Book Giveaway Contest
Enter to win your copy of my latest dystopian thriller, The Final Reality. Though it is a stand alone novel, it is Book 3 in my Alex Pella trilogy. As with each of my books, The Final Reality touches on hot-topic current event issues while intertwining it in a fast-paced thriller that also incorporates both cutting edge science and historical facts:
In 1938, Nazi Germany sent an expedition into Tibet- supposedly in search of the Aryan race. What they discovered almost killed them, just like it did to civilization over 10,000 years ago. Covered up for over 150 more years, the secrets of the ancients are finally revealed. Unleashed onto the planet by the megalomaniac ruler of the free world, Jules Windsor. Can he be stopped before the world witnesses a cataclysm not seen since biblical time?
Considered the best and most brilliant of Martino’s works, The Final Reality has been compared to both the works of Isaac Asimov and James Rollins. Pick up your copy today!
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) defines itself on its web page as a nonprofit legal advocacy organization that is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. This group monitors the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists and creates a list of these hate groups which is widely disseminated throughout the country.
The premise of fighting hate and advocating for both equality and respect among one another is definitely a noble cause. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center has perverted this premise and has become the self-appointed authority of hate, discrediting and destroying all those who they deem unacceptable. They have become both the judge and jury on all groups, people, and beliefs in the country, without checks or balances to review their mandates. Plus, the criteria by which they judge groups is based upon a far-left leaning, ant-American agenda. In addition, their hate group list is blindly accepted by the media, without much investigation as to how or even why it was created.
I am not saying that certain groups do not deserve to be on the list. What I am saying is what gives one self-appointed, unelected, and unchecked group the right to create the list and essentially destroy anyone on it? In essence, hasn’t that made them a hate group?
To prove my point, I have compiled a list of reasons why The Southern Poverty Law Center should be discredited (sources cited at the bottom):
The SPLC’s main role is as a massively funded propaganda smear machine. It collected over 54 million dollars just in 2014
The SPLC consistently fails to declare left-wing (and sometimes violent left-wing groups) like Antifa as hate groups. In fact, it even described Antifa as “freedom fighters” and a “constructive force”
The SPLC employs left wing radicals such as Matthew O’Dea, a Communist Antifa gang member who endorses political violence and promotes hate
The SPLC lists anyone who speaks out against the homosexual agenda, mass immigration, or Islamic terrorism as a hate group
The SPLC unjustly labels any group as hate groups if it disagrees with any of its far-left political agenda. For example, the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is an organization that advocates for legal immigration and against illegal immigration and has been deemed a hate group by the SPLC. Another example is how the SPLC labeled ProEnglish a hate group because it advocates for laws which would solidify English as the official language of the US
The SPLC is a liberal activist group and consistently quotes and refers to far-left blogs, including Media Matters, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, Think Progress, and Right Wing Watch as their sources of reference
The SPLC targets right leaning groups and even labeled Dr. Ben Carson under their “Extremist Files” list
The SPLC ignores left-wing violence such as that committed at UC Berkley when Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak, or when Antifa attacked patrons at a restaurant in Tinley Park, Illinois, where a conservative organization was holding a conference.
The SPLC wants to silence free speech by unjustifiably labeling conservative, nationalist, and Christian organizations as hate groups
The SPLC claims there are over 1000 hate groups in America but consistently lists the same ones over and over in order to create a list much larger than actually exists. Plus, many groups on the list don’t even exist are now defunct.
