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Obama continues to kill the economy. Yet it never makes the front page. Taxes are up for everyone and now the economy is shrinking! This should be no surprise to anyone with any common sense.
The U.S. economy posted a stunning drop of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter, defying expectations for slow growth and possibly providing incentive for more Federal Reserve stimulus.
The economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended, hurt by the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer exports and sluggish growth in company stockpiles.The Commerce Department said Wednesday that the economy contracted at an annual rate of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter. That’s a sharp slowdown from the 3.1 percent growth rate in the July-September quarter.
The surprise contraction could raise fears about the economy’s ability to handle tax increases that took effect in January and looming spending cuts.
Still, the weakness may be because of one-time factors. Government spending cuts and slower inventory growth subtracted a total of 2.6 percentage points from growth.
And those volatile categories offset faster growth in consumer spending, business investment and housing — the economy’s core drivers of growth.
Another positive aspect of the report: For all of 2012, the economy expanded 2.2 percent, better than 2011’s growth of 1.8 percent.
The economy may stay weak at the start of the year because Americans are coming to grips with an increase in Social Security taxes that has left them with less take-home pay.
Subpar growth has held back hiring. The economy has created about 150,000 jobs a month, on average, for the past two years. That’s barely enough to reduce the unemployment rate, which has been 7.8 percent for the past two months.
Economists forecast that unemployment stayed at the still-high rate again this month. The government releases the January jobs report Friday.
The slower growth in stockpiles comes after a big jump in the third quarter. Companies frequently cut back on inventories if they anticipate a slowdown in sales. Slower inventory growth means factories likely produced less.
Heavy equipment maker Caterpillar, Inc. said this week that it reduced its inventories by $2 billion in the fourth quarter as global sales declined from a year earlier.
The biggest question going forward is how consumers react to the expiration of a Social Security tax cut. Congress and the White House allowed the temporary tax cut to expire in January, but reached a deal to keep income taxes from rising on most Americans.
The tax increase will lower take home pay this year by about 2 percent. That means a household earning $50,000 a year will have about $1,000 less to spend. A household with two high-paid workers will have up to $4,500 less.
Already, a key measure of consumer confidence plummeted this month after Americans noticed the reduction in their paychecks, the Conference Board reported Tuesday.
Economists expected the first reading on gross domestic product to show growth of 1 percent, down from the third quarter’s reading of 3.1 percent
Obama’s shameless exploitation of children as set pieces is hardly new or original. In fact, tyrants and dictators have used kids as props down through the ages.
Here are a few more recent examples:
The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin
China’s Mao Zedong
Germany’s Adolf Hitler
Cuba’s Fidel Castro
North Korea’s Kim Il-sung
Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez
Dictator Obama Exploiting the Children for Executive Action on Gun Control
Is it me or is anyone else worried that Obama is raising the debt ceiling? Is it me or is Obama just throwing our money away? Or worse yet, is he just throwing it to the Chinese? Does anybody out there realize the insanity of our debt?
I spoke to my oldest daughter today and asked what she learned in Social Studies. After listening about her politically correct, substance-devoid lesson, I went on to give her a real social studies lesson with some meat in it. I went on to explain how Obama has forsaken her generation once again by raising the debt ceiling. I explained how it will be their generation that is forced to pay off our debts. I then went on to speak with her about responsibility and moral character- both of which Obama lacks.
Though she is smart, I doubt she truly understood the ramifications of Obama’s endless spending. Unfortunately, not many people do or they are like the media and don’t pay attention.
However, now is not the time to turn the other cheek, look the other way or just simply ignore the subject. Now is the time we must all understand what Obama is doing to our next generation and the future of our country. Already, look at what’s happened:
1. Gas prices are through the roof
2. Our space program is in ruins
3. Our military has been decimated by cuts
4. Businesses are closing
5. The middle class has been buried
6. The price of everything has risen
7. America has become to tax-expensive for foreign companies to start a business
8. The standard of living for Americans has decreased
9. We haven’t passed a budget in years
10. The worth of a dollar has gone done
11. Graduates can’t find jobs
12. The government has grown enormously
13. Dependency on the government has increased enormously
14. Food stamps, section 8 and other government hand outs are dramatically on the rise
15. And the list goes on….
And where is Obama?
In Hawaii. Well I guess it’s closer to his real home- Indonesia!
I just read the unemployment numbers and as expected it rose again. This time it’s 8.3%. I’m not exactly sure how Obama and his Stalinesque team of cronies fixed the numbers before the election, but with the poor economy the number was bound to rise.
After listening to Obama’s plans for the future and reviewing his deplorable record as a leader, I must ask myself this: Is Obama doing all this on purpose? Or how about this: Is he trying to punish America? It’s a serious and legitimate question. What he is doing now is just a smoke screen. The rhetoric we hear spewing from his hate-filled mouth about the rich not paying enough really does not make rational sense. If he gets all the tax hikes he wants on the rich and gets everything tax loophole closed, the revenue generated from it won’t sustain our economy for even 2 weeks! This is not political spin. It’s political fact, and no economist out there will argue this point.
The scariest thing about this tax hike is that’s only half of Obama’s plan to the next four years. The other part is increase to governmental spending and to haul out another failed stimulus package. I don’t care at this point what your political affiliation is, I just want you to do the math. Based upon Obama’s record over the last four years, his grand economic plan for the next four years is to raise enough money to run the federal government for 2 weeks borrowing at least another 6-10 trillion dollars to support the socialistic society he created?
