

What Obama is doing with his new immigration policy reminds me of the old bait- and -switch. If you’re not familiar with the term, Wikipedia defines it as the following: Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud, most commonly used in retail stores but also applicable to other contexts.

It seems mighty ironic that Obama all of a sudden came up with this unilateral policy. First of all immigration law should comes from the legislative branch of government and not the executive. What he has effectively done is bypassed the House and Senate and made his decision without either of their support or knowledge. This move in itself says much about Obama’s character. Does he think he is better than Congress? Does he believe he knows what is best while the rest of the country is too stupid to formulate their own opinion? The answer is yes to them both. His whole philosophy is that government, or most importantly he, knows best. His belief is that without government, the individual is nothing. Only through government can the individual become a better person and rise to a higher level of living. Without government the individual is nothing.  

Obama’s philosophy sound familiar? Well it should. It’s the same mantra of thought exercised by such 20th century regimes such as the Nazis. Isn’t it amazing, yet unfortunate, how history repeats itself?

Now here’s the bait-and-switch. With unemployment up to 8.2%, almost 25% of teenagers unemployed, an economy that has lost 1.37 million jobs in the past 3 years, and ongoing scandals such as fast and furious, Obama needs something to take the media coverage away from his crumbling presidency. His goal is to bait everyone into to reading or listening to something different such as his new immigration policy. As the media and everyone in the country are baited into this story he gives us the switch. What is the switch? Well, now the news is no longer centered upon Obama’s failed tenure as president and are instead focused on his new change in American policy. It’s almost like the misdirection illusionists use to play a trick in the audience. Plus, with this new policy he can now pander to the Latino vote- a vote he desperately needs to stay in office. It’s like a 2 for one with this new policy. He can take attention off of his failed leadership and attempt to garner more votes from a specific population all with one policy change. Isn’t politics grand?

Well Obama, no matter how much you try to bait-and-switch or misdirect us, the problems you have created are still here. There’s no magic or political spin which can disguise the pitiful economic numbers you’ve put up since you’re tenure in office.

Hillary Clinton 2016?

Recently former President Clinton has made some remarks that some would say is a slap in the face to Obama. He mentioned how Obamacare is a good start while praising Governor Romney for his “sterling” business career. Plus, he openly stated that he favored extending the Bush-era tax cuts. Ironically, all of these comments are diametrically opposed to Obama’s basic message.

Is Clinton just going rogue or maybe he’s just stating what’s on his mind? Another possibility is that he could just be saying these things to get a little press for himself or simply misspoke. However, I don’t believe any of these excuses which I’ve been hearing permeating their way through the media. Everyone has come up with some reason for the remarks but no one has truly addressed his motive.

You see, Clinton is a consummate politician and excellent strategist. When he speaks he not only knows exactly what he is currently saying but is also accurately calculating the ramifications of his words. In his mind he foresees how his every word, smile or simple gesture will be construed by the media and those next to him. Everything that comes out of his mouth is preconceived and tactically spoken. You can call the former president many things but a fool is not one of them. When you look up politician in the dictionary, you see his face. Politics is his life and passion. He’s so good at this that many who were not alive or too young to remember his tenure in The White House believe he was a great president just by the way he presents himself and speaks. Plus, he lied to Congress and got away with it and convinced his wife he was sorry for cheating yet continues to shag women as if it were his job.

I’m here to give the devil his due. Clinton knew exactly what he was saying when he contradicted Obama and he said it for a reason. The reason is that he wants Obama to lose the 2012 race. That seems crazy to write but in his mind he’s not looking at 2012 but instead 2016. That is the time when he wants Hillary to run for office. That is the time when he plans for another Clinton to get back into the White House. That is the time he plans for his legacy to continue.

Though retired from office like President Bush, Clinton continues to keep the focus of his political party on himself. He wants and needs the spotlight on himself. He wants be the dominant political force and as Obama’s presidency crumbles faster than Sandusky’s defense he wants to put the final nail in the president’s political coffin. He desires his power back and if it means the democrats losing the presidency in 2012, so be it.

