
          So I go onto again to check some news, naively believing that I could possible get some objective information. After seeing their left-slanted stories about the RNC, I wanted to view what they had to offer me today. Let’s just say the articles would not disappoint any socialist (I mean Democrat) or atheist out there.
          Trying not to be closed-minded, I attempted to get through some of the garbage they highlighted today. I first read, “GOP targets Joe Biden”. Poor guy. Despite his inability to lead as a VP, his absurd comments and his overall ineffectiveness, does he really deserve to be attacked by the GOP? Well, I guess competency is not a criteria according to the media. I suppose all you need is to believe in anything politically correct and you’ll get a pass. It’s like a teacher giving his student an A even though he failed the class, embarrassed the school and was the class bully. It’s not about what you’ve accomplished, according to the democrats and liberal media, it’s what you believe in that counts.
          Instead of bashing Biden for his ineptitude, I read the next article which pokes fun at our future VP which read, “Paul Ryan’s Football Pep Talk Fails to Deliver”. This winner story was followed by yahoo’s “Electrifying Moments at the DNC”.  I failed to see anything at all positive about Governor Romney, an optimistic article about the GNC or any conservative type of story. Thank God I have a brain that works because if all I read were the headlines on, I would have become a Marxist (I mean a Democrat), quit my job, collected food stamps and awaited liked a mindless zombie, eager to cast my ballot for Obama this November.
          Just when I thought I was done torturing myself, I scanned the last to winner articles. The day wouldn’t have been complete without at least one article demeaning the Catholic church, Cardinal blasts ‘pompous’ Catholic Church” and of course one story dealing with race, “Whites only Class Reunion”.
          I then went on to the NBC News. After reading the first article, “Paul Ryan says he misstated marathon claim“, I could not read any further. Instead, I decided to turn off my computer and move to Russia. At least there, I might have a chance of getting some unbiased news!

Liberal Media

I’d like to use this post to show the world a little media bias. The news should report the facts and let the reader come up with his or her own conclusion. However, after the RNC convention last night, the left spin has already begun:

I’ll start with ABC.  Their headline read:
“Fact Check: Mitt Romney’s Speech at the RNC”
It was met with the following unflattering picture. It makes the governor look more like a dictator than the RNC candidate.

The NBC and MSNBC headline’s did not prove much more flattering:
“Where Romney Succeeded (and didn’t)”
It, however, did provide a picture which caught the excitement of the convention.

CNN did cover the story but attempted to minimize Romneys’s role. Instead, they gave Clint Eastwood (one of my all time favorite actors, directors, writers and person in general) the spotlight of their web page with the following article:  “The Speech Everyone’s Talking About”.
Then, featured less prominently and almost obscurely was a smaller article about Governor Romney which looked like this:

                                                     I can almost make him out!

Interestingly, Yahoo provided no coverage of Governor Romney and instead ran a story about Obama marking the anniversary of the Iraq War. AOL also neglected the governor and put forth their own line of propaganda with the following articles: “Obama Responds to Clint Eastwood’s Chair Schtick” and “Fox New Braking Up with Sarah Palin?”.

Now, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the news media of America definitely leans (if not stands) completely on the left. I’m not trying to sway your opinion but the facts as presented above definitely speak for themselves. You decide.


