Obama Bows Down to the World

Was I the only one that found the presidential debate last night unfair? How dare they have an open discussion on such topics as foreign affairs, the economy and health care. How dare they ask the president and the governor about pertinent political issues that are critical to the nation’s future. Didn’t the moderator understand that this type of questioning is biased toward Governor Romney and was completely out of touch with what the Obama administration stands for?
Where were the questions dealing with what truly matters to our president. How dare they not open the debate about community organizing or the art of apologizing? Where was the questions about how to blame someone else for you inadequacies as a leader. They also missed inquiring about different ways to run up the national debt while cutting our military during a time of war. Plus, I really wanted to know what both thought about the best way to kiss China’s ass while increasing foreign aid to Middle East countries that want all Americans dead.
But seriously, didn’t Obama look like a shell of a man. Without his teleprompter he was like a deer in the headlight. When faced with facts and statistics by Romney, Obama was only left with rhetoric to defend himself. I have to ask myself this question after hearing him sputter out contrived nonsense last night: does he really know what he’s doing? Honestly, he appeared completely out of touch. He had no answers for the economy, foreign affairs or healthcare. And he seemed not to understand the critical problems that America is currently facing.
Though I was extremely happy with the outcome of the debate, I was just as scared. I knew Obama was incompetent, but what I saw last night took this to a whole new level. It left me with fear that he is our current president and could potentially be in the oval office for another 4 years. iIf that doesn’t send a chill down every American’s spine, I don’t know what will!
I’m 83. Except for brief period in the 50’s when I was doing my National
Service, I’ve worked hard since I was 17. Except for some serious
health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn’t call in sick in nearly
40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my
income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as
though retirement was a bad idea, and I’m tired. Very tired.
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who
don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take
the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy
to earn it. I’m tired of being told that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when every day I
can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and
daughters for their family “honor”; of Muslims rioting over some slight
offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t
“believers”; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning
teenage rape victims to death for “adultery”; of Muslims mutilating the
genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and
Shari’a law tells them to. I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance for other cultures” we must let
Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques
and madrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand,
UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to
fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other
Arab country to teach love and tolerance.. I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global
warming, which no one is allowed to debate.I’m tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help
support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ
rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses
or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off? I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all
parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful
mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting
caught. I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor. I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and
actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination
or big-whatever for their problems.
I’m also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and
early 20’s be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making
themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government. Yes, I’m damn tired. But I’m also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I’m not
going to have to see the world these people are making. I’m just sorry for
my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I’m on the way out and not
on the way in.
So I guess Michelle knows what’s best for all of our kids. If polluting their minds with socialist propaganda is not enough, now they are attempting to enforce stringent dietary restrictions on the kids. With the new regulations put forth by Michelle Obama, now school lunches have certain caloric and dietary standards that must be met. This may sound good at first. However, just because you serve hummus and brussel sprouts to kids doesn’t mean they will eat it. In fact, reports abound how as a result, kids are going hungry at school. Also, there is an underground market at schools for such things as chocolate syrup for their milk.
How absurd is this? Is this what America has turned into- a nanny state? When will the Obama’s and all the other control freaks out their (Mayor Bloomberg) stay out of our business. Since Obama has come into office, regulations from the the government has risen exponentially. They tell us what to eat, what to drive, how much money we should make, where we should live, how to run our business and while doing so, increase our taxes.
Well, under Obama, larger taxes only create larger budges- which creates a larger government- which creates a larger deficit. It’s a trickle down effect that ends with all of us hard-working Americans trying to get buy while paying for all of this government nonsense. Marco Rubio said:
The irony is, we are turning into this socialist paradise. However, as history over and over teaches us, socialist paradise is an oxymoron. There has never been such a place and nor will there ever be. The mere nature of socialism is that it is a self-limiting form of government that stifles growth and diminishes opportunity. Just think about it. Can anyone name a socialist paradise. Well, I can’t but I can name multiple socialist failures.
The problem is- the next socialist failure will be the USA if Obama get reelected.