biden never ceases to amaze us with the incoherent gibberish which comes out of his mouth all too often. If it’s not pointing out the secret service man with the nuclear codes, praising segregationists, or simply plagiarizing someone else, he is rambling on about something incomprehensible behind the microphone- something the mainstream media will never call him out on. The following is a list of some of his most notable gaffes:

While Running for President 2020

1.“My first priority as president will be defeating Donald Trump.” Joe, isn’t that how you get into office?

2.Discussing Putin meddling with US elections: “Look at what’s happening with Putin. While he — while Putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in Europe. Look what’s happening in Hungary. Look what’s happening in Poland. Look what’s happening. Do you think that would happen on my watch or Barack’s watch? You can’t answer that, but I promise you, it wouldn’t have, and it didn’t.”

3.“Ban all the guns. Except guns nobody wants to buy.” Thanks for the clarity Joe. And what guns do people not want to buy?

4.“You go down the list of all these guys (Known segregationists). Well, guess what? At least there was some civility. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.” I guess segregationists are civil?

5.“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland (A known segregationist). He never called me ‘boy,’ he always called me ‘son’.” Sure Joe, that’s not racist.

6.”If you agree with me, go to Joe 3030 and help me in the fight.” Fight against what Joe- incompetence?

7. Biden mistakenly referred to shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before,” confusing Houston for El Paso and Michigan for Ohio.

8.“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” I guess there are no poor white kids then Joe, or do you mean that just because you are a minority, you are poor?

9.”Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president.” Maybe it was just your imagination Joe as you were not VP during this atrosity.

10.During a fundraiser in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Joe said, “We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.” Thank you Joe for confirming that democrats make up their own truth and disregard the facts.

11.”Just like in my generation, when I got out of school, when Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King had been assassinated in the ’70s — the late ’70s — I got engaged.” I believe the year was 1968. Stick to the teleprompter.

12.”I got assault weapons banned for ten years, it had to be reauthorized because of hanging chads in Florida. The last president said no, I’m not going to reauthorize it.” Joe, the last president was Obama, not George W. Bush.

13. When talking about US childcare tax credits, Joe ignorantly spewed, “It would put 720 million women back into the work force.” Joe, that’s one hell of a tax credit as there only are only 330 million Americans.

14.“How many unsafe bridges you still have here in the state of Ohio?” he said before correcting himself. “I mean Iowa. I was just in Ohio because they have more.” Joe, whatever state you are in, you’re never in the right state of mind.

15.“I believe in the Second Amendment, but nobody says you can have a magazine with 100 clips in it.” That’s one interesting gun Joe.

The list stops here. Unfortunately, the former vice president went from making some mental mistakes into, my opinion, the realm of dementia. With his inability to complete a thought, blank stare on his face, and volatile personality, he appears to be showing early stages of dementia, possibly Alzheimer’s. Without a teleprompter or well-rehearsed response, he is mentally lost. Poor Joe. My prayers go out to his family.

Oldies but Goodies

1.June 17, 2006: “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

2.Feb. 6, 2009: “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”

3. Jan. 21, 2009: “Am I doing this again? … My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts’.”

4.September 10, 2008: “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be Vice President of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend. She is qualified to be President of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be Vice President of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate.”

5.September 9, 2008: “I’m told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up Chuck, let ’em see you (He can’t stand because he is paraplegic). Oh, God love you. What am I talking about. I’ll tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal.”

6.”His mom lived in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul. And- although, she’s- wait- your mom’s still- your mom’s still alive. Your dad passed. God bless her soul.”

7.”A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!”

8.”When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.”

9.”Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs.”

10.”Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart.”

11.”There’s a guy who follows me, right back here,” Biden said, pointing behind him to the right, “has the nuclear codes, so God forbid anything ever happened to the president and I had to make a decision, the codes are with—he is not qualified to know the code! He can’t be trusted!”

12.“How they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that’s been buried in the last four years.” Joe noted after he and Obama were in office for 4 years.


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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is America’s Next Fidel Castro

Many in the media are touting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. representative to New York’s 14th Congressional District, as a breakout star of the Democratic party. With her recent win in the 2018 midterm election, her popularity and notoriety have soared. The main stream media seems to swoon over her every word and place her up on a pedestal as if she will be the next savior of the United States.

However, as Edmund Burke once wrote, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Though Ocasio-Cortez’s beliefs to many seem original or even forward-thinking, a closer look at history will quickly reveal both their lack of originality and insight. Plus, it will also reveal the eventual catastrophe that will ensue if such political beliefs are properly enacted.

