
If It’s Said, It Must be True

Back in college we use to joke that as long as someone said something, it must be true. We were all intelligent people and knew such sophomoric statements were tenuous at best. There were no facts behind them, no corroboration and usually no witnesses. In the end we usually knew the statement was false but use to play along jokingly to its authenticity, usually in jest towards one of our friends.

Now, however, I’m not laughing anymore about it. What use to be a humorous joke in college has turned into both the democrats and media’s method to demonize the Republicans and Governor Romney. “Governor Romney hates gays and bullied students as a youth, over 40 years ago.” I heard it on the news. Yet, I found nothing to corroborate it. There were no reliable sources and the family of the “alleged victim” denies it. However, the rumor goes on. While at the gym I see it on CNN. I hear it on the radio. I read it in on Yahoo.
In the end I’ve been so bombarded with the story that I actually began to give it some credence. Maybe he was a bully in his younger years? However, as a responsible person, I looked into the story and found absolutely no basis to the tale. Since then I’ve since tried to ignore the story but the media bombardment about it continued. I heard people around work saying things like, “Did you hear what a bully Romney was?” Or, “That Romney, he sounds like a real jerk!”
And that’s exactly what the media and democrats want to happen. They want to pin the Republicans and their nominees into a corner. They want to define how the public sees them and dictate what news is said about them. They know that if they want Governor Romney to look like all bully, the plan is simple. The first thing to do is release a press statement about it. It actually doesn’t even matter if there is a shred of truth to it. After a full media bombardment of the story people will believe its authenticity, despite its lack of any evidence and an inundation of contradictory facts. In the end, even if the story was found to be completely fictional, people will still accept as true. As I said, after hearing it a hundred times you’ll begin to believe it.
This is not the first time it’s happened this year. Just think of all the negative stories that the media has churned out this year: Romney hates Latinos, Romney is a snob, Romney is an elitist, Romney’s wife never held a real job, Romney is against African Americans, Romney destroys businesses, Romney got into Harvard by daddy (that’s one invented by the wife-cheater Letterman), Republicans hate woman, Republicans want to see coat hanger abortions, Republicans hate birth control and want to see the spread of AIDS and the list could go on forever.

As I said before, there is no evidence behind these accusations. It’s the image the media wants to project. It doesn’t need facts. All it really needs is listeners. When you sit down and look at the facts you see that Obama was the bully. He admitted it in his own autobiography. Obama was the one helped into Harvard. He again admitted to excessive drug use and his grades have yet to be released. Obama is the one who is against African Americans. He wants to expand their dependence on government and does nothing to get them jobs, financial independence or off the federal doll. Most importantly, Governor Romney’s wife did have a real job. She was a mother of 5. My wife does the same, and it’s no life of glamour.

Facts speak for themselves. Don’t let the media indoctrinate you. Think for yourself or you’ll become a mindless drone watching MSNBC to hear what you should believe next.


Obama Touch

King Midas went down in Greek mythology as a legendary ruler who had the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. Thus, The Midas Touch was coined. We all know this mythical Greek ruler couldn’t turn things to gold. However, there are people out there that no matter what enterprise they undertake, it will be a success. Take for instance certain modern individuals such as Steve Jobs, Lee Iacocca, and Bill Gates. We associate all of them with success, brilliance and the ability to succeed. Some may disagree but I would say that they all have The Midas Touch.

I’d like to be the first to coin a new term. This term will mean the exact opposite of  
The Midas Touch. You can be creative and think of it as many things such as: turning something good into crap or producing a negative outcome at all times.

After little deliberation I have coined the term: The Obama Touch. I think it adequately sums up the job Obama’s done throughout his life. From his poor grades in college, do-nothing job as a community organizer, unremarkable Senate career to his record as president. I know there are some liberals out there but you can’t disagree that he’s a less than remarkable individual. The only noteworthy event in his presidency was winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The only thing this award did was to confirm that all success in his life was handed to him instead of earned.

The facts about our current president are obvious. He promised the unemployment rate would not be over 8%. Yet, after putting our country in another 6 trillion dollars of debt and not producing a federal budget in 3 years we have not gone below 8%. Maybe he just got his number wrong like he did the states-57?