Neil Armstrong Dies

         The passing of Neil Armstrong represents’ a symbolic end to an era. He was a great American hero and a true pioneer- he represented the American spirit and typified our dreams as a American to strive for the stars, become more than we are and achieve greatness. It was the virtues which my family taught me, the virtues I pass down to my children, and the virtues I attempt to convey to all those who know me. It represents some of the core values which made America great and typifies the principles which make people in this country success.
          It’s kind of poetic that he passed away during Obama’s reign of terror (I mean his presidency) because he represents the antithesis of Neil Armstrong. First of all, Obama finds no real value in NASA. He neither shares its beliefs or relishes in its success. Instead, he views it as the unfortunate institution of a country that raped the world and is flaunting its achievements. He does not take pride in its great history and has no vision for its future.
          Under Obama, our plan to go to Mars was terminated. Though he speaks of landing a man on the red planet, he has cancelled the vital rocket program that would get us there. Under his term our mighty space shuttle program met its demise. The once great space nation of the USA is now relying on Russia to get our astronauts to space. We have to hitch a ride on their rockets just to get to the international space station. And as sad as it sounds, when he came into office he gave the director of NASA one important mission he wanted accomplished. No, it was not getting a man to Mars. No, it was not to build a moon elevator. Instead, he said the most important thing he wanted him to do was increase Muslim relations? I put a question mark at the end because it because it’s too ridiculous to write without wincing. Kennedy wants us to go to the Moon while Obama wants our astronauts to go to Mecca. Sounds reasonable?
          Secondly, Obama’s American dream in not what we were taught as children. The thought of striving to become successful, increasing one’s wealth, owning a successful business and going up the economic ladder is now frowned upon. Instead, those who become financially successful are now vilified. Their success is maligned and their wealth deemed un-American. Instead, he wants the dream of the American youth to be one of dependence on the government, to strive only for mediocrity, to ridicule the wealthy, chastise the rich and to be subservient to the world. He sees the next generation as the group of people to pay for the errors of country’s history. He does not want them to feel good to be American. Instead he wants them to feel ashamed of our country, our history and what we stand for. He wants us to pay morally, spiritually and financially for our past. When he got into office, we saw just this when he went on his apology tour.
          Well Mr. President, I’m not apologizing for anything. The only thing our country has to apologize for is electing you into office. That error, however, will be rectified this November.


Pic of The Day

       No Mr. President, She DID!


Obama has Millions of fake Twitter Followers

I read this story on Drudge Report today and found it rather ironic. It stated that of Obama’s 18.8 million followers 70% were fake. It noted that a new web tool released by StatusPeople ascertained the scope of this fraud.
This begs the big question: How many votes for Obama are fake? I have no doubt that the same team of political felons that created another 10 million followers for him on Twitter will be creating another 10 million false ballots for him this November. If this doesn’t make our founding fathers roll over in their graves, I don’t know what will.

Obama and his political cronies put up a smoke screen, attempting to hide what they are doing. They do everything possible to make it easier for someone to vote. First of all, you don’t need any form of ID to cast a ballot. When I last voted, some senile old woman asked only for my name. She then opened up a book with all the local voters and their signatures and asked me to sign next to my name. The sad part of it is that she was going to have me sign next to my wife’s signature. After I corrected her mistake, I scribbled a signature which looked nothing like the one in the book. After not even checking the authenticity of my John Hancock, she gave me a card and called me Michael- the last I checked my name was Steve. However, my wife’s name is Michele? I think this episode sums up my confidence in the overall quality of voter verification.
This is not American. Every person, no matter what their intelligence, gets one vote which is equal. I don’t recall anything in the Constitution which allows all Obama voters or liberals to get one vote for themselves and one for their imaginary friend. I checked and it’s not in the fine print- at least not before Obama got into power and has been trying to hand-correct a few portions of it.
It seems really simple. With the right to vote there has to be some assurance that there is authenticity in an election outcome. Without that it undermines our whole political system. Unfortunately, the Democrats have done this purposefully. Under the guise of voter disenfranchisement, they created an atmosphere that promotes voter fraud. Well, I knew this November election was going to get ugly. It seems that Obama will sink to whatever low level is needed to get himself re-elected. We’ve seen him lie and cheat. Plus, we’ve seen him steal from the hard-working Americans attempting to make a living without government handouts. In the end, I just wish StatusPeople would create an App to check our next election results. It would be rather telling.