To make this historical comparison, we need not look further into the past than the 20th century with the former, disgraced dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro. It is without debate that Castro’s 49-year rule will be forever remembered as one of human rights atrocities, poverty, sickness, joblessness, and failure. What is so alarming is that Ocasio-Cortez’s beliefs echo those of this former Cuban leader. In the following comparison, I will let the historical facts let you draw your own conclusion.

Total Government Control

Ocasio-Cortez wants to disguise her total usurpation of the American peoples’ independence in the guise of the “Green New Deal”. Her plan is to create a carbon-emission free America within 10 years despite the lack of technology. The goal is at best naive and by all standard can be considered absurd. However, the far-reaching and true aim of this plan is to have the US government take total control of every aspect of American life. Independence and individualism would be dead. If she had any basic common sense, she would understand the enormous failings of Obama’s green policies and look oversees to see well Macron is doing with his own green plan.

Fidel Castro created a communist state which took control of every aspect of Cuban life. He called it Communism while Ocasio-Cortez labels it as Democratic Socialism. Whatever you call it, the end is the same: economic self-destruction and poverty.


Ocasio-Cortez believes housing is a human right and plans to fund further “housing projects” for all by “upending overdevelopment”. I’m not sure what exactly this means in her political platform. Though it seems like an oxymoron to create universal housing by stopping overdevelopment, I believe she wants housing for all—maybe just like more “projects” in the inner city.

Fidel Castro believed in universal housing. However, while those in the Communist party enjoyed extravagant living situations, the rest of the country were left in public housing—which was in stark contrast to that of Castro and his cronies. In making housing equal for all, only those at the top benefited while those in the housing projects fell into squalor as the economy faltered.

Federal Jobs Guarantee

Ocasio-Cortex touts a federal jobs guarantee with a minimal wage of $15 dollars an hour. She believes in redistribution of wealth utilizing a socialist-controlled, federal business plan.

Castro rallied against poverty, unemployment and low wages. In 1959, when Castro took power, GDP per capita for Cuba was $2,067 a year. In 1999, 40 years later, Cuba had advanced hardly at all, to $2,307. By implementing socialistic economic tactics, unemployment rose and quality of life for the Cuban citizen plummeted. Jobs for all meant no work, imprisonment, or low wages. As privatization was considered taboo in this socialist utopia, businesses were state run and unsuccessful.


Ocasio-Cortex wants Medicare for all at a cheaper rate. However, what she clearly does not understand is that the Medicare system is bankrupt. In her utopian Ponzi scheme, she fails to mention how she plans to make it more affordable and vastly expand coverage without any money to pay for it.

Castro also wanted healthcare for all, and to his credit he did achieve this goal. However, the money for his healthcare system came from the UUSR. When the USSR and all its subsidies evaporated, so did the healthcare system. His utopian dream of universal healthcare was only a reality when someone else paid for it.

Gun Control

Ocasio-Cortex is a strong proponent of strict gun control laws. Her goal is to “end America’s gun violence epidemic”. With such a strong political platform and backed up by a litany of personal armed bodyguards, there is only one way she will achieve the abolition of all gun violence—and that is total confiscation of firearms.

Castro was also an ardent believer is strong gun control. In fact, once he usurped power, Castro sent his thugs to confiscate peoples’ firearms. Using the gun registry created by the former Cuban leader, Batista he knew who owned a weapon. He understood the fact that without guns, people cannot rebel against the government. Other proponents of this strict gun control belief were Hitler of Nazi Germany and Chavez of Venezuela. However, our founding fathers understood the governmental tyranny that could ensue without private gun ownership. Thus, the second amendment of the Constitution was adopted.

Immigration Policy

Ocasio-Cortez wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This policy would effectively leave our borders wide open, allowing terrorists, gang members, and foreigners with communicable diseases to enter the country unabated. It is a policy of near-sightedness and self-destruction.

Fidel Castro also initially fostered an open border policy. However, with over a million people fleeing a country of little more than 10 million people, he needed to curtail this policy. Also, as he learned (unlike Ocasio-Cortez), only those that wanted to do him and his government harm actually entered the country uninvited.

Differences between Ocasio-Cortez and Fidel Castro

Ocasio-Cortez wears high heels.

Fidel Castro never wore high heels.

What is even scarier about Ocasio-Cortez is that she has absolutely no understanding of the US government or finance. Previous to running for congress she was a bartender who never ran or owned any business of her own. Plus, she only has two, mundane accomplishments which she can post to her resume: an asteroid was named after her after she won second place in a science fair and she was named the 2017 National Hispanic Institute Person of the Year by Ernesto Nieto.  Despite her lack of any training or world experience, she wants to transform both the economic and social policies of our country. Please end any further endorsement for this naive neophyte before she transforms the United States into the next Cuba or Venezuela.


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