Don’t let Clinton take you for a fool. Listen not to what he says but instead understand why he’s saying it.

Obama is out of touch with America

Have Obama and the rest of his cabinet lost total touch with reality? With Obama’s recent comments that the “Private sector is doing fine” it confirms all my beliefs that he’s living on his own world.

Seriously, we must dissect his statement. Does he really think the private sector is fine? Contrary to all indicators such as the high unemployment rate, increased people on welfare, section 8 and other government programs and soaring underemployment rate, he could think private industry is doing fine. As mindboggling and as totally absurd as it sounds, he may actually believe it.


Is there that much of a disconnect with him and the real world? Does he have any grasp of simple economics? Does he even understand how the economy works? Does he know how much people around the country are hurting for work? Does he understand how difficult it is, despite a good education, to find a quality job?

The simple and most logical answer is that there is a disconnect and he’s as clueless as Kim Kardashian at a Mensa convention. It would explain his inexplicably naive comment and make sense of his whole tenure as president. We all realize by now that he was unqualified for the job and his entire resume consisted of a single speech (As eloquently pointed out by Hillary Clinton) at Senator Kerry’s Democratic convention. The truth of the matter is that being President of the USA is no joke. It takes skill, training and one heck of a resume. If you’ve really accomplished nothing significant in life like Obama, then taking on the job of president was well out of his league.

 I believe that this is the most probable cause for his statements. However, I still have a nagging feeling that he simply doesn’t care. It’s been about him since day one when he got into office. When the brave Navy seals killed Bin Laden, he took the credit. He took credit for Bush’s Iraqi withdrawal schedule. He took credit for the auto industry. When things went bad, however, he never took the blame. It was Bush, the European economy, the Republican in Congress, or the Supreme Court and the list goes on.

When President Truman was in office he said that the buck stops here. Obviously the only thing that stops in the White House now is his media cronies, Hollywood elitists and his personal lobbyist. Well, Mr. Obama, I have some advice for you. As President of the great USA you should feel proud to serve the people and not feel as if we should feel proud to have you lead us. Remember that the next time you speak.

Free Copy of The Final Reality

Free advanced reading copies are out of my new political/medical thriller, The Final Reality. If you like my blog, you’re going to love this book. A summary of the book is as follows:

Focusing on both our current politically charged environment and world-wide economic crisis, my fictional novel, The Final Reality, follows Alex Pella on a tumultuous journey that projects a potential path of human existence in the 21st century. After a virus hidden within our genetic code inadvertently gets released upon the planet, no country is financially prepared to deal with such a disaster. Only the brilliant neuroscientist, Alex Pella, and his intellectual equal, Marissa Ambrosia, have the audacity to attempt finding a cure while simultaneously fending off vehement opposition sent to stop them. Guided by an ancient code concealed within the Old Testament, they must traverse ancient lands and solve an age-old biblical riddle to save mankind from its own inevitable destruction. With a humorous flair, the book smoothly tells an important story that reflects on the political, medical and financial uncertainties which mankind currently faces.

Please email me at with your home address, and I’ll send a book out to you in the mail in a week. All I ask is that you write me back and tell me what you think of the novel. Good, bad or otherwise, I’d like to know. Realistically, I’d like all great reviews but I’m interested to hear what you all have to say.


Obama and Sex in the City

I heard the most ridiculous ad this week. It was Sarah Jessica Parker touting Obama’s accomplishments in another socialist, I mean Hollywood, sponsored fundraising campaign for their anointed one. She enthusiastically states, “OK, the guy who ended the war in Iraq; the guy who says you should be able to marry anyone you want; the guy who created 4 million new jobs. That guy — President Obama — and his wife Michelle are coming to my house for dinner on June 14th.”

