
Obama Throws America Inflatable Sex Doll

Has anyone out there been reading that the Federal Reserve Board will buy $400 billion in bad long-term Treasury securities by June 30. The new program, called “The Twist,” after a similar ’60s-era program, means the Fed will sell its holdings of short-term Treasuries to finance its purchases on long-term notes and bonds. This new bailout strategy is another futile attempt by Obama and the Feds to stimulate the disastrous economy created by this current president. It’s so futile that it reminded me of the following story:

Humorous moments during the recent Australian floods have been few and far between, but this definitely is one. How so? Inflatable sex dolls … being used as rafts. Two teenagers decided that, lacking any better form of flotation device, they should just go ahead and use some blow-up sex dolls instead. Until, that is, police saw them and told them not to.
Victoria’s Yarra River was where the two 19-year-olds were found fooling around (no, not in that way) with the inflatable ladies, and they were promptly told off. You know, because blow-up sex dolls are “not a recognized flotation device.” Still, they obviously were laughing about it all — and wouldn’t you be?

Unlike those people in the picture, I’m not laughing (well, I’m laughing about the flotation sex dolls but not about Obama). You see, what Obama is doing is exactly what happened to these people in Australia. Instead of Obama throwing the economy a true life line by creating an atmosphere for both big and small businesses to proper, he throws the economy the equivalent of an inflatable sex doll. What he’s doing is reckless, counterproductive and helps no one. Plus, the truth of the matter is that that the Feds are getting the money to buy these 400 billion in bad long-term securities with taxpayer money. So in essence, us hard-working taxpayers are spending another half-trillion dollars out of our own pocket on another futile bailout program.

Listen Obama, you keep the inflatable sex doll. I’ll wait for Governor Romney this November.

Obama is the new Jimmy Carter

Is it me or is the Obama term turning into a sequel of Jimmy Carter’s failed presidency. It is said that history repeats itself but the similarities between the two are frighteningly similar. As I watch our embassies get raided in 3 countries it draws me back to the 70’s during the Iran hostage crisis. Instead of keeping the people from our embassy captive, some 30 years later, the radicals are killing them Also, in the wake of the raids it has shown Obama’s weakness as a leader. Like Carter, he stands in the oval office with his tail between his legs. Instead of mounting a response, his administration comes out with an apology for the film made here in the U.S. We have our American Ambassador killed and he and Clinton begin their remarks with an apology-not a condemnation? I thought Carter was weak but this is a total travesty.

After almost 4 years in office and watching both President Bush’s terms, doesn’t Obama realize the only way to deal with any Arab uprising is through force. They do not respond to apologies. It only makes Obama and the entire US look weak. They respond only to force. I never saw our embassies getting raided when President Bush was in office. Though the Arabs did not like him, they respected him. They knew a Tomahawk missile or an elite SEAL or Marine team would be all over them if they did.

Also, what about these gas prices? It again reminds me of the the days of gas shortages during the Carter debacle (I mean administration). Instead of there being a shortage now, gas has become too expensive to buy. And ironically, that’s exactly what Obama had planned on in since taking office. Despite the 100% rise in gas prices over the Obama term, there has been no media outcry. When gas went up a penny during President Bush’s term, the liberal media would crucify him.

Finally, just like in Carter’s term, the moral here in America is at an all time low. Our economy is bad, gas prices are up, people are storming our embassies and jobs are scare. However, if you all remember who came after Jimmy Carter- Ronald Reagan. I foresee history repeating itself again. This time, Governor Romney will take the oval office and bring back to America respect, prosperity and a hope for the future.


President Ronald Reagan Quotes

I saw this billboard and I thought it spoke volumes to how critical this November election is to our country. President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be faught for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like livingin the United States where men were free.” 
This quote sums up the consequences of another 4-year term by Obama. Slowly but surely he wants to take away our freedoms, control our lives and most importantly control our deaths. His Obamacare program is so encompassing it will essentially overtake 1/6th of America’s economy and completely change the way we do business in America. And if you understand what happens when government gets involved in the private sector, you’ll understand my complete consternation and concern for the situation. Obama has already done enough to kill the private sector- the small businesses which create most of the jobs in America.
Now with Obamacare, it will be the final nail in the private sector’s coffin. The government will have complete control over all aspects in our lives- just how Obama planned things from the beginning. Plus, he’ll control how and when we’ll die. The government will essentially have control over us from birth to death. Sorry, let me correct myself, it will have control over us from conception through death.
President Ronald Reagan also said, “How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” Well, after almost 4 years, I think we all understand Obama. As the sign says it time to remove the other threat this November!