Remember how he personally sought out the Olympics for Chicago in 2016. Well, the only thing The Obama Touch accomplished was see the event go to Brazil. Just like all of our jobs here in America- work is going overseas. He’s done nothing to promote the American economy. In fact he’s made it more difficult to invest in the US and his policies actually deter foreign companies from opening business in the states.

You also see how his Green Energy program is going. Instead of promoting green energy through incentives, he’s blindly giving our hard-earned taxpayer money away to failing companies. He poured US cash into Solyndra despite all indications that it was a failure. There’s a simple rule: putting good money on top of bad doesn’t make it turn good. Instead, it makes all the money bad. 

Plus, his major piece of legislation, Obamacare, is unconstitutional and will be soon overturned by the Supreme Court. And if it’s not overturned, it will be de-funded. Just think of all the time and money wasted on this socialist piece of crap legislation.

America now hasn’t been more divided since the Civil War. Gas prices are soaring. People on food stamps, disability and federal aid have markedly risen. He’s shrinking the military in a time of war???

Listen the only way I can sum up his abysmal presidency is The Obama Touch. He’d still like to blame Bush. However with over three years of total failure, I think WE CAN ALL BLAME OBAMA.


Obama the Elitist

There are many ironies in life, and you need not look far to find the most ironic among them- the President of the Unites States, Obama. One of the biggest ironies is that he reminds me of another socialist leader who ran his country through personality and total control over the media. The irony was that this man condemned all those with Jewish blood- yet his grandmother was a Jew. He exalted the blond hair, blue eyed of his country- yet he had black hair and brown eyes.

He expelled God from his land, economically destroyed his country, took total control of the media and came to office with no governmental experience- wait… was I writing of Hitler or Obama here?

Well, what spawned this rant was a campaign email sent out today, Mother’s Day, by Obama:

If you’re lucky enough to get to marry your best friend, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Michelle amazes me every day, and in the years we’ve been together, nothing inspires me more than watching her be a mom to our two girls . . . This year, I wanted to try something a little different. I know Michelle treasures every single person who is part of this movement we’ve built, so I’m hoping each of you will sign my card to her today. It’ll mean a lot to her.

Will you join me in wishing Michelle a happy Mother’s Day?

What makes this email ironic is that when you go to wish Mrs. Obama a Happy Mother’s Day there’s no place to leave a comment. Better yet, it also hits you up for a donation for Obama’s reelection. In reality, I wish all mothers and those acting as a mother figure a Happy Mother’s Day- including Mrs. Obama.

However, what irks me about this email is that it typifies Obama’s elitist’s attitude. Instead of writing something sincere to his wife, he just wants money. It would have been nice to cull some of the nicest comments and present them to her on this day. No, instead Obama used it as a means to motivate the masses to give him more money. Is nothing sacred?

The irony doesn’t end there. While he preaches that the country should tighten their belt and live a more austere life, he owns a million dollar mansion, drives an expensive car and owns the most expensive amenities of life. Why does he need to care how everyone else is doing financially? As president he also gets everything paid for him. His meals, his air travel, his vacation home; all that he wants or needs is on the taxpayer’s tab. Sure the gas prices rise. Why should he do anything when his tank is always full and there’s a chauffeur to take him anywhere at his own whim. Maybe that’s one of the reasons he stands idly by and does nothing as the price of gas crushes the already suffocating economy.

While most Americans are hesitant to go to Europe because of the weakening dollar (thanks again Obama), he sends his wife to Spain on a half-million dollar trip. And the irony is: we all here in America paid for it. I don’t know about you but I never received a thank you or at least a 49 cent postcard. I’m just saying, it would have been nice. While I was working all day it would have been polite for the first lady to thank me and the rest of the tax payers for her exorbitant trip.

Another irony is that Obama condemns the rich- yet he is the rich. He wants to stick it to them man- yet he’s the man! Am I the only one paying attention to these things? In 2011 he made almost 2 million dollars- yet he condemns all those American who are wealthy. The irony is: he’s a one percenter. He lives the rich life. He send his kids to private schools, rides on a private jet, has chauffeurs, maids, cooks and has someone clean his home. The irony is that when he leaves the White House this will not all end. Don’t just think it’s because he’s president.