Why Obama is a Failure

    In his inaugural address, Obama promised “not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” He promised to “build the roads and bridges, the electric grids, and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.” He promised to “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.” And he promised to “transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.” Unfortunately the president’s scorecard on every single one of those bold pledges is pitiful.
    In an unguarded moment earlier this year, the president commented that the private sector of the economy was “doing fine.” Certainly, the stock market is well up (by 74 percent) relative to the close on Inauguration Day 2009. But the total number of private-sector jobs is still 4.3 million below the January 2008 peak. Meanwhile, since 2008, a staggering 3.6 million Americans have been added to Social Security’s disability insurance program. This is one of many ways unemployment is being concealed.
    In his fiscal year 2010 budget—the first he presented—the president envisaged growth of 3.2 percent in 2010, 4.0 percent in 2011, 4.6 percent in 2012. The actual numbers were 2.4 percent in 2010 and 1.8 percent in 2011; few forecasters now expect it to be much above 2.3 percent this year.
   Unemployment was supposed to be 6 percent by now. It has averaged 8.2 percent this year so far. Meanwhile real median annual household income has dropped more than 5 percent since June 2009. Nearly 110 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011, mostly Medicaid or food stamps.
    Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit. We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits
    And all this despite a far bigger hike in the federal debt than we were promised. According to the 2010 budget, the debt in public hands was supposed to fall in relation to GDP from 67 percent in 2010 to less than 66 percent this year. If only. By the end of this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), it will reach 70 percent of GDP. These figures significantly understate the debt problem, however. The ratio that matters is debt to revenue. That number has leapt upward from 165 percent in 2008 to 262 percent this year, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund. Among developed economies, only Ireland and Spain have seen a bigger deterioration.
    Not only did the initial fiscal stimulus fade after the sugar rush of 2009, but the president has done absolutely nothing to close the long-term gap between spending and revenue.
    His much-vaunted health-care reform will not prevent spending on health programs growing from more than 5 percent of GDP today to almost 10 percent in 2037. Add the projected increase in the costs of Social Security and you are looking at a total bill of 16 percent of GDP 25 years from now. That is only slightly less than the average cost of all federal programs and activities, apart from net interest payments, over the past 40 years. Under this president’s policies, the debt is on course to approach 200 percent of GDP in 2037—a mountain of debt that is bound to reduce growth even further.
Author: Niall Ferguson

Pic of The Day

Yes. Hell has frozen over! Have even the liberals realized what Obama has been doing to our country? Do they finally realize how bad the economy has become, how large our debt grew and how the job market has been stagnant? Are they as tired of Obama’s rhetoric as I am? Well, I might actually go out and buy this magazine for the first time in my life tomorrow to find out.

I hope history will also be able to look back at his 4 years in office and realize the Obama experiment was a total failure. Big government, excessive spending, arrogance, broken promises, disregard for our allies and an adherence to a failed policies is how I would sum it up. Hopefully, the history books will say the same.


Michelle Obama Scolds Gabby Douglas

          Michelle Obama scolding Gabby Douglas about her diet is tantamount to Ron Jeremy lecturing Mother Theresa on promiscuity. It’s almost insane to think about. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve never seen Michele at the Olympics like Gabby. I’m sorry…I did see her this year as a spectator and not as a participant. And the irony about her whole trip is that we, the taxpayer, funded her family vacation to London. While most Americans are counting every penny, she decides to take a trip to the Olympics paid exclusively by the US taxpayer.
          Does anyone realize how expensive such a vacation costs? Between the secret service, hotels, and food, the money starts adding up. Remember her trip to Spain? That sweet getaway had a price tag of over half a million dollars. I wonder how much this little trip set the taxpayer back. However, it doesn’t matter her. She’ll just put it on her American Debit Card which has already been overdrawn by 15 trillion dollars. Despite the cost of her Olympic excursion, I hear no media outlet lambasting her about the price. Instead, while she wears a 6 thousand dollar jacket, the media condemns Governor Romney’s wife over a silk shirt. While Obama makes millions of dollars each year, the media chastises the good governor for his salary. Am I wrong to say but aren’t they both 1 percenters?
          The bottom line is that the Obamas are arrogant, and Michelle Obama scolding Gabby Douglas typifies their attitude towards the American people. They can criticize others about their diet, their taxes, their wealth and their health. Yet, they stand above each of us a can do and act as they please. Barack Obama can earn millions a year yet he chastises those Americans earning any non-government supported living. Michele can wear expensive clothes, eat whatever she wants and take extravagant vacations yet she can reprimand others if they do the same.
          The sad thing about this scenario is that the media lets the Obamas and the liberals live this double-standard without calling them out on their hypocrisy. For example, when’s the last time anyone saw a picture of our president smoking? I can assure you it wasn’t on CNN. Another example is the healthcare plan Obama have shoved down our throats. He states it is the answer to all of America’s problems. Yet, he will not have the same health program!
          Let’s end the hypocrisy. Obama has got to go!

