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The Fate of America’s Economy
In The Final Reality the antagonist is a man known as Barry Hussein. It is the charater that personifirs our cuurent president and sheds insight into the man’s inner psyche. A quote from the novel is as follows:
Is that what Obama wants to do with our current healthcare system? This may seem remarkable but our healthcare system accounts for around 1/6 of our economy. A takeover of this magnitute would be tantamount to fundamentally changing how America functions. No longer would be be the home of the free. We would now be residents of a country ruled over by governmental officials who believe they know what’s best for us.
Just like these same officals know how to balance of budget, run a post office or run Amtrak. Just a little history (quoted from Wikipedia): The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, doing business as Amtrak (reporting mark AMTK), is a government-owned corporation that was organized on May 1, 1971, to provide intercity passenger train service in the United States. “Amtrak” is a portmanteau of the words “America” and “track”. It is headquartered at Union Station in Washington, D.C.
Is the post office doing any better? Well, as the price of stamps rises once again and as more postal workers get laid off, I think not. Will this be the fate of our healthcare system? The scarier thought is: WILL THIS BE THE FATE OF OUR ENTIRE ECONOMY? You see what happens with government run programs. Imagine if they now took over 1/6 of the economy? The scarier thing is: this will all happen if OBAMA gets another four years to destroy this country.
In the Final Reality the major antagonist is an egotistical, fascist ruler by the name of Barry Hussein. Based upon our current president, Obama, he views religion as only something that the weak cling to for support. Preferring existentialist readings rather than the Bible, he wants to create a utopian society based solely upon his beliefs, devoid of any religious foundation. A quote from The Final Reality briefly summarizes this point:
Fact Trumps Fiction
Quote from The Final Reality:
Anywar is one of more than 3,000 children in northern Uganda who are suffering from a debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease, which has touched almost every family in the
Efforts continue to understand if the disease is still spreading or has peaked — and why it is seems confined only to certain communities.
Sometimes fact is more interesting than fiction. Unfortunately, with the above mentioned disease, this statement holds true. Is this condition something mankind has never seen before? Until Stanley Prusiner of the
Or is this disease something that we just can’t treat? Dr. Jack Edwards, chief of infectious diseases at
Big Brother at it again
A quote from The Final Reality:
“When government wishes to do the work of god, it becomes not divine but demonic.”-Pope Benedict XVI
The Obama administration recently ruled that all insurance policies must offer contraceptive services with no co-payments required. Whether you agree with the policy or not, it was ill conceived from the start. Did Obama and his staff have no clue as to the offense this law would have? Did he not care, did not know or was he, again, trying to force his will over the American people?
Plus, why is contraception now a God given right for every American. Has pregnancy become a disease which has to be prevented by the insurance companies? The thought behind such a policy is ludicrous. If Obama really wanted health insurance companies to pay for preventative measures, then he would make gym memberships free- or maybe he could have them pay for vitamins and running sneakers. The list can go on and on.
The point here is obvious. He again wants to shove something down our throats despite our concerns. I guess he obviously knows better? It does not matter if it has merit. He has his agenda and while he is in office, he will do whatever is in his power to force his will upon us.
Unfortunately, as more American begin to rely on the government rather than family, friends and religion his power and influence rises. Plus, those of us that believe in family, friend and religion are getting so bogged down in increased regulations that the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is becoming more difficult. It seems as if we can attempt to achieve it only under certain circumstances and if the government allows.
This is just the beginning. Can you imagine a second term?