We should have all known he would be like this. Remember his inauguration? Remember the size and cost of the event? Remember how many were there? Remember the cost of the security alone? The irony was this occurred during our recession. If he really wanted to show an example, he would have made the event small and saved the tax payers some money. But the irony is, he doesn’t care about the tax payers or our money. He prints money quicker than a counterfeiter and spends it to the point of economic collapse.

Unfortunately, I could go on forever. Hopefully I cannot say the same about Obama’s presidency. The irony is that our president is a self-absorbed egotist who cares only for himself and his own power. There is no love for America, for American history, for all the good America has done, for the soldiers, for the tax payers, for the churches and finally for capitalism itself.


Biden’s Rose-Colored Glasses

I’d like to comment on Vice President Biden’s nonsensical rant:

“When we took office, let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on Iran. We were the problem. We were diplomatically isolated in the world, in the region, in Europe. We were neither fully respected by our friends nor feared by our opponents. Today is it starkly, starkly different.”

First of all, his statements are incorrect. Under President Bush we did have an effective coalition of countries. Though the media downplayed their roles significantly, we have gotten support world-wide, and soldiers not only from America but also these countries perished in the battle against terror. Vice President Biden belittles all these countries’ support and effectively spits on the grave of their brave soldiers who lost their lives in the fight.

I came across the casualty list as of 2006 in our coalition fight against terror: Britain, 119; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 17; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, 6; Slovakia, 3; El Salvador, 3; ; Thailand, 2; Estonia, 2; The Netherlands, 2; Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Romania, and Latvia, 1 each.

Has the Vice President forsaken these men and woman? Obviously, their commitment in the Middle East has been meaningless to him and most probably to the whole Obama administration.

Also, I find the thought that we were not feared by our opponents under the Bush administration completely wrong. Say what you will about our former president but one thing you can’t say was that he was weak with the military. On the contrary, when Bush was in power countries were definitely on alert and knew a patriot missile could be headed there way at any minute.

In contrast to Bush, let’s look at Obama. After a world-wide apology tour, cutting military expenditures and wanting terrorist combatants to have a trial in civilian court, Obama has made the United States the laughing stock of the world. Not only do countries like Iran not fear us but instead they are emboldened by our complacency. He sits back and talks to Iran while they bring their nuclear capabilities underground where they can’t be attacked. He watches patiently as the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. He kindly asked Iran to please give our drone back instead of selling it to China. He pleaded with Israel to go back to its 1967 borders which cannot be defended.

The facts are clear Mr. Biden. The world no longer fears us. As the terrorists and terror-supporting countries watch as our president cuts our military and stands idly by during these troubled times, they are just waiting patiently for the right opportunity to strike. It may not be today but when Obama has weakened our country militarily and financially to the point of impotence, they will be waiting- and prepared.


Is Obama the Modern Day Caligula?

Is President Obama a modern day Caligula? Well, certain striking similarities abound that make the comparison eye-opening. Caligula was the Roman Emperor from 37 to 41 AD when he was murdered the Praetorain Guard, ending his infamous reign. This dictator has gone down in history as one of the worst Roman emperors that ever held the position. Through his financial excess, out-of-touch domestic policies and seemingly erratic behavior he is the embodiment of a poor leader.
Ironically, despite his record, the people of Rome loved him during his day. Instead of cheering his assassination they sought out his killers and brought them to justice. It seems almost counterintuitive but history does not lie- on the contrary, it tends to repeat itself.
You may ask why such a notorious dictator was so loved during his day. Well, when you look at what’s going on today you will understand. Caligula was one of the first politicians in recorded history to use class warfare. Like Obama, he denounced the rich and successful of his country and frequently made an example out of them to increase his popularity. He excessively taxed them, imposed charges similar to our modern day capital gains, and took their inheritance. Not only did he believe extorting from the rich would help the economy but he also believed that it would bolster his popularity among the Roman people. Well, he was certainly wrong on the first point but was correct on the second.
Is what Caligula did any different from the Buffet tax? Financially, this tax would have done nothing to help the economy or reduce the national debt. However, the only thing it could accomplish would be to punish the successful and have Obama gain favor among the American people.
Caligula was also remembered for his excessive spending. Caligula’s payments for support, generosity and extravagance had exhausted the state’s treasury and began bankrupting the country.  Unfortunately, this is exactly what we see today. With the vast expansion of government, increase in spending and a 16 trillion dollar debt Obama has done the same thing to the United States as Caligula did to Rome. However, instead of just exhausting our treasury, he has put our country into a financial whole.  Plus, like Caligula, we see Obama’s excesses. From his wife’s trip to Spain to his own over-the-top inauguration he is the modern day Caligula.
Lastly, Caligula was considered mad for promoting his own horse to the position of consul. This was the highest elected political office in Rome, second only to the emperor. Well, when we look at some of those Obama has appointed to high ranking governmental positions the similarities become obvious. Van Jones, Al Armendariz and Eric Holder are just a few of his winners. To be honest, I’d rather see him appoint a horse instead of many of the people he has surrounded himself with.
Unfortunately, the similarity between Obama and Caligula is clear. Caligula only had 4 years in office. Let’s do the same to Obama and vote for Romney this November!