Liberalism is a Disease

I often wonder why liberal Americans still exist. Now, even more than ever, the liberals have gone so far left that they have turned into America’s New Socialist Party. Ironically, many of these people are not stupid or uneducated. Yet, they embrace the failed liberal agenda despite of a continued failed track record for decades. The fact is that no socialist country is successful. Just look at what’s happening over in Europe. Plus, under Obama’s disastrous socialist term our economy is in the gutter, our unemployment/underemployment numbers are high and the standard of living has dropped for many throughout the country.

So I wonder, why in the face of undeniable facts and continued failure would any sane person remain a liberal? As a rational person and physician the only explanation I can provide is that liberalism is caused by some form of an infection. This infection must somehow alter the brain chemistry in a way that makes the person think in an irrational, liberal fashion.

You may think this sounds odd or that I must be writing to be facetious, but what I say is not unprecedented. There are infections which can alter neural chemistry aberrantly in order to make the infected host act in a way that is not natural or possibly even detrimental. I’d like to provide a few intriguing examples before I go on to explain my hypothesis any further.

I’ll begin with a parasite recently highlighted in the media known as Toxoplasma gondii. The definitive host of this infection is the cat. In order to reproduce the parasite produces an oocyte which is released in the cat’s feces. The oocyst is then ingested most commonly by rats or mice. These animals are then eaten by the cats and the whole cycle begins anew.

However, what makes this parasite so intriguing is that rodents affected by the disease lose their aversion to cat urine. In fact it believed that these animals are even drawn to cats instead of fearing them. Thus, the parasite aberrantly changes the animal’s neural chemistry so that it can continue its life cycle. In fact recent research completed concluded that this parasite can change dopamine levels in the infected animal’s brain, which can alter behavior

It’s also believed that Toxoplasma gondii can affect a human’s brain. It is hypothesized that those crazy old ladies who shackle themselves up alone and begin hoarding cats could actually be infected by these parasites. The parasite may make the person become some-what strange and begin to hoard cats in an almost irrational fashion. When you think of it- it is odd that most cat ladies are not much different from each other. Could it be the Toxoplasma gondii infection?

Another interesting example is the jungle-dwelling turtle ant. When infected by certain nematodes their hind end turns bright red like berry and the ant inexplicably climbs to the top of trees and waves its rear, just waiting to eaten by a bird that thinks it’s a delectable fruit. What happens is that a nematode affects the brain of the ant to make it think and act in a fashion that is detrimental to its survival. Below is a picture.


After understanding how the infection can cause alteration in the host’s brain, now you can begin to realize how liberalism might be caused by such a similar mode of action. As already mentioned, liberals seem to adamantly adhere to their belief system despite all rational argument, undisputed facts and a long track record of failure. My hypothesis is as follows:

Liberals seem to be infected by some sort of virus or parasite I’ll hypothetically label the L-Virus. This infection then causes the person to think irrationally and adhere to a liberal doctrine of failure. They tend to believe Obama is a fantastic president, capitalism is bad and that big government means big success.

It may seem coincidental but this infection tends to coalesce among Universities, media outlets, Hollywood, and those in the entertainment industry. You may wonder why but it may be a part of its natural life cycle. Possibly, in order for this infection to propagate to another individual a perspective host might have to be in the right state of mind with the proper neurotransmitters to become infected. Thus, listening to liberal propaganda and giving it at least some credence might make a person susceptible to infection. Once infected, the person’s neurotransmitters are irrevocably altered so that they not only believe in the liberal agenda but want to unnaturally propagate its flawed philosophy. Therefore, they are drawn to the Universities, media and Hollywood so that the life cycle of the L-Virus can continue and spread.

It may seem odd but how can anyone rationally explain why they would want to vote for Obama. With ramped unemployment/underemployment, a space program in shambles, an insurmountable debt and no vision for the future a person would seem to be insane to vote Obama in office for a second term. It’s like the jungle-dwelling turtle ant waving its rear in the air, waiting to be eaten. Instead of waving their rear in the air the infected person goes to the poll and votes for the liberal candidate, who will eventually destroy American and leave our next generation destitute. So as stated above, the only explanation would have to be an infection from this hypothetical L-Virus.


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Pic of The Day

I’d like to introduce a new part of my blog. It’s going to be called Pic of The Day. This first one compares the the difference between Obama and Governor Romney. I think the difference between the two is summed up rather nicely here: