Jeff Foxworthy is a Genius

This parody sum up the Detroit debacle. Though I laugh, when I watch the video I am filled with sadness that this is our country.
I’ve added below an excerpt from an article that I just read. Is it me or is anyone else getting tired of the whole global warming rhetoric that permeates the liberal media and is the call to war for the democrats? If it wasn’t blaming President Bush, it was blaming global warming and greenhouse gases. First of all, the media makes it seem as if our CO2 production has taken over the entire atmosphere. When in fact, the entire concentration of CO2 in earth’s atmosphere is only0.0397%! Plus, the liberals always pursue that idea that if the CO2 content in the earth’s atmosphere rises any higher, we’ll turn into the planet Venus. As you may already know that on Venus, because of the increased CO2 in the atmosphere,traps the heat, creating sweltering temperatures. However, what the media does not tell you is that on Venus, the atmosphere is composed of 96% CO2. That is 24,181 times greater than on Earth! Numbers don’t lie but unfortunately, the media does.
“Why are we having them? Because we have climate change. Things are different. The forests are drier, the winters are shorter, and we have these terrible fires all over the West.”
Reid made the statement as the battle against the 27,881-acre Carpenter 1 Fire was coming to a close and residents and business operators in the once-threatened Kyle Canyon were allowed to return to their homes Wednesday.
This has been one weird week. First of all Jimmy Carter said the Zimmerman case was fair and he agreed with the verdict. I just assumed Cater forgot to drink the Kool-Aid that day and said something rational. However, now I just read the following excerpt:
One of Germany’s biggest newspapers – Spiegel –reports:
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter … in the wake of the NSA spying scandal criticized the American political system. “America has no functioning democracy,” Carter said Tuesday at a meeting of the “Atlantic Bridge” in Atlanta.
Many other high-level U.S. officials have also warned that the U.S. is no longer a democracy.
Carter also said that the moral authority of of the U.S. has sharply declined due to excessive restriction of civil rights.
And – and like many other top American officials– Carter also said that Edward Snowden’s revelations do not harm our national security, but are “useful”.
Has the world gone mad? Has senility actually turned Carter into a rationally thinking person? Did he finally realize that he had a soul. Even though I disagree with Carter’s policies as president and most of them since his single term ended, I do believe one thing- that he actually cared for America. However, he went about showing it the wrong way. Unlike our current president-Obama- he wanted the US to succeed and for the country to be a world power. Unfortunately, his policies were wrong and he was a poor leader.
The sad thing is that Carter is right. The republic has fallen. Just like when Julius Caesar cross the Rubican and terminated Rome’s democracy, that is what Obama has done to America. We have become a nanny state with big brother watching over us al all times, all places and everywhere. We have slowly given up our freedom and have snuggled up to the idea that the country can take better care of us than we can. It is sad but this is exactly what is happening. It was predicted this would be the consequence of an Obama administration and it has come to fruition.
Well Carter, you are 2 for 2 this week. Can you make it 3 out of 3?
I am christening a new segment on this blog called: Name the Liberal. I’m going to start out with a fun one. Can you name who Miss Lube Rack is? Here’s a hint: she loves Vladimir Lenin, hates the Constitution and lost touch with reality a good 40 years ago. Now, NAME THAT LIBERAL:
Regardless of what you you’ve heard on abortion, before making up for mind where you stand on the issue, you should understand the facts. Many of us have made up our minds based upon religion, political beliefs or even hearsay. Because this is such a hot topic, I will keep all comments neutral and let you decide where you stand with regard to Texas’s recent ruling. But before making any conclusions, please go to this link:
The following article was taken from Fox News. However, before reading it, I would like to make a few comments:
1. First of all, we should not belittle the death of Travon Martin because the loss of any human life is tragic. Though Zimmerman was found innocent in court, no one won. His life is forever in shambles, Travon’s parent’s lives will never be the same and our country is again more divided under Obama
2. How convenient for Holder to take a stand on the issue. It seems he is all too eager to divert the attention away from his and his department’s scandals. No Holder, we have not forgotten about Benghazi and your other failures. No matter how much you filibuster the Martin case, you have failed in your position.
3. Also, how insane is it that Holder wants the Florida’s self-defense laws taken off the books. What should a person do if he is attacked? Stand there and do nothing? This is America. We stand our ground and stand up for our rights. Did we stand our ground after Pearl Harbor? No, of course not.
The irony is that without his teleprompter, Obama is like a deer in headlights. In this time of world crisis and economic uncertainty, we need a president who can do more than just give a good speech. We need someone to tackle the problem head on- not someone who plays golf while the rest of his cabinet are on million dollar yachts. We need someone with real ideas and real plans to implement them. Unfortunately, we’re left with a bunch of hot air and rhetoric. Keep talking Obama; there’ less people listening every day.
Remember former President Theodore Roosevelt’s slogan: “Talk softly but carry a big stick”? Well, I’ve coined a new term for Obama’s foreign policy: “Speak loudly and carry a small stick”. Take away all his rhetoric and all you are left with is a deflated balloon. As Obama’s foreign policy continues disintegrate before our eyes it should not come as a surprise. Remember his initial apology tour and him bowing down to the Saudi King among other world leaders?
The US is no longer taking an active role in foreign policy. Some say that is a good thing but as we look around the globe, the outcomes are irrefutable. Unfortunately, as history repeatedly teaches us, countries don’t play nicely together. It is a simple as that. There needs to be a leader-someone to take control and keep peace. The UN can’t do it nor do I ever foresee that it will. Under President Bush the world watched our actions. Now, we watch in trepidation the world’s actions. The biggest question remains: can the world survive another 3 years of Obama without collapsing?