What sane person thinks this economic plan makes sense at all? The numbers add up to only one thing: Bankruptcy! It is complete BS. What is happening is that he is hiding behind a smoke screen of inane rhetoric and class warfare. We’ve seen it in Nazi Germany, the USSR, Iran and other oppressive governmental systems in the past. Now, it’s happening to the greatest bastion of democracy, the USA!
Now I get back to my question: why is Obama doing this? Is it retribution or is there some other sinister underlying plan for this country (and possibly the world)? I don’t know, but what I can honestly say is that the answer is one of the 2 I just mentioned.
The bottom line is that Obama neither cares for you, me or this country. It’s all about himself and his ideology. If the country crumbles under his lead and we enter a time of anarchy, it does not matter to him.
It’s time to impeach Obama before he destroys the country!
Here’s the question: what will America be like in 4 years? With the second pork filled stimulus bill on thits way, the feds printing more money and no economic plan for the next 4 years, the future looks grim. There are many consequences to ponder. However, I will just write on one of them.
There is no doubt in my mind that the stimulus bill on its way will put us in another 6 trillion of debt in 4 years- which means our economic ranking will drop, inflation will rise and the economy will be on the verge of collapse. We’ve reached a point where the debt is unsustainable. I was warned of this day back in grade school and now it is upon us. The reason Obama is leading us down this road is debatable. Is it punish our country for our previous historical errors, or is he just a mindless pawn told to do this for some higher economic purpose such as a one-world government.?In a way it does not matter. Obama is like the captain of the Titanic, but unlike Titanic’s captain, he’s knowingly leading us directly into the iceberg.
In the end, the economy is bound to fail. I can’t see any other alternative. Then what happens? Who will there be to blame? Obviously, the media will not hold the anointed one accountable. No. Instead, I believe the country could possibly play the “class warfare” card. “It’s the rich people’s fault we’re in this predicament” and “If those rich guys weren’t so greedy, our economy wouldn’t have collapsed” may just be what we’re going to hear.
We’ve already seen the movement against Wall Street and heard how Obama supported it. Will the people and the media turn on the businesses, those that create jobs and those that have achieved the American dream? Will the successful now become the enemy? I hope we don’t go down the a similar road such as the former Soviet Union, Cambodia and other such places as Iran. I hope us Americans are smarter than that. But after Obama got enough votes to be re-elected, I have serious doubts.
Unfortunately, the road ahead will be very rocky. I just hope at the end of this road there isn’t a cliff!
It is sad to say but the credibility of the election has certainly come into question recently. With the result from the Philadelphia polls showing 100% of the votes in many wards going Obama, it calls into question the legitimacy of the voting. Also in these wards there was over 90% voter turnout. Sure, you can come up with excuses but those numbers really don’t add up. Excuse me- they do add up for a lot of votes for Obama. If this were isolated it would be one thing. However votes from other cities will be soon coming into question.
Is this Chicago politics at its best? It’s scary to think that the results of the US presidential election could be rigged, but that exact question surely arises. Even Al Capone would be impressed about the results of the polls. It’s not like there is no precedent for questioning the votes. All we have to do is go back to 2008 when there was voter intimidation and the whole ACORN issue. Also, perspective voters were given free meals and bused to to the polls in order to vote for Obama. Even in this election one polling place had every Romney vote go to Obama.
Were the same people who ran Chavez’s election in Venezuela conduction the Presidential election in the USA? I’m not here to call what happened last Tuesday a total fraud, but I am here to say we should look into what happened in other big cities in the United States. Let’s look at Pittsburgh for instance. Without the votes also in Pittsburgh Romney would have taken the state.
I’m fairly certain that the closer we look into this issue, the more fraudulent the results will appear. Also, just look at how corrupt the President’s tenure in office has become. It’s one scandal after another, culminating lately with the resignation of the CIA director. Is this what our country has become? Are we no better than Venezuela or other communist nations?
Thanks again for nothing Obama!
Obama’s plan for the next 4 years is inherently stupid and counterintuitive by nature. Just to show the stupidity of his policies, let’s look at what would happen if he implemented elsewhere:
Major rule changes in the game of golf will become effective October 1, 2012.
This is only a preview as the complete rule book (expect 2716 pages)is being
rewritten as we speak.
Here are a few of the changes:
Golfers with handicaps:
– Below 10 will have their green fees increased by 35%.
– Between 11 and 18 will see no increase in green fees.
– Above 18 will get a $20 check each time they play.
The term “gimmie” will be changed to “entitlement” and will be used as follows:
– Handicaps below 10, no entitlements.
– Handicaps from 11 to 17, entitlements for putter length putts.
– Handicaps above 18, if your ball is on the green, no need to putt, just pick it up.
These entitlements are intended to bring about fairness and, most importantly,
equality in scoring.
In addition, a Player will be limited to a maximum of one birdie or six pars in any given
18-hole round.
Any excess must be given to those fellow players who have not yet scored a birdie or par.
Only after all players have received a birdie or par from the player actually making the
birdie or par, can that player begin to count his pars and birdies again .
The current USGAhandicap system will be used for the above purposes, but the term
“net score” will be available only for scoring those players with handicaps of 18 and above.
This is intended to “re-distribute” the success of winning by making sure that in all
competitions every Player above an 18 handicap will post only “net score” against every
other player’s “gross score”.
These new Rules are intended to CHANGE the game of golf.
Golf must be about Fairness. It should have nothing to do with ability, hard work,
practice, and responsibility.
This is the “Right thing to do.”
So, please remember; if you shot a round of golf under par, you didn’t shoot it yourself.
Someone else built that course, and someone else cut the grass so that you could play on it.
Someone else built the clubs and the cart.