
Why People Hate Ron Paul

Did you even wonder why there was such ardent dislike for Ron Paul, or why the media has cast him as some right-wing nut. Most people don’t even know anything about him. Once they hear right-wing, religious or conservative, their mind is made up. Sadly, the same goes thing goes both ways for both parties. However, Ron Paul seems to stand alone in his negative press.
So ask yourself this: what does Ron Paul stand for and who are the people who hate him? Let’s run down his supposedly far-right, “crazy” ideas. Ron Paul believes in smaller government, containing/paying off or national debt, abolition of the Federal Reserve, minimizing government interference in business and not being the world’s police force, costing more American lives by the day.
Does that sound crazy or does it make complete sense? Honestly, he sounds like our founding fathers. In fact, many of those exact same beliefs were those President George Washington.
So who hates him? First, the bankers hate him. Why? Well, because they make money through interest. So it behooves them to make the government bigger and more dependent on loans to maintain its astronomical size. Thus, minimizing America’s spending would be detrimental to their wallets. And who do you think runs the Federal Reserve. No, not our government but private bankers. And since the Feds basically run our monetary system at will, they would lose this control along with the enormous financial perks that are accompanied by it. Now, I’ll give you a hint of where these banker’s money goes. If you guessed progressive political candidates or the media, you would be right.
Also a big loser if Ron Paul got into office would be our vast military industrial complex. If we were not waging war across the globe, they would not be making money. Thus, it also behooves them to stand against such candidates as Ron Paul. And you can guess where their money goes. If you guessed peace activist, you would be wrong.
Now, with both the bankers and our vast military industrial complexes with the most to lose from a Ron Paul presidency, who do you think is driving the bad press about him? And this is just scratching the surface. Plus, despite D.C.’s financial and moral decay, they want the status quo . A Ron Paul presidency would jeopardize this. Thus, the establishment of both parties see him as a threat.
So who supports Ron Paul. Honestly, the people support him. The grass roots are his backers. Why do you think the DC establishment fear him? Why do you think his supporters were targeted by the IRS. Not only does he have the people on his side but he is also the biggest threat the DC establishment has to fear. Go Ron Paul!


Unemployment Numbers a Hoax

Did you ever wonder why it seems as if less and less people are working or are underemployed while the unemployment number continues to drop? It almost doesn’t seem to make sense. With the rise in food stamp usage, decrease in average household income, and increased usage of government services, the numbers don’t add up
I’ve recently read an article which nicely explains this discrepancy. David John Marotta from Forbes states that the actual unemployment rate of those not working is at 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government. He also stated the government isn’t being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.
He said, “The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work. Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial.”
He went on to state, “Officially-reported unemployment numbers decrease when enough time passes to discourage the unemployed from looking for work. A decrease is not necessarily beneficial; an increase is clearly detrimental.”
Then there is the Misery Index, which is a calculation based in inflation and unemployment, both numbers the duo say are underscored by the government. He said that the Index doesn’t properly calculate how Uncle Sam is propping up the economy with bond purchases and other actions.
Also, he shows how the Misery Index numbers have been skewed by the government. “These tricks, along with a host of other dubious accounting schemes, underreport inflation by about 3 percent,” they wrote, adding that the official inflation rate is just 1.24 percent. Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
        One last interesting observation I made: When the unemployment rate was higher, I had trouble finding the web page that would accurately provide me with the number. However, when I checked today, it was both easy to find and full of great stories about our current administration. Knowing the pitiful poverty numbers, I then went on to search for the Human Poverty Index in the United States. Not only could I not find it on Google, but the first hit I encountered was this endorsement for Obamacare? Then when I found some numbers, they were outdated by 2 years?
Can anyone say collusion? However, it does scare me how I could not find this information. Go ahead any try to find it, you’ll hit the same brick walls I came across.

Washington Steals 1.1 trillion Dollars from Americans

No, I’m not trying to be coy with this title. What I’m attempting in a succinct fashion to do is show what the headlines should really read. Instead of reading Senate Passes 1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill, it should read Washington Steals 1.1 trillion Dollars from Americans. Like it or not, it is what happened last week in DC, and any true, honest reporter would have printed it. However, real journalism and the checks-and-balance system set of by the media is dead.

You may ask why I believe that DC robbed us American people 1.1 trillion dollars. The answer is simple. First, no one in the Senate or the House even read the bill. Encompassing 1,582 page, both Houses admittedly had no time to read it, and even if they wanted to read it, there was no time. It is insane to think that our elected officials would spend that much money without even knowing where it is appropriated to. That’s 1.1 trillion dollars of our money spent without even a second thought. It’s like going to a restaurant and writing them a million dollars check for dinner without even seeing the menu- all the while knowing the food really stinks. That’s how insane it is.

I don’t care what your political party is, what happened in the Senate is wrong and proves our government is broken. Yes, broken. If DC ran like a private business, it would have gone out of business in less than a day. Business schools should use the US government as an example to show how not to run a business.

