
Mark of the Beast?


A recent article with this quote from Revelation 13:16-17 piqued my interest:

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…

Who is the beast and what is the mark? Whatever your beliefs or feelings on this passage may be, the new RFID tracking chip may make you rethink your preconceived ideas. RFID chips are certainly not new, and they are in all of our cell phones, ipads and some have their dogs implanted with them. And if you don’t know what RFID chips are, they are wireless non-contact devices that use radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects.

However, with miniaturization, these small chips as noted on the above picture (seen compared to a grain of sand) can be easily placed on every human on the planet. The procedure would theoretically take less than a second with the right implantation device (such as a modified syringe) and only require a local anesthetic. This concept may seem foreign but we’ve been taking baby steps towards this point for years. The NSA already willingly admits they have RFID information on all of our cell phones for years and can easily track us at an time.

Is it such a leap to make it mandatory by the government to have one of these chips implanted in all of us? What if they advertised that it would be a good way to monitor your kids—especially if something happened to them? It would play on every parent’s greatest fears, and many would flock to get them. Then, what if the government made the chip free for everyone under the age of 16? I then possibly foresee that if this happens, the government would next say that no child is allowed in school if they don’t have the chip.

I hope you all can see the domino effect. Where will it lead? Well, one hint can be found in the quote above from the Book of Revelation: in order to do any commerce such as buy or sell it would have to be done through the chip. If this sounds crazy, it makes perfect sense if you are the one’s levying out taxes. Just think of all the new venues of taxes the government could collect.

I’m not an alarmist. However, the RFID chip does sound eerily similar to the mark of the beast. Just think of what I have written the next time you hear or read anything about the chip. It may make you stop and take a second look.


Journalism is Dead


Are there no good, honest reporters left on the planet? Where are the Edward Murrows or Walter Cronkites? No, I’m not saying journalism is completely dead, but in the 21st century, just about all of them have lost their credibility. Instead of asking the hard hitting questions or seeking the truth, they are bound now not to their journalistic morals but to their political agenda.

Take for instance the recent coverage of Obamacare. The basic truth is that Obama lied about everything in the law in order to get reelected. “You will keep the same doctors.” “Your rates will go down by 2500 dollars.” “Healthcare for everyone.” Lie, lie and another lie. There is not a shred of truth to any of these statements, and few to no reporters are calling him out on these blatant lies. If President Bush did the same, he would be crucified over the air waves.

People are losing their health coverage, losing their jobs and having their salaries cut all around the country as a result of this law. Yet, where is the press outrage? Where are the hard questions? No one is calling the president out on either of his lies or his failed policies. Remember the hard hitting questions during Watergate? Those days are long gone.

We are at the brink of a new cold war or worse yet, war with Russia and what are the latest questions for Obama on his Asian tour? “Did you like the green tea ice cream?” “How did you like the ice cream dessert in the shape of Mt. Fuji served at the state dinner?” Am I crazy but shouldn’t the press be asking about the devaluation of the yuan, North Korean nuclear tests, the imminent invasion of the Ukraine or the inefficacy of NATO?

The days of when real reporters covered the news are long gone. Now we have a presidential cheering squad that pollutes the American mild and hides the truth under a smokescreen of political correctness and progressive ideology.


Obama Prolongs Recession


The best way to prolong a recession and stifle the economy is by continually raising taxes. Unfortunately, this self-destructive policy has been Obama’s disastrous domestic policy ever since taking office. Under Obama’s recent proposal, taxes would rise from 17.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product in 2014 to 19.2 percent in 2024. During the ten years from 2015 to 2024, federal taxation would average 18.7 percent GDP. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said this would be the highest level of sustained taxation ever imposed on the American people. And you all thought Jimmy Carter was a disaster.

Plus, under Obama’s budget proposal, according to the CBO, the budget will never balance. But over the next ten years, the federal government would add $7.183 trillion to its debt held by the public. And in my opinion, that is a conservative number that does not account for the trillions of dollars of mounting debt accrues from Obamacare.