Will America be the Next Greece?

I came across an article today about the utter despair most Greeks are facing as their economic crisis worsens. An excerpt is as follows:

Greek media have since reported similar suicides almost daily, worsening a sense of gloom going into next week’s election, called after Prime Minister Lucas Papademos’s interim government completed its mandate to secure a new rescue dealfrom foreign creditors by cutting spending further.

Some medical experts say this form of political suicide is a reflection of the growing despair and sense of helplessness many feel. But others warn the media may be amplifying the crisis mood with its coverage and numbers may only be up slightly.

“The crisis has triggered a growing sense of guilt, a loss of self-esteem and humiliation for many Greeks,” Nikos Sideris, a leading psychoanalyst and author in Athens, told Reuters.

“Greek people don’t want to be a burden to anyone and there’s this growing sense of helplessness. Some develop an attitude of self-hatred and that leads to self-destruction. That’s what’s behind the increase in suicide and attempted suicide. We’re seeing a whole new category: political suicides.”

Unfortunately, what we see now in Greece is the human cost that continues to befall their country in the wake of their economic meltdown. Through their endless expansion of government, irreverent spending and disregard to their growing national debt, Greece has become the poster-child for the failure of socialism. Margaret Thatcher said, “…and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financialmess. They [socialists] always run out of other people’s money.” More commonly it has been paraphrased, “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

What we see in Greece is the net result of when government programs and spending reach a critical mass and the whole system implodes. Riots, suicides and general unrest are the beginning of its troubles. As it continues to make austerity moves the suffering and unrest will only worsen. Worse, it may spread like dominoes to other nations of the EU that adopted such socialistic programs.

The problem is: socialism sounds good but in practice is a failure. In the end instead of equalizing the wealth, it will destroy it and the lives of its citizens. It produces an inevitable race to the bottom where everyone suffers. Time and time again both history and current events support this notion.

So where are we now in the United States? 16 trillion dollars in debt to the Chinese, an Obama administration without any sort of plan for the future, mindless national spending, a Buffet tax meant to punish the successful, a congress that can’t pass a budget in 3 years, a government that that has not been as divided since 1861, and an inexperienced president who is leading our country directly into the gutter. Where do you think all his heading?

Shouldn’t we learn from Greece’s follies and rethink our economic policies, reconsider our pork-filled spending or at least balance a national budget? Is that not too much to ask? Are we not headed in the same footsteps as Greece? Will riots and suicides fill our streets? Are we also headed for economic collapse?

Unfortunately, the answer seems obvious. If we don’t make a change and now, the future looks grim.

Remember Ross Perot?