So where did this enormous amount of money go? Well, much of it is going for Obamacare, the American infrastructure and other ear marked social programs. You may naïvely think that sounds good. Well, if you do, you are either schizophrenic or have a very poor memory. You may or may not remember that our last stimulus plan and other Obama-initiated programs throughout his 2 terms have gone the same way. Just look at how well Amtrak is working, how our bridges are so much better, how we revitalized our railways or how many people are doing well with Obamacare. If you finally woke up and realized that none of these things happened with even more money spent, then you will now realize that this 1.1 trillion dollars will be completely wasted. Yes, wasted. Instead of doing any good, it will be squandered and pilfered out to the politicians who voted for it’s cronies- just like the money from our last stimulus package.

Where is the media in all of this? Why is no one reporting the truth? Why does it seem the facts are so easily available, but no one knows them? Why when I ask educated people I know about the 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill, they don’t know what I am talking about or don’t care.

The Constitution can only work with an informed populous and free media. Without both, we can now understand how are government has become so corrupt, incompetent and dishonest without anything being done about it.


The New York Times’ Benghazi Tall Tale

The New York Times’ recently asserted that Al Qaeda had no provable involvement in the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate. Its author,David Kirkpatrick, went on to write that that the attack was fueled by anger at an American-made anti-Islamic video, as the Obama administration first claimed

Not only does this conclusion by The New York Times contradict the overwhelming evidence for a direct involvement by Al Qaeda but it also conflicts with testimony from Greg Hicks, the deputy of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attack. Hicks described the video as “a non-event in Libya” at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack.

So why was this article written? In light of the overwhelming facts that have surfaced to the contrary, it almost seems as if this article was not meant for information but for misinformation.

Is The New York Times trying to pave an easier path for a Clinton 2016 victory? Honestly, after reading the true facts about the Benghazi attack, it is the only discernible conclusion that can be drawn. Possibly Kirkpatrick hopes to persuade enough Americans to believe his tall tale or cast enough doubt in others whereby the Benghazi attack will be a nonissue for Clinton’s 2016 run.

What is more disturbing is to believe The New York Times thinks of most Americans as mindless sheep who will trust anything that they write. Do they really see of as a mindless commodity who will blindly follow them regardless of the facts? Honestly, I’m insulted not only for their arrogance towards us Americans but also towards their total neglect in accurate reporting. This article proves only one point: The New York Times has become not a reliable source of news but a progressive propaganda machine.

Scientists create the world’s first glow-in-the-dark PIGS

No, this is no joke nor is it some new book coming out on the market. It is a real story and it results are indisputable. However, after reading the article, I must ask, are we going too far? I understand that mankind’s innate drive is to learn, create and seemingly to be God-like in nature. But we must ask ourselves: just because we can do something, is it right?

The article is a little perturbing in that it acts as if this is a great breakthrough in science. When, in fact, the introduction of genes and gene manipulation is by-far nothing new. We have been successfully placing genes into plants, animals and even humans for many years. Though it seems benign and almost a playful-like experiment, it has far-reaching implications.

Let me backtrack first before continuing with my thought. Our understanding of genetics has changed significantly since the turn of the century. No longer do we believe that one gene creates one protein. In fact, we now know that one gene can possibly produce multiple proteins and even possibly cause DNA within the cell to act differently. For example, the gene is transcribed into a messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA can possibly turn on and off different, unintended genes, which will cause different, unintended proteins to be formed. The mRNA then gets transcribed into a protein which can do the same possible thing.

What are the implications of these unintended results? Could these pigs now be inedible. Could the gene manipulation unknowingly unleash a virus hidden in the pig’s DNA. Could the presence of these genetically altered pigs now change the ecosystem?

If one recently read the news, you will recall how China just rejected a shipment of US genetically engineered corn. I don’t blame them. This corn has not been tested for safety. This corn has not been fully tested for any new or toxic changes. This corn has not been fully evaluated for its potential harm it could cause to our ecosystem.

Despite all our knowledge with regard to genetics, we are just scratching the surface. It’s like unraveling a code that took over a billion years to write. Not that I’m saying all gene therapy is bad, but I want you all to think about are the potential consequences of this research.



Free Speech is Dead- Duck Dynasty

Free speech was one of the fundamental principles which made our country both unique and great. The founders of our country deemed it so important that it was placed in the very First Amendment to our great Constitution. And yes, the Constitution is not a myth or a figment our some people’s imagination. Although not followed by our tyrannical president, it was in one day the law of the land.

Though you may think I jest, the First Amendment to the Constitution has been systematically dismantled by the left and forgotten by our liberal media. Instead of the First Amendment, we have the PC police. Though not sanctioned by the Constitution or having any legal jurisdiction, it has become more powerful than the IRS itself.

You see, the PC police has their own agenda- an agenda to which all those who disobey will be marginalized, ridiculed and vehemently attacked. And those that do not follow their rule will meet the same fate- like it or not. Free speech is dead. The democrats who once championed the concept of free speech are now the ones behind this PC agenda.

As a history buff, I find this modern day PC police no different from Hitler’s Gestapo. In fact, the differences between the two dwindle by the day. I do not over-exaggerate. Just think if you want to make a non-PC comment. What do you do? Most say it in a hushed tone or confide in only the closest of friends their true feelings. Some look both ways before whispering their comment. Many have become too afraid to speak their mind and remain silent. Don’t tell me none of you experienced what I have just written.