The problem now in America is that he job market has stagnated considerably under Obama. With full-time work hard to find, workers have built temping into a de facto career, minus vacation, sick days or insurance. The assignments might be temporary — a few months here, a year there — but labor economists warn that companies’ growing hunger for a workforce they can switch on and off could do permanent damage to these workers’ career trajectories and retirement plans. In March, the temp industry added 28,500 jobs. As these numbers grow on a monthly basis and as more people are just simply giving up looking for work because the jobs aren’t there, America’s full time labor force dwindles by the day. Plus, as incentives to stay home and live under the government dole continue their insurmountable rise under Obama, there is no longer incentive to look for work for many people.

A recent story I came across I think nicely sums up the current state of the American work force. For seven years through 2012, the number of Californians aged 50 to 64 who live in their parents’ homes swelled 67.6% to about 194,000, according to the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. The jump is almost exclusively the result of financial hardship caused by the recession rather than for other reasons, such as the need to care for aging parents, said Steven P. Wallace, a UCLA professor of public health who crunched the data. Plus, the number of Americans 55 and older who have been out of work for a year or more was 617,000 at the end of December, a fivefold jump from the end of 2007 when the recession hit, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Any economist can realize that these numbers and trends all stink and are hazardous to a solvent American economy. Plus, if you think the national unemployment numbers disagree with my statements or is an accurate barometer of the health of our economy, you are sorely wrong. These numbers reflect only those who are actively seeking work. Most have simply given up or settled on part time employment—both of which artificially pads the unemployment numbers.

America is heading in the wrong direction, and if we don’t do anything now, the consequences will be dire.


The Face of Failure: Kathleen Sebelius


When I conjure up a vision of total failure, many things come to my mind including the Dodge Pinto, Kathleen Harding and now appropriately the health and human services secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Though my criticism may seems harsh, I think it’s certainly apropos when looking at the facts. Though I don’t directly blame her for the heavy-faulted and crony capitalistic law, she along with Obama will forever will forever bear the scar of this ignominious Scarlet Letter.

Here are the Facts:

1. Insurance Costs Continue to Rise: One of the central claims made by the “central planners” was that insurance premiums would go down for buyers. However, the law actually mandates plans to cover more and more (“children” must be covered to age 27, “free” “women’s health” services), adds new taxes and fees, raising the minimum requirements and force high-risk patients into pooled-plans. So where does this money come from? That’s right, the consumer. Most with private plans have been hit with over a 100% increase!

2. Too Many Loopholes to be Effective: One of the problems with a bill written by lobbyists and bureaucrats, passed by people who never read it, and numbers in the 2,000s of pages is that it is too complicated and has too many loopholes. Take for example, employers have cut back hours or reduced staff to avoid hitting certain requirements—raising the unemployment numbers.

3. Leaves 31 Million Uninsured by 2023! How does this help our country? With 40 million already uninsured and many by choice, did we really have to disassemble almost 20% of the economy for these underrated, dismal numbers?

4. Program Costs Continue to Blow Past Initial Estimates: The CBO already conservatively estimates the 1 Trillion dollar allocated budget is almost another trillion dollars over budget.

5. The Program is Run by Government: This point speaks for itself. Plus, to make the matter worse, the IRS is implementing it. That’s like the Gestapo running the healthcare system of Nazi Germany.

6. The Web Site is a Failure: Don’t forget, the web site was and still is a failure. Plus, it cost over 3 billion dollars to create. That’s both grossly inefficient and absurd at the same time.

7. True “Benefits” Unclear: If you haven’t seen all the benefits promised since the passage of Obamacare, you are not alone.

8. Negative Employee Repercussions: In order to escape the heavy hand of government, businesses have been forced to follow the law as passed and find ways to avoid being negatively impacted. As a result of the law, businesses have been forced to drop full-time employees to part-time status, stop hiring altogether, and scrap plans for expansion.

9. You Don’t Get to Keep Your Doctor: Remember this flagrant lie by the president? Also remember how he promised premiums would go down by 2500 dollars? Lie and double lie!

10. 7.5 Million Sign Up: Obama is celebrating about the 7.5 million enrollees. However, when you look at these numbers most of them are from people who lost their insurance due to the law. And worse yet, most have not actually paid for the coverage. Lastly what about the other 32.5 million people?

Unfortunately, this list of failure will grow as our country’s economy shrinks.