The SPLC created false headlines such as the GOP is now a “white nationalist party” to propagate its far-left agenda
The Center’s Work Has Incited Violence such as the shooting at The Family Research Center after it was labeled a hate group
In 2015, the organization spent $20 million on salaries, but only spent $61,000 on legal services. Yet, the SPLC is supposed to be an organization safeguarding against hate
The FBI Stopped Citing SPLC as a Resource
Its Nonprofit Status Masks Highly Political Fundraising
SPLC has an “anti-Muslim” category of hate group, but no anti-Christian category
It’s a highly partisan left-wing propaganda machine
One of the SPLC’s goals is to delegitimize President Trump
Morris Dees, the founder of the SPLC, is a con man, whose aim is to make as much money as possible, by any means necessary
The short film, Enhanced Interrogation, is back on track and currently receiving funding for production after being featured in this Sunday’s Times of Trenton’s Entertainment page:
Set to shoot in the Fall of 2017, the movie is finalizing its financing agreements and currently accepting investors and advertisers in the movie. The following is the article in the newspaper:
By Michelle Dryden
For NJ Advance Media
TRENTON — Daryl Brooks, a community organizer and sometimes political candidate, has a new venture, movie making.
Brooks is producing a political thriller he helped write, “Enhanced Interrogation,” which he said addresses the current issues of terrorism and torture in America. He hopes to shoot the movie in Trenton and is currently raising money, he said.
Also producing the film is screenwriter Stephen Martino, of Bloch Wall Productions.
Director Terry R. Wickham, of Manta Ray Pictures, is set to direct.
The film is about a foreign-born terrorist who finds herself legally on American soil, preparing a terrorist attack.
The FBI uncovers the plot, but does not know how, where, or by whom the attack will take place. When standard interrogation methods fail, the decision is left to the president of the United States whether to utilize Abu Ghraib-type torture techniques to obtain the information, Brooks and Martino say.
“Daryl Brooks and Stephen Martino have constructed a controversial story that is incredibly topical in our modern-day society, and asks the potent question of ‘what if’ our country was put in a pressure-cooker situation of the moral dilemma this story raises?,” Wickham said.
Even though he suspects the movie will provoke debate, Brooks wants to make the film in Trenton because he wants to do something positive for the city by bringing excitement and business opportunities here.
In addition to asking for support from Trenton’s local businesses, Brooks said, “I wanted to wake people up and to make them think about terrorism and torture in America.”
Set to act are actors from Trenton such as Lance Lopez Sr., Dewane Parker, Nacone Martin, Carter Patterson, and Raina Williamson.
“In the end, we’re very pleased that really talented actors in the city embraced the script and signed up for the film,” states Martino.
Parker, said given his background as an experienced actor, author, and FBI agent, he was curious about the script and cannot wait to start filming.
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Many liberals are surprised that President Trump won the election. Most are still in disbelief, and actively don’t won’t to accept the election results. However, what is most surprising is how many, most especially the liberal media, don’t understand why anyone would want to vote for President Trump. This misunderstanding is the exact reason why middle, working class America will continue to vote Republican in upcoming elections.
Liberals ideas no longer resonate with middle America. Their dogmatic concept of social justice, the theory of global warming, open borders, high taxes, globalism, and intrusive government among others do not put food on the table or bring jobs to America. In fact, the liberal agenda stagnates the economy and hinders job growth.
I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. As a lesson to my liberal friends, I would like to show why Democrats will continue to lose seats across the country. If they can’t understand these numbers, they will never win again.
If you liked this Post, Please Buy Bester Seller Stephen Martino’s Conservative Political/Sci-Fi Thriller:
Is Torture Ethical?
What if you could obtain the information that could have prevented the recent attack on the London Bridge or at the Ariana Grande concert? What if you had a captured terrorist that had the information that could save countless innocent lives? How far would you go to obtain the information? Where does one’s sense of morality and faith matter under these circumstanced?
With the recent terrorist attacks in London and Egypt, one wonders if we are just witnessing the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Is constant terrorism from radical Islam now becoming the new norm?
A bigger question is will we have to sink to the terrorists’ level in order to utterly destroy them and their perverted ideology? Will we need to give up some of our humanity in order to become just as depraved as they are in order to wipe them off the face of the earth and ensure the next generation a lifetime of peace and prosperity?
