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The fear of Ebola spreading outside Africa continues to monopolize the news over the past week. With different western African countries already admitting they could no longer contain the virus, many European nations, the United States and Australia all brace for a possible pandemic. Some say fears of an outbreak are unfounded and are mere delusions of a paranoid media. However, the truth will even make the largest skeptic nervous.
The fact is that it could take over 2 weeks for the first sign of the Ebola virus to become evident in an infected person. So, a person flying out of Africa may leave the continent apparently healthy and possibly infect all those along the flight and whomever ever he or she comes in contact with before succumbing to the disease.
A recent story broke today of how Mount Sinai in New York has quarantined a person who recently flew out of Africa with early symptoms of what could be the Ebola virus. Will this be the first case of the disease in the country—I mean, the first case that we didn’t intentionally import?
What makes it even scarier is that some illegals crossing the Mexican border originated from a few of the western African nations stricken by the virus. With less than 5 percent of those crossing the border apprehended and tested for infection, who knows what could be coming into our country.
As the United States is being overrun by these illegals, what else may we American citizens potentially come in contact with? We’ve already seen drug resistant TB enter the country. Measles, scabies, lice and different forms of pneumonia have crossed too. Will it only be a matter of time before Ebola sneaks in illegally?
Proper measures must be taken before it’s too late. An open border is like a festering wound, just waiting to sicken the rest of the country.

This crisis at the southern US border continues to worsen as the federal government stands idly by, watching the law of the Constitution continue to be broken at the expense of the American taxpayer. Plus, as more and more illegals cross the border, military bases are becoming refugee camps, border agents are becoming babysitters and American citizens are becoming more scared.
Worse yet, the illegals are being granted more rights by Obama’s administration than us American citizens. For example, First Amendment rights have been revoked for hospital workers at the Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Forced by security forces known as “Brown Shirts” to remain silent about the influx of immigrants harboring highly contagious and potentially deadly diseases, they are mandated to vainly watch as these infected people are shipped, using public transportation in some instances, to their base. These “Brown Shirts”, not unlike the offshoot Hitler’s former infamous SS unit, strip workers at the base of cellphones or any other means of communication, forcing them into silence.
Also, smugglers are forcing ranchers and other American citizens to look the other way as they escort illegal immigrants through their federally taxed land. Instead of fending off this assault on our borders, Obama watches as American private property is invaded by a foreign army of illegal immigrants and her citizens are harassed by those conducting this covert action.
In addition, the federal government is shipping these immigrants all over the country, without regard to either local or state jurisdiction. What happened to our civil liberties? What happened to asking the American people for their consent? Some have attempted at times to stop this influx while others remain unprepared as busloads are illegally unloaded on their front doorsteps. Towns and hospitals are being inundated with these illegal immigrants all over the country. Plus, with a myriad of federal handouts, we, the American taxpayer, are paying for them.
As Obama worries about the borders of Iraq and Syria, our borders are under siege. Where are our rights as Americans? What is happening to our country? Before you know it, we will be a third world nation, subservient to the whim of China and Russia. Is this the legacy of the Obama administration?