The only agreement I have with Sarah is that I too refer to Obama as That Guy. That Guy is the one who said he’d halve the deficit yet needlessly increased the national deficit another 6 trillion dollars.  That Guy was the one who borrowed the money from China- the same country that is using the profits to increase the size of their military. That Guy is the same one who is cutting military funding as both the military strength of China and Russia increase and during a time of war. That Guy in the White House doesn’t know what he’s doing.

And Sarah, I too would love to have That Guy over for dinner. I’d like to tell That Guy what he has done to the economy, our foreign policy, the military and to jobs in America. I’d like to tell That Guy how he is condemning our next few generations to pay for the follies of today. I’d also tell That Guy the way it is and not agree with him like the bobble-headed media and yes-men he has surrounded himself with.

Another thing Sarah, Obama has not created 4 million jobs. The American people have- despite all that he has done to kill US business and bolster the outsourcing of jobs. I am a small business owner and know just how difficult it’s been to expand and grow. There have been no incentives, tax breaks or other bonuses to expand the size of the company. In fact it is much more difficult now to grow my business. Thanks to Obama’s policies he has placed a stranglehold on the private sector and made life more difficult for anyone who own their own business.

Plus, I laugh when you give him credit for those 4 million jobs. We are still in a recession and the only reason the unemployment is down to 8.2% is that many have retired, taken early retirement, went for disability or just took a lesser position. If you’d count these people into the whole unemployment equation we’d be up to 20%!  I’d like to give you an example. When President Bush was our leader I’d posted a job in the paper for my company. A got 30-40 applicants over a few weeks. Recently, I placed the same ad and over 300 people applied in under a week! Many were overqualified and most were willing to work no matter what the salary. Does this like he is doing anything positive for the economy? Maybe if you and your other Hollywood buddies got off your high horse and actually saw how the country ran, you may understand what’s really going on here in this county.

Sarah, you live in a super-elite world that has become out of touch with the other 99.9% of America. In the end I must give you the benefit of the doubt and must concede there may be another cause for your overt ignorance of the real circumstances surrounding Obama’s presidency. Interestingly, studies have shown that the rate of syphilis is up in cities. Maybe with all that Sex in the City you may have come down with neurosyphilis? You know that’s the same disease that eventually caused Al Capone to go demented and die. Maybe, this is the early stages of the disease. If so, there is still hope Sarah. The nearest hospital should be stocked with antibiotics and ready to help. Good luck!

Do As I Say and Not as I do!

I remember hearing the term, Do as I say and not as I do, growing up. As a child I thought it was a naïve statement to make. I use to ask myself, what type of example does it set? Also I’d think, who are you to give me advice when you can’t abide by it yourself? In the end the person who said it usually lost their credibility. Plus, I’d usually deem their statement essentially worthless and go on to disregard any further advice from them.

The irony now is that we are hearing the exact same thing from the democratic party. They speak down to the American people and patronize us with their condescending advice. It is as if we are incapable to live on our own without Uncle Sam behind use to lead us the whole way. They think we should all be mindless puppets who can be lead around as if we were all just a bunch of marionettes.

A prime example came recently when Nancy Pelosi spoke about passing a bill that would mandate equal pay to both men and women for equal work. Not that I’m against this bill in theory, but in practice it just opens the door wide open for the government to step into any business in the country and take control of it. By taxing them, levying fines and exerting their influence, all businesses would be forced to capitulate to the government’s every whim. Plus, you see how well they are doing running the post office. Just think what they could do to your business. The reason why I brought this up is because Nancy Pelosi’s own female staffers make less than 20% of their male counterparts. Do as I say and not as I do!

How about the Health Care overhaul Miss Nancy shoved down our throats? Not only was it unconstitutional but there was no way to pay for it without bankrupting the country. Plus, it will mandate rationing, limited medical access and an overall decreased level of care to the entire system. And do you know what makes this Obamacare so ironic? It would apply to all of us voter in the Unites States that put these elected boneheads like Nancy into office and would not apply to them. They would have their own, private, better insurance that would be financed by the American taxpayers. Who’s the sucker in this ponzi-type scenario! Do as I say and not as I do.