In the upcoming movie, Enhanced Interrogation, the film poses that precise question. It is as if the movie is ripped straight out of the headlines and brought to the big screen. The ethical questions poses in this dramatic thriller will both make you think and test your faith long after watching it. Please become a supporter Enhanced Interrogation: Is
Casting Call Today in Trenton, NJ
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephen Martino, Screenwriter/Producer
May 20, 2017
TRENTON, N.J. – Bloch Wall Productions and Mantaray Pictures are excited to announce the filming of its newest movie, Enhanced Interrogation, to be shot in Trenton, N.J. at the end of June and the beginning of July 2017. There will be a Meet the Cast/Fundraising event for the film on May 20, 2017 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Lafayette Yard Hotel (Formerly the Wyndham Garden Trenton) followed by a Casting Call for the movie at the hotel from 3 PM to 5 PM.
Director Terry R. Wickham writes, “(Trenton’s own) Daryl Brooks and Stephen Martino have constructed a controversial story that is incredibly topical in our modern-day society and asks the potent question of ‘What if’ our country was put in a pressure-cooker situation of the moral dilemma this story raises.”
Enhanced Interrogation is about a foreign-born terrorist who now finds herself legally on American soil, preparing to bring the terror and death from her native country of Afghanistan to the states. Caught in a routine FBI sting operation, Hamadei’s plot for a 9-11 type terrorist attack is accidently uncovered. The problem is, the FBI doesn’t know how, doesn’t know where, and doesn’t know by whom the attack will take place. What they do ascertain is that an enormous explosive, one which will make Timothy McVey’s fertilizer bomb seem like a sparkler, is set to detonate the following day. When standard interrogation methods fail produce meaningful results, the ultimate decision is left up to the President of the United States whether to utilize Abu Ghraib-type torture techniques to obtain the information.
Both the timeliness and controversial nature of the film, Martino maintains, separates this movie from the pack. “Enhanced Interrogation,’” he says, is “will make the viewer question their own ethics and beliefs and make them think long after watching it.”
Enhanced Interrogation will be released in the Fall of 2017 and be entered in all major film festivals across the country and globe. If there are any questions or if you would like to be part of the film, please contact Bloch Wall Productions at
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Once dubbed the “shadow president” by the media, chief executive strategist Steve Bannon now apparently is fighting for his life in a progressively centrist Trump administration. After supporting an Obama Care II Health Care Bill, taking unilateral actions against Syria, and failing to pursue the campaign promises which brought him into office, President Trump needs his chief strategist now more than ever. However, with recent comments that the president has made against Bannon such as “I’m my own strategist, and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary”, it makes it seems as if Bannon’s days in the swamp may be numbered.
Unfortunately, as President Trump further distances himself from Bannon, he further distances himself from the political platform that got him elect. As Ann Coulter’s article Lassie Come Home states, we the “president of America” back — not “the president of the world.”
I have thus compiled some of the best reasons President Trump needs the captain of his ship, Mr. Steve Bannon, more than ever:
2020. Remember, Trump did win the primary without Bannon, but he would have NEVER won the general election without him. Without Bannon, President Trump has little chance of winning re-election against any credible challenger.
Bannon has not been corrupted by the left nor has he ever had centrist or progressive views which could distract the president from his populist agenda.
Bannon helped set the populist agenda not only during the campaign but in the White House.
President Trump has surrounded himself and aligned with centrists and some progressives. Without Bannon’s advice, the people’s voice will never be properly heard.
Steve Bannon understands the problems in the South China Sea better than any top strategist in the administration.
Steve Bannon is a fighter, and a true junkyard dog fighter is who we need in the White House to tackle both internal and external threats.
Steve Bannon truly loves the Unites States. With so many self-hating American and apologist politicians in office, we need a man who truly believes in the motto “America first”.
Steve Bannon is in the White House not because he wants the power but because it is his duty to serve the people of the United States.
Steve Bannon is a loyal ally who will not turn on him like our turncoat speaker of the house, Paul Ryan.
The further President Trump distances himself from Steve Bannon, the further he distances himself from his populist base. In the end, if Steve Bannon goes, so does President Trump’s base and the credibility of his entire presidency.
If you liked this Post, Please Buy and Review Bester Seller Stephen Martino’s Conservative Political/Sci-Fi Thriller: