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I wrote this blog entry to set the record straight. With all references to God being eradicated by the day by our government, I am here to inform everyone reading this blog that that the jurisdiction or intent for these actions never originated from our Founding Fathers.
Many state that the Constitution mandates a separation of “church and state”. However, anyone who has ever read the Constitution will quickly realize that this phrase is nowhere to be found in it. Though it’s quoted all the time, there is no reference anywhere as to its authenticity! Basically, it was never said or even written.
Some point to Amendment 1 which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
However, when you actually read it, there is no reference to the separation of church and state. Thus, where did this erroneous idea originate?
Bethany Blankley form the Christian Post sums it up rather nicely:
The U.S. Supreme Court first cited the phrase, “wall of separation between church and state,” in 1947 (Everson v. Board of Educ. of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1, 15-16) from a well-known concept expressed by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.
While the Supreme Court did rule that a “wall of separation between church and state” exists, they did so based upon seven words from one personal letter rather than from the Constitution. As a result, the Supreme Court created an erroneous precedent, ruling that law could be created from a personal letter instead of the Constitution.
Even if a letter was a law in the United States, the Supreme Court misinterpreted what Jefferson wrote. It, like most people, make judgments about facts and/or statements by taking a text out of context, thereby redefining the original meaning of the text.
During this time, the Baptists’ primary concern was if the government granted rights to freely express religious beliefs, it could also regulate or eliminate these rights.
In summary, the crux of the message was that government had to business in interfering with religion, and that all religious freedoms could only be granted by God and not the government.
Plus the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson signed, echoed these sentiments exactly:
…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…
The point can be made no clearer than the above words in our Declaration of Independence. The function of government is not meant to grant any religious rights to people but to ensure that these God given rights are protected. It is the entire basis of this document and of our entire government. Thus, to remove all religion or belief in God from our government would be like removing all meaning from our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Many ask how our country got to where it is today. The bottom line is that without God there is no Constitution. And without the Constitution we have become a soulless society devoid of morality, lawless and corrupt.

Has the media turned so progressive that any non-progressive, conservative thinking person is shunned from working?
Regardless of your social beliefs, you should find the treatment of David and Jason Benham by HGTV a little troubling. I understand that some disagree with their Christian beliefs but that is certainly not the point nor is it the issue. The issue is that they lost their show on HGTV not because of what they did but what they believed.
We are now finding media censoring themselves at a heightened, liberal level. Will conservative checks now be done for every person who tries to get any job on TV, the newspaper or on the radio? If you attended a mass in which the pastor or priest demonized abortion, could you be out of a job? The scarier thing to ask is if this liberal litmus test will spill over to different professions? Remember what happened to Brendan Eich from Mozilla or the scrutiny Chick Fila-A received.
We are heading to this point. My great grandfather was the first Martino to come to the USA in the early 20th century. He left Italy after he and his other 3 brothers were arrested for attending a democratic rally. His 3 brothers died in jail, and he came here to start a better life—in a place where freedom of speech was guaranteed by law.
Where has that guarantee gone? Well ask yourselves this– how many CEO’s are going to come out and say that they are pro-life? I can guarantee it will be zero. They will be too afraid to speak their mind for fear their job or company would be in jeopardy. The media attack dogs are ready and more than willing to pounce on anybody who does not adhere to the progressive party line.
The sad part is that there is a complete double standard. Remember Obama sitting through Reverend White’s hate filled speeches? Where was the media outcry. Sure, it was discussed and written on conservative outlets, but the main stream media killed the story before it really got legs.
The truth is as the mainstream media gets more progressive, our country gets worse.

It seems that every day the government is finding a new way to turn its back on God and religion. In just the latest example a federal court ruled last Thursday that New York City can ban churches from renting public schools for worship services. The Board of Education’s lawyers say allowing churches to hold worship in public schools violates the First Amendment. The court ruled that the Board took its actions in order to prevent the appearance it was endorsing religion.
One must remember that our founding fathers were extremely religious men with a deep faith in God. They believed that only by the grace of God could this great country survive. Even James Madison, the man behind the first Amendment, had a deep rooted faith that permeated both in his writings and in his daily political activities. The true meaning of the First Amendment has been perverted by the government and tailored to their needs.
The socialist nations of the 20th century thought that the belief in God weakened man’s loyalty to government. By “killing” God, they believed that man would turn away from religion and turn to them instead. Is history repeating itself? Remember, Obama himself chastised those Americans who clung to their Bibles. The government’s intentions have been made extremely clear. They want God out of this country.
Unfortunately, their insistence on an atheistic country seems to be taking hold. Slightly less than half (49 percent) of New Yorkers believed schools should rent to churches and other community groups, with 27 percent believing churches alone should be excluded and 19 percent who believe the schools should not rent to either.
This trend of excluding God from our country is a self-destructive policy. Remember, the Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Right from day one, the founding fathers unanimously said that the rights of man are endowed not by this government but by God. If we throw out God from this country, what will be our ethical and moral foundation? Instead of God, will government now provide new man-made unalienable rights which could be taken away just as quickly as they are granted? Is this where we are headed? Does government now want to become God?
History has clearly shown us that a Godless country is a failed country. Let us not forget God, lest he forget our country.