New York City Kicks God out of City


It seems that every day the government is finding a new way to turn its back on God and religion. In just the latest example a federal court ruled last Thursday that New York City can ban churches from renting public schools for worship services. The Board of Education’s lawyers say allowing churches to hold worship in public schools violates the First Amendment. The court ruled that the Board took its actions in order to prevent the appearance it was endorsing religion.

One must remember that our founding fathers were extremely religious men with a deep faith in God. They believed that only by the grace of God could this great country survive. Even James Madison, the man behind the first Amendment, had a deep rooted faith that permeated both in his writings and in his daily political activities. The true meaning of the First Amendment has been perverted by the government and tailored to their needs.

The socialist nations of the 20th century thought that the belief in God weakened man’s loyalty to government. By “killing” God, they believed that man would turn away from religion and turn to them instead. Is history repeating itself? Remember, Obama himself chastised those Americans who clung to their Bibles. The government’s intentions have been made extremely clear. They want God out of this country.

Unfortunately, their insistence on an atheistic country seems to be taking hold.  Slightly less than half (49 percent) of New Yorkers believed schools should rent to churches and other community groups, with 27 percent believing churches alone should be excluded and 19 percent who believe the schools should not rent to either.

This trend of excluding God from our country is a self-destructive policy. Remember, the Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Right from day one, the founding fathers unanimously said that the rights of man are endowed not by this government but by God. If we throw out God from this country, what will be our ethical and moral foundation? Instead of God, will government now provide new man-made unalienable rights which could be taken away just as quickly as they are granted? Is this where we are headed? Does government now want to become God?

History has clearly shown us that a Godless country is a failed country. Let us not forget God, lest he forget our country.


Healthcare Systems Going Bust


There is a growing and disturbing trend occurring now across the country as Obamacare implementation takes hold. It is like a domino effect that will eventually lead to both the disembodiment of our healthcare system and its eventual economic collapse. With Medicare reimbursements declining, uninsured patients rising, and  high Obamacare deductibles going unpaid, hospitals are hanging on for dear financial life.

I’ll go further into some basic economics but first one of the scary trends going on in medicine is that hospitals are laying off employees. About 250 Crozer-Keystone Health System employees, including physicians and managers, were laid recently following the announcement that the health system has lost almost $16 million in the last seven months, according to system officials. This statistic may seem almost unbelievable or just to be an anomaly, but the truth is that most hospitals are watching their profits disappear.

You may ask how is that possible. Even on the Mike Church show, he was talking about the greed of the hospitals and some physicians. The simple truth is that because a large portion of patients entering a hospital are elderly and on Medicare and due to significant Medicare reimbursement cuts, an inpatient admission for a Medicare recipient is a money losing endeavor the the hospital. Plus, if the Medicare patient returns for any reason within 30 days, the hospital does not get paid for that admission.

Secondly, there has been a definite rise in the uninsured patient. Whether they are illegal aliens or just people down on their luck because of the bad economy, the numbers are rising. Again, the hospital ends up losing money for each of their admissions. Lastly, with the initiation of Obamacare, the hospitals are collecting even less. Because of the high deductibles, patients with this insurance are unable to pay for their hospital bill, creating another loss in the hospital’s overall revenue.

Taken together, hopefully you understand why we are now witnessing hospitals either going bankrupt or having massive layoffs. It’s not because the business isn’t there. As the population grows older, there is in fact a greater need for both hospitals and physicians. However, in a few years, will there be any physicians or hospitals left to take care of anybody?


Why is Obama Giving up the Internet- One Interesting Theory

Unfortunately, Friday rolled around again, and the Obama White House let out further disappointing news. No, they are not doing something incredibly stupid like the Carter administration and giving up the Panama Canal. Instead, they are doing something stupider—they are giving up American control of the internet to the world.

First of all, what agency in the world is now set to oversee the internet? Is it the New World order? Is it the UN? Could it be a band of international bankers? The truth is, we don’t know and no agency has yet has been established. Where is the common sense in this move?

PAT BUCHANAN: It’s very negative. I think you’re transferring the custody of this immensely important function from the United States to an international community which is susceptible to and could cave in to pressures—from places like China and others in terms of what they do. I think, far better that the United States do it themselves. I agree with Mike Huckabee. They made mistakes with NSA but you don’t do it because of that out of guilt.