Just look at Duck Dynasty. A&E has suspended Phil Robertson. And for what reason? The answer is obvious. They fear the PC police.  Also, following like mindless sheep, now Cracker Barrel is pulling Duck Dynasty merchandise from the shelves. And don’t forget Paula Dean. She is yet another of this year’s assault by the PC police.When I grew up people feared an audit by the IRS. Now, the big fear is getting attacked by the PC police. Both A&E and Cracker Barrel folded without even a fight. They conceded their First Amendment rights- the rights our forefathers and soldiers fought so hard for us to have.

Now is not the time to lie down and have our Constitution desecrated. Now is not the time to roll over and concede defeat to the PC police. Now is the time for us to stand up for our constitutional rights and speak our minds. It does not matter if you agree with Phil Robertson or not. However, it does matter if you believe in the First Amendment to our Constitution. Do not stand idly by and watch Duck Dynasty fall. Speak your mind openly and willingly now before we are the last generation of Americans that ever have the chance to do so again!


The New Reality

My novel, The New Reality, will be out in bookstores May, 2014. As an American who wants to see the next generation become better than ours, I fear the economic debt that looms over their heads will deter this from happening. Worse yet, I fear the debt will,, in essence, make us beholden to China’s every whim and essentially a serf in their growing world, economic domination. Also, as a physician, I watch our medical system slowly dwindle because of the endless laws, governmental regulations and private insurance companies’ greed.

When I look at my kids some day in the future, I want to tell them that either I tried to stop this from happening or was part of the movement that stopped it from occurring. I want to tell them that I did not sit idly by as I watched our democracy crumble, our civil liberties be taken and our economic future be destroyed. The New Reality will be the first of a three book series which will highlight the injustice being perpetrated on the American citizens and potential outcome of an unjust, unchecked political system. Below highlights the book:

What makes one person smarter, faster or even more athletic than another? Is it their upbringing or is the answer hidden within millions of years of evolution? What if mankind found the answer and in the process, doomed humanity to extinction?


Focusing on both our current politically charged environment and world-wide economic crisis, The New Reality follows Alex Pella on a tumultuous journey that projects a potential path of human existence in the 21stcentury. After a virus embedded in our genetic code inadvertently gets released upon the planet, no country is financially prepared to deal with such a disaster. Only the brilliant neuroscientist, Alex Pella, and his intellectual equal, Marissa Ambrosia, have the audacity to attempt finding the cure while simultaneously fending off a foreign, elite military unit sent to stop them. Guided by an ancient code concealed within the Old Testament, they must traverse ancient lands and attempt to solve an age-old biblical riddle in order to save mankind from its own inevitable destruction.

If you would like a free copy to critique, please contact:


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Know Your Enemy

It is important to truly understand your adversary. Unfortunately, as we have discovered, Obama has proven to be the biggest threat to the Constitution, to our democracy and to the future of this nation that our country has ever faced. We have all read about Obama’s close ties to both communists and terrorists in the past. Per his own admission he states that he was a chain smoking, drug seeking college failure.

However, what I have found so intriguing recently is Obama’s great admiration for a man by the name of Saul Alinsky. During his 2008 campaign, he routinely quoted from one of the man’s left-wing books, Rules for Radicals. If this is not anti-American, I don’t know what is. But the story gets worse. In this book that Obama so cherishes there is a dedications at its beginning which reads:

This is the man Obama takes with such high regard-a devil worshiper? I guess it explains why he and his wife sat through Reverend White’s hate filled sermons all those years.

Now, one final bit of information. One other nut-case democrat also took the man in high regard and even wrote her college thesis on him. And do you know who that was? Hillary Clinton


Obamacare gravy Train

The fraud and wastefulness of just building the Obamacare website should shed some light into not only what a complete debacle this law is but the nefarious and wasteful outcome of big government. To begin with, it is estimated that the failed website cost approximately 350 million dollars to build. And yet, despite the ridiculous price tag, it doesn’t work.

First, you must ask yourself: How much does a website cost to build? When you realize that the answer is a mere miniscule of a percent spent for this governmental leviathan, you will be astonished. Plus, you will be more astonished to learn that the contract for this website was handed to one of Michele obama’s old cronies.

To add insult to injury, the federal government gave the states 4.4 billion dollars to set up their own Obamacare websites. In addition, some of these states took the money and then decided to let the federal site handle the enrollment. Isn’t that what is called collusion or buying the state’s support?

Lastly, several leading GOP members of Congress are asking Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, under whose watch the website rollout has experience one fiasco after another, to explain another $2 billion in taxpayer money loaned to various interests to get health insurance CO-OPs up and running – and whether the taxpayers will get any of that back.
What we see here is just the tip of the iceberg! If billions have already been wasted on just the website, image the trillions that will be thrown away when the law is fully enacted. This law is exactly what our forefathers warned us about. It is exactly what they fought the Revolutionary War over. Stop the madness now.