She wants us to live more austerely yet she flies a multimillion dollar luxury jet back and forth from Washington DC to California every week on the taxpayers tab. She attacks the one-percenters yet is one herself. I don’t see her writing the government a refund check or offering to take a reduced salary. She enjoys her wealth but sticks her nose up to everyone else out there who is rich. What makes certain people like her and Obama entitled to their wealth while other hard working Americans should feel ashamed of it? Do as I say and not as I do.

I hope I’m not the only one seeing Nancy Pelosi’s two-faced nature and her condescending attitude. The problem is that this is what the democratic party is promoting right now. I’m tired of being their stooge. How about this Nancy: Do as I say and get out of office for the sake of America and the future of our children.

Obama is a Magician

Who knew that our own president was a magician? First, he earned the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing. I guess pot smoking, public nudity and anti-American sentiment is all you need these days to earn an award given to such honorable people as Mother Theresa. Job numbers are down, unemployment is up, there is no plan for the next 4 years, we have no federal budget, our foreign policy is schizophrenic and the dollars is in the crapper. And despite all of this Obama’s approval rating still is above 40%. Now that’s the real magic! How could he do nothing right and still have any approval rating at all?

Maybe I can figure it out. What I learned about doing a real good illusion is a concept called misdirection. By definition misdirection is a form of deceptionin which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another. Well, I think that might just be the key. During the beginning of his tenure as president he misdirected all his failures towards President Bush, blaming him for the tanking economy and continued recession. More recently it looks like he used that same misdirection trick to disguise his abysmal tenure as president by blaming Greece, Europe’s financial instability and the Republican’s inability to pass any his bills. However, when he had control of both houses the only thing he was able to pass was an unconstitutional bill that would bankrupt the country.

It also seems the media has picked up on this trick. Take for instance the Catholic Church. Instead of properly reporting Obama’s hatred towards the church and the justified laws suits he is facing from them, the media instead cover the airways with stories of priest’s sexual misconducts. I understand Obama hates the Catholic Church but does that mean the news media has to also?

However, he’s attempting to use his last bit of misdirection to get himself re-elected. Because he certainly can’t run his campaign based upon his horrific record, he instead turned people’s attention to Governor Romney. Using the media as if it were a government run propaganda machine, he has done everything to discredit and vilify his opponent and wife. The problem with this strategy is that Governor Romney actually has really strong credentials. He is an excellent businessman, governor, statesman and father. He was not a drug abuser, school skipper or deadbeat. Thus, Obama has turned to lies and other untruths in order to continue his misperception.

Well Mr. Obama, I’ve watched the FOX series Magic Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed and know what you’re doing. It’s just a matter of time the whole country comes to their senses and realize what a disaster the last few years have been with you in the White House.

If It’s Said, It Must be True

Back in college we use to joke that as long as someone said something, it must be true. We were all intelligent people and knew such sophomoric statements were tenuous at best. There were no facts behind them, no corroboration and usually no witnesses. In the end we usually knew the statement was false but use to play along jokingly to its authenticity, usually in jest towards one of our friends.