          Though years have passed since 9/11/01, the hatred towards America and all of Western Society continues. The radicals of the Arab world want to see nothing more than a new 9/11 event every day. Their unrelenting distain for our western ideals, our freedoms, our respect towards woman and all that we have fought for has not stopped. Their unrelenting goal of destroying America and of her allies has not ceased.

          Do not forget their cheers as the planes struck the twin towers. Do not forget how Osama became the most popular name in the Arab world. Do not forget how they partied that day while we mourned. Those emotions have not faded. Instead they have grown stronger.

          We must not forget why we fight the wars that we are engaged in, We must not forget the men and women who lost their lives in the fight. We must never forget how we got here. We did not start the war. They brought it upon themselves. 9/11 was a cowardly attack that killed unarmed civilians. There was no honor in the attack. It was a spineless act that only proved to bring death and destruction to their own people.

          We must never let them win. By forgetting about 9/11 it only weakens our resolve. Let us all sit back today and remember this event. Remember our feelings back then and most importantly, remember what we have to do in order to ensure the survival of our society.

God Bless America.


Pic of The Day

Numbers don’t lie. If there is any doubt why companies go oversees and why other country’s are not investing in the US, just take a look at this graph. The US has become unfriendly to business. While Obama blames Romney and the rich One-percenters for the job loss, he had done nothing to attract businesses to America. In fact his regime (I mean presidency) has created an environment whereby it behoves businesses to go somewhere else. While he and the rest of the Democrats lie on national TV at the DNC about what Obama has done for business, this graph shows the truth. Despite his rhetoric, Obama’s legacy will be one of economic stagnation and both big and small business demise.


Obama is Arrogant

Arrogance is an understatement when describing our current president. He’s the type of guy who would start his own fan club and become president of the organization. To begin with, who writes an autobiography before they accomplished anything? The only thing Obama has ever accomplished was to be promoted to higher schools and offices with absolutely no merits to substantiate such advancements. Did he truly have the grades to get into Harvard Law- NO! Did he have any skills or prove himself worthy to become a US senator- NO! Did this junior senator do anything at all positive to deserve to be elected president-NO! Even Hillary Clinton said the only thing Obama had on his resume before getting into the White House was a fantastic speech at the 2004 DNC.
Now Obama has risen to the point of incompetence. He has totally lost credibility from our military. The Navy Seals disrespect him. Wall Street thinks he is the enemy. Small business owners view him as the greatest obstacle to success. Big Business is rushing to get out of the country because of his policies. However, the Chinese love him. Why? Because he’s the sucker who keeps lending money from them and supporting their entire economy. If Obama was half as good to the American economy as he is to the Chinese, we’d be seeing unprecedented economic growth.

I have the perfect picture which sums up Obama more precisely than I ever could:

Honestly, this picture hits the nail on the head. The American economy is in the crapper, our space program is in the gutter, unemployment/underemployment is high, gas prices are through the roof, the US is in massive debt and confidence in our government is at an all time low. Despite all of this, Obama still thinks he is doing a great job and hopes to get is face on Mount Rushmore. For a logical person this type of thinking is almost inconceivable. However, for an egotistical, arrogant man that’s just what he believes.

One last comment: to honor the true American hero, Neil Armstrong, Obama posted this picture of himself:
Each day he is in office the more we see into his true psyche. His presidential term is all about himself and his legacy. The American people mean nothing to him. We are all just simple-minded pawns meant only to propagate Obama’s God-like image. (I’m sorry for using God. It might upset those at the DNC). Well Mr. Obama, it is your privilege to serve as president and not our privilege to serve you!

          So I go onto again to check some news, naively believing that I could possible get some objective information. After seeing their left-slanted stories about the RNC, I wanted to view what they had to offer me today. Let’s just say the articles would not disappoint any socialist (I mean Democrat) or atheist out there.
          Trying not to be closed-minded, I attempted to get through some of the garbage they highlighted today. I first read, “GOP targets Joe Biden”. Poor guy. Despite his inability to lead as a VP, his absurd comments and his overall ineffectiveness, does he really deserve to be attacked by the GOP? Well, I guess competency is not a criteria according to the media. I suppose all you need is to believe in anything politically correct and you’ll get a pass. It’s like a teacher giving his student an A even though he failed the class, embarrassed the school and was the class bully. It’s not about what you’ve accomplished, according to the democrats and liberal media, it’s what you believe in that counts.
          Instead of bashing Biden for his ineptitude, I read the next article which pokes fun at our future VP which read, “Paul Ryan’s Football Pep Talk Fails to Deliver”. This winner story was followed by yahoo’s “Electrifying Moments at the DNC”.  I failed to see anything at all positive about Governor Romney, an optimistic article about the GNC or any conservative type of story. Thank God I have a brain that works because if all I read were the headlines on, I would have become a Marxist (I mean a Democrat), quit my job, collected food stamps and awaited liked a mindless zombie, eager to cast my ballot for Obama this November.
          Just when I thought I was done torturing myself, I scanned the last to winner articles. The day wouldn’t have been complete without at least one article demeaning the Catholic church, Cardinal blasts ‘pompous’ Catholic Church” and of course one story dealing with race, “Whites only Class Reunion”.
          I then went on to the NBC News. After reading the first article, “Paul Ryan says he misstated marathon claim“, I could not read any further. Instead, I decided to turn off my computer and move to Russia. At least there, I might have a chance of getting some unbiased news!

