I feel as if the America we know it is slowly slipping away and turning in a moral cesspool whereby the secular God called Liberty has run the true God almighty out of town. The irony is, most of us Americans don’t see what’s going on nor will understand its consequences before it’s too late.
This atheistic path towards ultimate destruction is nothing that should come as a surprise. Our leader’s, and I use this term regretfully-Obama, faith was based upon that of hate towards our country, her history, and all that she stands for. With a communistic upbringing, mentors and friends such as Frank Marshall Davis, Professor Edward Said at Columbia, and Bill Ayers, and the Anti-Western/American preacher Reverend White, it is no surprise our country is heading quicker by the day not only towards financial disaster but also towards overall moral depravity. (See article for more of Obama’s upbringing)
The moral code which once was once a pillar to both our individual family and to that of society has been decimated. The forefathers of this country understood that our unalienable rights as a citizen were endowed not by government but by a supreme creator. Unfortunately, these rights and the moral code to which the country was founded has been replaced by a secular belief whereby mob rules. Devine law has been replaced by the whim of the majority or just those loud enough to have their voices heard. They now mandate what is right or wrong. No longer do the Devine laws scribed in the Judeo-Christian texts apply to the modern world. Man’s laws and moral codes of ethics now supersede those that created the moral fabric which has kept Western society together for almost 2 millennia.
Not only is the Devine law under attack, but also the laws of the land are now subject to interpretation. With judicial activism and a president who no longer believes in the Constitution, we as a country are slowly slipping into anarchy. As can be seen in Fergusson and Baltimore, facts no longer matter. People are guilty before proven innocent. Facts have become irrelevant. Justice no longer requires it.
The history of the world has repeatedly shown that when a society disregards God, it will fail to exist. From the Ten Tribes of Israel, Babylon and Rome all the way to the more recent secular governments such as the Nazis or the French under Napoleon, collapse was the end result.
America is not far behind. She has lost her Moral Compass. As the family unit collapses, atheism rises, and morality dissolves, so does the country. Without this Moral Compass, more and more Americans feel lost, without a purpose. No wonder there are shooting, riots, a rise in financial debt, growing disrespect for our laws and cops, and an overall moral and economic decline in this country. As this Moral Compass dissolves, so does our entire society. How long will it be before our country become just an interesting footnote in history? Unfortunately, it seems as is if that day may be coming much quicker, the faster we head down this path of self-destruction.
I wrote this blog entry to set the record straight. With all references to God being eradicated by the day by our government, I am here to inform everyone reading this blog that that the jurisdiction or intent for these actions never originated from our Founding Fathers.
Many state that the Constitution mandates a separation of “church and state”. However, anyone who has ever read the Constitution will quickly realize that this phrase is nowhere to be found in it. Though it’s quoted all the time, there is no reference anywhere as to its authenticity! Basically, it was never said or even written.
Some point to Amendment 1 which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
However, when you actually read it, there is no reference to the separation of church and state. Thus, where did this erroneous idea originate?
Bethany Blankley form the Christian Post sums it up rather nicely:
The U.S. Supreme Court first cited the phrase, “wall of separation between church and state,” in 1947 (Everson v. Board of Educ. of Ewing, 330 U.S. 1, 15-16) from a well-known concept expressed by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.
While the Supreme Court did rule that a “wall of separation between church and state” exists, they did so based upon seven words from one personal letter rather than from the Constitution. As a result, the Supreme Court created an erroneous precedent, ruling that law could be created from a personal letter instead of the Constitution.
Even if a letter was a law in the United States, the Supreme Court misinterpreted what Jefferson wrote. It, like most people, make judgments about facts and/or statements by taking a text out of context, thereby redefining the original meaning of the text.
During this time, the Baptists’ primary concern was if the government granted rights to freely express religious beliefs, it could also regulate or eliminate these rights.
In summary, the crux of the message was that government had to business in interfering with religion, and that all religious freedoms could only be granted by God and not the government.
Plus the Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson signed, echoed these sentiments exactly:
…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…
The point can be made no clearer than the above words in our Declaration of Independence. The function of government is not meant to grant any religious rights to people but to ensure that these God given rights are protected. It is the entire basis of this document and of our entire government. Thus, to remove all religion or belief in God from our government would be like removing all meaning from our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Many ask how our country got to where it is today. The bottom line is that without God there is no Constitution. And without the Constitution we have become a soulless society devoid of morality, lawless and corrupt.