Now, however, I’m not laughing anymore about it. What use to be a humorous joke in college has turned into both the democrats and media’s method to demonize the Republicans and Governor Romney. “Governor Romney hates gays and bullied students as a youth, over 40 years ago.” I heard it on the news. Yet, I found nothing to corroborate it. There were no reliable sources and the family of the “alleged victim” denies it. However, the rumor goes on. While at the gym I see it on CNN. I hear it on the radio. I read it in on Yahoo.
In the end I’ve been so bombarded with the story that I actually began to give it some credence. Maybe he was a bully in his younger years? However, as a responsible person, I looked into the story and found absolutely no basis to the tale. Since then I’ve since tried to ignore the story but the media bombardment about it continued. I heard people around work saying things like, “Did you hear what a bully Romney was?” Or, “That Romney, he sounds like a real jerk!”
And that’s exactly what the media and democrats want to happen. They want to pin the Republicans and their nominees into a corner. They want to define how the public sees them and dictate what news is said about them. They know that if they want Governor Romney to look like all bully, the plan is simple. The first thing to do is release a press statement about it. It actually doesn’t even matter if there is a shred of truth to it. After a full media bombardment of the story people will believe its authenticity, despite its lack of any evidence and an inundation of contradictory facts. In the end, even if the story was found to be completely fictional, people will still accept as true. As I said, after hearing it a hundred times you’ll begin to believe it.
This is not the first time it’s happened this year. Just think of all the negative stories that the media has churned out this year: Romney hates Latinos, Romney is a snob, Romney is an elitist, Romney’s wife never held a real job, Romney is against African Americans, Romney destroys businesses, Romney got into Harvard by daddy (that’s one invented by the wife-cheater Letterman), Republicans hate woman, Republicans want to see coat hanger abortions, Republicans hate birth control and want to see the spread of AIDS and the list could go on forever.

As I said before, there is no evidence behind these accusations. It’s the image the media wants to project. It doesn’t need facts. All it really needs is listeners. When you sit down and look at the facts you see that Obama was the bully. He admitted it in his own autobiography. Obama was the one helped into Harvard. He again admitted to excessive drug use and his grades have yet to be released. Obama is the one who is against African Americans. He wants to expand their dependence on government and does nothing to get them jobs, financial independence or off the federal doll. Most importantly, Governor Romney’s wife did have a real job. She was a mother of 5. My wife does the same, and it’s no life of glamour.

Facts speak for themselves. Don’t let the media indoctrinate you. Think for yourself or you’ll become a mindless drone watching MSNBC to hear what you should believe next.


Obama Touch

King Midas went down in Greek mythology as a legendary ruler who had the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Thus, The Midas Touch was coined. We all know this mythical Greek ruler couldn’t turn things to gold. However, there are people out there that no matter what enterprise they undertake, it will be a success. Take for instance certain modern individuals such as Steve Jobs, Lee Iacocca, and Bill Gates. We associate all of them with success, brilliance and the ability to succeed. Some may disagree but I would say that they all have The Midas Touch.

I’d like to be the first to coin a new term. This term will mean the exact opposite of  
The Midas Touch. You can be creative and think of it as many things such as: turning something good into crap or producing a negative outcome at all times.

After little deliberation I have coined the term: The Obama Touch. I think it adequately sums up the job Obama’s done throughout his life. From his poor grades in college, do-nothing job as a community organizer, unremarkable Senate career to his record as president. I know there are some liberals out there but you can’t disagree that he’s a less than remarkable individual. The only noteworthy event in his presidency was winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The only thing this award did was to confirm that all success in his life was handed to him instead of earned.

The facts about our current president are obvious. He promised the unemployment rate would not be over 8%. Yet, after putting our country in another 6 trillion dollars of debt and not producing a federal budget in 3 years we have not gone below 8%. Maybe he just got his number wrong like he did the states-57?

Remember how he personally sought out the Olympics for Chicago in 2016. Well, the only thing The Obama Touch accomplished was see the event go to Brazil. Just like all of our jobs here in America- work is going overseas. He’s done nothing to promote the American economy. In fact he’s made it more difficult to invest in the US and his policies actually deter foreign companies from opening business in the states.

You also see how his Green Energy program is going. Instead of promoting green energy through incentives, he’s blindly giving our hard-earned taxpayer money away to failing companies. He poured US cash into Solyndra despite all indications that it was a failure. There’s a simple rule: putting good money on top of bad doesn’t make it turn good. Instead, it makes all the money bad. 

Plus, his major piece of legislation, Obamacare, is unconstitutional and will be soon overturned by the Supreme Court. And if it’s not overturned, it will be de-funded. Just think of all the time and money wasted on this socialist piece of crap legislation.