Liberal Media

I’d like to use this post to show the world a little media bias. The news should report the facts and let the reader come up with his or her own conclusion. However, after the RNC convention last night, the left spin has already begun:

I’ll start with ABC.  Their headline read:
“Fact Check: Mitt Romney’s Speech at the RNC”
It was met with the following unflattering picture. It makes the governor look more like a dictator than the RNC candidate.

The NBC and MSNBC headline’s did not prove much more flattering:
“Where Romney Succeeded (and didn’t)”
It, however, did provide a picture which caught the excitement of the convention.

CNN did cover the story but attempted to minimize Romneys’s role. Instead, they gave Clint Eastwood (one of my all time favorite actors, directors, writers and person in general) the spotlight of their web page with the following article:  “The Speech Everyone’s Talking About”.
Then, featured less prominently and almost obscurely was a smaller article about Governor Romney which looked like this:

                                                     I can almost make him out!

Interestingly, Yahoo provided no coverage of Governor Romney and instead ran a story about Obama marking the anniversary of the Iraq War. AOL also neglected the governor and put forth their own line of propaganda with the following articles: “Obama Responds to Clint Eastwood’s Chair Schtick” and “Fox New Braking Up with Sarah Palin?”.

Now, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the news media of America definitely leans (if not stands) completely on the left. I’m not trying to sway your opinion but the facts as presented above definitely speak for themselves. You decide.


Neil Armstrong Dies

         The passing of Neil Armstrong represents’ a symbolic end to an era. He was a great American hero and a true pioneer- he represented the American spirit and typified our dreams as a American to strive for the stars, become more than we are and achieve greatness. It was the virtues which my family taught me, the virtues I pass down to my children, and the virtues I attempt to convey to all those who know me. It represents some of the core values which made America great and typifies the principles which make people in this country success.
          It’s kind of poetic that he passed away during Obama’s reign of terror (I mean his presidency) because he represents the antithesis of Neil Armstrong. First of all, Obama finds no real value in NASA. He neither shares its beliefs or relishes in its success. Instead, he views it as the unfortunate institution of a country that raped the world and is flaunting its achievements. He does not take pride in its great history and has no vision for its future.
          Under Obama, our plan to go to Mars was terminated. Though he speaks of landing a man on the red planet, he has cancelled the vital rocket program that would get us there. Under his term our mighty space shuttle program met its demise. The once great space nation of the USA is now relying on Russia to get our astronauts to space. We have to hitch a ride on their rockets just to get to the international space station. And as sad as it sounds, when he came into office he gave the director of NASA one important mission he wanted accomplished. No, it was not getting a man to Mars. No, it was not to build a moon elevator. Instead, he said the most important thing he wanted him to do was increase Muslim relations? I put a question mark at the end because it because it’s too ridiculous to write without wincing. Kennedy wants us to go to the Moon while Obama wants our astronauts to go to Mecca. Sounds reasonable?
          Secondly, Obama’s American dream in not what we were taught as children. The thought of striving to become successful, increasing one’s wealth, owning a successful business and going up the economic ladder is now frowned upon. Instead, those who become financially successful are now vilified. Their success is maligned and their wealth deemed un-American. Instead, he wants the dream of the American youth to be one of dependence on the government, to strive only for mediocrity, to ridicule the wealthy, chastise the rich and to be subservient to the world. He sees the next generation as the group of people to pay for the errors of country’s history. He does not want them to feel good to be American. Instead he wants them to feel ashamed of our country, our history and what we stand for. He wants us to pay morally, spiritually and financially for our past. When he got into office, we saw just this when he went on his apology tour.
          Well Mr. President, I’m not apologizing for anything. The only thing our country has to apologize for is electing you into office. That error, however, will be rectified this November.


Pic of The Day

       No Mr. President, She DID!