When you consider the problem with giving up the internet to the national community, one cannot help but wonder how other countries without a First Amendment will respond. China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and recently Turkey are all prime examples of nations already mandating strict censorship over the internet. If one world body controls the World Wide Web, there obviously will be some compromise as to its content—and unfortunately, that compromise will come at the expense of our First Amendment. There would be no other way for a United States to work with the previously mentioned countries if this outcome did not occur.

So the question thus arises: Why would the US give up control over the internet? Some blame Snowden, and state Obama is doing it to appease the national community. However, I think, and this is only conjecture, that Obama and his administration have much more loftier goals than simple appeasement.

I believe that Obama is giving up the internet to the international community to ensure censorship on the US internet. Yes, as strange as it sounds, it is a valid theory. Ever since Obama took office, he has been discrediting conservative blogs and all internet means of distributing conservative views. Time and time again, he publically trashes them in his speeches and implores Americans not to listen to them.

Obviously, with our First Amendment, he cannot directly censor the internet. Instead, he can have the international community do it without getting his hands dirty. It is both a convenient and simple solution. Honestly, with all that has been going on for the last few years at the Obama administration, I’m surprised no one else thought of this theory fist.


It’s an Uphill Battle

It’s an uphill battle…but it’s one worth fighting.


Putin Threatens West with Natural Gas Embargo

Recently, Vladimir Putin threatened to cut off sales of natural gas to Kiev unless

£1.2 billion debts to their country are paid in full. This threat carries high stakes for Europe, a continent that relies heavily on Russian natural gas. Previous declines in exportation of Russian natural gas in 2006 and 2009 endangered European national grids and caused sharp rises in prices.

This threat is just the latest in political posturing made by Vladimir Putin in regard to the Ukraine crisis. Though he claims that he does not want a confrontation over Ukraine to spiral into a “new cold war”, the chill is definitely returning.

When dealing with Vladimir Putin one must remember that he is a product of the cold war. And although the USSR lost this war, he most likely still fights it every day in his head, lamenting in all that Russia has lost. He is a man also who wants nothing more than to reclaim Russia’s days of glory and retake what he thinks is rightfully theirs. He is a man not concerned with personal freedoms or of the sovereignty of the previous Eastern Bloc countries. His goal is both focused and single-minded. He wants the return USSR to spread communism worldwide. If this is not a cold war mindset, then I don’t know what is.

Now, with the vast riches of natural gas which his country possesses, he has found a way to exert his will without the use of brute military force. The man is both brutal and ingenious in nature. Day by day, we see him winning the political chess game against our community organizer president and our weakly united NATO allies. He has made a mockery of out of Obama in Syria and is again doing it in the Ukraine.

The sad truth is that we can once again beat the Russian in this new cold war without the use of any military options. Remember, the USA has one of the greatest supply of natural, combustible fuels in the world. If we were to really tap into our natural gas supply, drilling for oil and begin fracking, we could usher in a whole new economic era of prosperity. Not only would we would no longer rely on Middle Eastern oil but we would also negate the Russian natural gas threat. Plus, in the process, we would solve the national debt problem and create enough jobs to keep the American private sector thriving for another hundred years.

The ball is our court. I just someone would take it!

Labor Force Lowest in 35 Years

Don’t be fooled by the numbers. While the Obama administration revels at the January unemployment number of 6.6%, the truth is much more disheartening. Most assume that the unemployment numbers reflect the actual work force and all those eligible for employment. Thus, a decrease would assumingly mean that more people are working. This misconception has been fueled by the liberal media.

However, this direct correlation is simply incorrect. In fact, the average annual labor force participation rate hit a 35-year-low of 63.2 percent in the United States in 2013, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Thus, more people are not working and more importantly, more people are not actively searching for jobs. What is scarier is that our population in 1978 was 225.1 million while in 2013 it was 313.9 million. This means that under our current administration about 30 million people more are not working than during the deplorable presidency of Jimmy Carter!

Worse yet, in January 2014, according to BLS, there were 92,535,000 not in the labor force. This is the legacy of an Obama administration. Our country has turned into a governmental welfare state with a crumbling military and loss of world credibility. This is what we are leaving our children?