America now hasn’t been more divided since the Civil War. Gas prices are soaring. People on food stamps, disability and federal aid have markedly risen. He’s shrinking the military in a time of war???

Listen the only way I can sum up his abysmal presidency is The Obama Touch. He’d still like to blame Bush. However with over three years of total failure, I think WE CAN ALL BLAME OBAMA.


Obama the Elitist

There are many ironies in life, and you need not look far to find the most ironic among them- the President of the Unites States, Obama. One of the biggest ironies is that he reminds me of another socialist leader who ran his country through personality and total control over the media. The irony was that this man condemned all those with Jewish blood- yet his grandmother was a Jew. He exalted the blond hair, blue eyed of his country- yet he had black hair and brown eyes.

He expelled God from his land, economically destroyed his country, took total control of the media and came to office with no governmental experience- wait… was I writing of Hitler or Obama here?

Well, what spawned this rant was a campaign email sent out today, Mother’s Day, by Obama:

If you’re lucky enough to get to marry your best friend, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Michelle amazes me every day, and in the years we’ve been together, nothing inspires me more than watching her be a mom to our two girls . . . This year, I wanted to try something a little different. I know Michelle treasures every single person who is part of this movement we’ve built, so I’m hoping each of you will sign my card to her today. It’ll mean a lot to her.

Will you join me in wishing Michelle a happy Mother’s Day?

What makes this email ironic is that when you go to wish Mrs. Obama a Happy Mother’s Day there’s no place to leave a comment. Better yet, it also hits you up for a donation for Obama’s reelection. In reality, I wish all mothers and those acting as a mother figure a Happy Mother’s Day- including Mrs. Obama.

However, what irks me about this email is that it typifies Obama’s elitist’s attitude. Instead of writing something sincere to his wife, he just wants money. It would have been nice to cull some of the nicest comments and present them to her on this day. No, instead Obama used it as a means to motivate the masses to give him more money. Is nothing sacred?

The irony doesn’t end there. While he preaches that the country should tighten their belt and live a more austere life, he owns a million dollar mansion, drives an expensive car and owns the most expensive amenities of life. Why does he need to care how everyone else is doing financially? As president he also gets everything paid for him. His meals, his air travel, his vacation home; all that he wants or needs is on the taxpayer’s tab. Sure the gas prices rise. Why should he do anything when his tank is always full and there’s a chauffeur to take him anywhere at his own whim. Maybe that’s one of the reasons he stands idly by and does nothing as the price of gas crushes the already suffocating economy.

While most Americans are hesitant to go to Europe because of the weakening dollar (thanks again Obama), he sends his wife to Spain on a half-million dollar trip. And the irony is: we all here in America paid for it. I don’t know about you but I never received a thank you or at least a 49 cent postcard. I’m just saying, it would have been nice. While I was working all day it would have been polite for the first lady to thank me and the rest of the tax payers for her exorbitant trip.

Another irony is that Obama condemns the rich- yet he is the rich. He wants to stick it to them man- yet he’s the man! Am I the only one paying attention to these things? In 2011 he made almost 2 million dollars- yet he condemns all those American who are wealthy. The irony is: he’s a one percenter. He lives the rich life. He send his kids to private schools, rides on a private jet, has chauffeurs, maids, cooks and has someone clean his home. The irony is that when he leaves the White House this will not all end. Don’t just think it’s because he’s president.

We should have all known he would be like this. Remember his inauguration? Remember the size and cost of the event? Remember how many were there? Remember the cost of the security alone? The irony was this occurred during our recession. If he really wanted to show an example, he would have made the event small and saved the tax payers some money. But the irony is, he doesn’t care about the tax payers or our money. He prints money quicker than a counterfeiter and spends it to the point of economic collapse.

Unfortunately, I could go on forever. Hopefully I cannot say the same about Obama’s presidency. The irony is that our president is a self-absorbed egotist who cares only for himself and his own power. There is no love for America, for American history, for all the good America has done, for the soldiers, for the tax payers, for the churches and finally for capitalism itself.