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US Economy Survives Despite Obama
As my liberal friends are bestowing their accolades upon Obama for the low national unemployment number of 6.1%, I pose to them one simple question: what has he done to help the economy? Despite their adoration of this Marxist, none have provided me a single bit of evidence that he has done a thing positive to turn around the economy.
They say it’s due to Obama’s success. But not one person can point to anything he’s passed or legislation he’s favored that helped American businesses grow. They says the unemployment number is improving due to Obama. I say it’s improving despite Obama.
The honest truth is that it is a true testament to American capitalism. Despite all that Obama has done to destroy the system, it survives. Despite his higher taxes, assault on both business and those that own them, the negative economic impact of Obamacare on businesses and the crashing dollar, the country continues to move on. Though wounded and now carrying the extra weight of hundreds of thousands of illegals who Obama willingly let jump on her back, she continues to survive.
After you break down the numbers, you realize that the labor force is at the lowest point it’s been since another liberal, Carter, was in office. The only thing fueling the pitiful increase in GDP is the over 9% increase in first quarter healthcare costs. American jobs are going overseas. Other countries are decreasing their investment in the United States and our country’s credit rating has dropped.
How much longer can the US economy handle further Obama attacks?
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Is it me or does anybody else feel as if our country is spiraling out of control? It seems that every week or even day, something new occurs that disappoints me with the Obama regime or the decisions made by it.
Recently, after separatists who appear to have received both the weapon to down a Malaysian passenger plane and training to use it directly from Russia, Obama failed to lead the nation or the world in the midst of this senseless act against humanity.
While the Russian leader is standing there with a smoking gun behind his back, Obama comes across as impotent as a 100 year old man after a prostatectomy. Why is Obama not fervently out there imploring our allies to levy meaningful sanctions or take a stance against Russian aggression? Instead, he’s on the campaign trail and not on Air Force One over in Europe steadfastly rallying our allies. The old Soviet era aggression that brought us to the brink of nuclear war has once again begun. Yet, he fails to understand the ongoing significance of Putin’s actions.
Even when Putin is clearly in the wrong, Obama fails to take advantage of the situation. Does Obama even know how to take advantage of the situation? As a community organizer an avid teleprompter reader, he’s obviously does not.
The problem can be summed up simply. Obama is a man not concerned about outcome. He is so entrusted in his left-wing Marist philosophies, he appears not to care if things are going horribly wrong in this country or abroad. As long as his beliefs are sound, it does not matter what the results.
Obama has singlehandedly let the red nation of Russia rise from the ashes it was sent to by President Reagan and allowed it to once again flex its world influence and power. He is a man who pulled defeat out of almost total victory. Russia was a nonentity until he came into power.
God save our country. With Obama at the helm, we’ll soon become a nonentity.
It’s just a matter of time now before the diseases penetrating our border start affecting the American citizen. The border patrol is overwhelmed with the inundation of illegal minors and have been forced to forgo adequate medical examination during processing. Many children are being shipped out with measles, swine flu, pneumonia, scabies, chicken pox, and other undocumented illnesses such as TB. The director of refugee health in the federal Health and Human Services Department had publically admitted their failure in screening these children adequately for infectious and communicable diseases.
Many children with fevers, cough and other signs of occult infection are reportedly being transferred out of the processing center, regardless of their medical status. Numerous others are being transported using public means, subjecting the legal American citizen to unwanted risks of infection.
Despite Obama’s best efforts to belittle this mounting crisis, people across the country are growing increasingly concerned about the problem. A recent GALLUP poll clearly showed that the American believed the most serious problem facing the nation now is the rapid and unwanted influx of illegal aliens. It rated higher than both terrorism and the failing economy. However, Obama continues to stand aloof and ignore the will of the people. His neglect and overall abandonment for the American people’s wishes and their health has become blatantly obvious as he remains totally impotent on the subject. Stalling any congressional actions, neglecting to send in the National Guard and unwilling to face the problem at hand summarize his lack any effective action to combat this invasion of not only people but also of communicable medical diseases, gangs, drugs and other social problems.
What happened to We The People. Now, it is I the King, Obama.
It is extremely unsettling to watch as the Obama administration worries more about further destabilizing the Middle East than securing our own border. As we send more troops oversees to risk their lives in causes that Obama will not defend, our homeland is in the process of being invaded.
This invasion is far more than just in human trafficking. It comes on multiple fronts and attacks multiple facets of the American society. First and foremost, it hits us economically. As many illegals will now receive government subsidies such as medical care, food stamps, education and other handouts, the legal American citizen will be left footing the bill. Plus, as they are shipped without warning across the country, many small towns cannot finally accommodate the financial strain the caused by the influx of these law-breaking immigrants. Remember, the federal government is 18 trillion dollars in debt, the percentage of American s at work is at an all-time low since 1978 and the need for government subsidies grows exponentially by the day.
Secondly, the invasion hits America medically. Diseases and conditions such as scabies, TB, and measles among others are now being reintroduced across the country. Because public transportation is being used to transport these illegals, who knows what one might be exposed to on a bus or train. Plus, to make matters worse, illegals can now fly legally on commercial airlines. Without a valid ID and carrying only a Notice to Appear Form and whatever disease they might have brought in from Mexico, they could be sitting next to you on an airplane, breathing the same stale, recirculated air.
Third—don’t forget about the gangs, drugs and possibly terrorists that are now flooding into the country. Ranchers and other American citizens along the border fear for their lives as their land is being overrun by these unwanted visitors. Where are their rights? Where are all these drugs going? What good will any of these gang members do for the USA?
We must all realize that America is now under siege, and our entire way of life is now in jeopardy. Many choose to ignore what is happening—just as they chose to continue to ignore Obama dismantling the Constitution, turning the esteemed position of presidency into a joke, mocking Congress, usurping the media, brainwashing our children, creating havoc in the Middle East, destroying our economy and destabilizing the dollar.
Let us stop the bleeding. Send in the National Guard to our southern border! It does not require an act of Congress nor will it require any new budgetary appropriation. We must protect ourselves first before we consider protecting the world.
Obama’s Father Wrote about Socialism – His father wrote a paper called “Problems With Our Socialism” that advocates 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land.
Obama’s Mother was a “Communist Sympathizer” – “Friends describe her as a “fellow traveler”, that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report.
Obama’s Parents Met in a Russian Class (Back then it was the Communist USSR)
Obama’s Teen Mentor was Frank Marshall Davis (a known Communist Party USA member)
Obama’s Brother Roy and Cousin Odinga are Marxists.
Obama Attended Socialist Conferences at Cooper Union
Obama Was Hand Picked by Alice Palmer to Succeed Her in the Illinois State Senate.
Obama’s Run for the Illinois State Senate was Launched by a Fundraiser Organized at Bill Ayers’ and Bernardine Dorhn’s Chicago Home.
Obama Had a Close Relationship with the “Anti-Capitalist” Group ACORN.
Obama Attended Several Meetings with the Democratic Socialists in Chicago and was even Endorsed by Them.
Obama Endorsed Openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.
Many Obama Supporters Idolize Che Guervara.
The Communist Party USA Endorsed Obama.
Obama was a member of Reverend Wright’s church
Obama revered Saul Alinsky