Does anyone remember Ross Perot? Well, to refresh your memory he ran as an independent in the 1992 Presidential race and lost. However, he garnered enormous media attention and was able to procure almost 20,000,000 votes.
Back in 1992 many Americans, including myself, were impressed with his success and business savvy. We viewed him as someone who had made it in America and as a candidate who knew how create wealth not only for himself but also for others. We thought, if Ross Perot could run the economy half as well as his own finances, our country will be economy thriving for generations.
Ross Perot was a proven winner and America looked up to him as a result. 20,000,000 of us believed that his business success, proper economic choices and keen eye for making right decisions would make him an excellent president.
However, I ask myself now: how would he be portrayed if he ran for president today? The media, including CNN, in 1992 represented him as a generous humanitarian who personified the American dream. Do you think they or most of the media outlets would do the same now, 20 years later? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Instead they have taken Obama’s lead and would vilify him every chance they had. They would tarnish his name, call him a 1 percenter and denigrate him as someone who doesn’t pay enough taxes. They may even get a sound bite from Buffet saying how ashamed he is at Ross Perot for not paying his fair amount of taxes. He would no longer be represented as someone to vote for because of his success. Instead, he would be cast aside as a greedy businessman who earns too much and gives back too little. They would not longer taught his success but would be quick to point out his luxuries. They would show how many homes he owned or speak of his antique car collection.
He would no longer be seen as someone that the American people should emulate. All his hard work, dedication to his business and rise to success would be overlooked. He would be considered “out of touch” with the American people and his wife would be referred to as the spoiled “rich bitch” who never worked a day in her life.
You may think I’m simply making up these allegations or just spewing out false claims. But before you make that conclusion, I just have to ask you to open your eyes and see what they are doing to Mitt Romney. Just look at an article I read about him on Yahoo this week. Instead of interviewing him about his success they were making him defend himself for being wealthy. He should not need to defend himself. On the contrary, he should be answering questions about what he did to become such as success and how he would use these principles to turn around America’s ongoing recession. He should be detailing his plans about what economically he will do to get us out of the economic debacle Obama has placed our country in. He should be speaking about how he will save the American people 6 trillion dollars instead of putting us 6 trillion dollars in debt and weakening our military during a time of global war.
Obama has set the new tone for the entire American media. He no longer wants us to aspire to greatness or wealth. He no longer wants us to believe in ourselves and in our own ability to achieve economic success. He no longer wants us to view people such as Ross Perot as someone to emulate. Instead, he wants us to believe in his philosophy called “fairness”. Does this philosophy create jobs, decrease the deficit or build the economy in any, even remote, fashion? The answer is a simple no. Instead of facts he gives us feelings. Instead of success, he gives us lectures. Instead of properly running the country, he is running for reelection.
Obama has already lead the American media on a witch hunt against all American values that we grew up with. As I already stated he wants us to believe that we no longer have to strive for success and that our big brother, the government, will take care of us. He also vilifies those that “cling to the bible”. He wants us to throw away religion and instead of looking to the bible for inspiration, we should again turn to him and big government. It’s a trick all totalitarian governments have enforced on their people to impose their rule over them. Just currently look at North Korea. Lastly, family values are also something he considers out-of-date. Who needs a family when you can have the American government?
Use common sense this November. Vote for a proven success not a proven failure.

When did the American dream change?

When did it turn wrong to want to be successful? When did it become immoral to earn money? When was it a bad thing to aspire for greater things out of life?

I ask that question to myself over and over after reading the news. It boggles my mind. All of the sudden there is a war on those who earn money, work hard and became a financial success. Obama, along with most of the American news agencies following like a band of mindless sheep, now ridicules them as the “marvelous” 1 percenters or the tax evaders. He acts like we should despise and hold them all in contempt. He pretends as if they are the cause of all of America’s woes and have somehow orchestrated mass unhappiness and poverty for the other 99% of the country.

A quote from The Final Reality reads:

In fact most of the policies initiated by the UAA since commandeering the country smothered all incentives to work and created a dependent state that could no longer function without the resources from a growing centralized government. The former tenant ended up in a pauper’s prison once the new tax laws had been initiated. He could find no friend in the courts or from his fellow countryman. Because of his former wealth the man had been branded by the UAA as evil and someone to be despised. His hard work, endless hours of dedication and dismissal of most pleasures in an effort to ensure the growth of his company proved meaningless. He was now the bad guy and no one wept a tear for him upon his incarceration. With his former employees now being compensated by the UAA indefinitely during their unemployment, even they could not concern themselves with their former boss’s situation.

Should we now feel bad about ourselves if we get ahead in life? Should we feel ashamed of all of our hard work if it brings us financial success? Should I hide a pay raise from my wife as if I were harboring a mistress?

This all seems ridiculous but that’s exactly where we are in America at this point. Obama has created a class warfare aimed to vilify the successful while the media is there to aid in his witch-hunt. Isn’t it ironic, though, how history repeats itself? Didn’t Vladimir Lenin do the same in the Russian revolution? Wasn’t it Adolf Hitler that went after the rich “Jews”? Isn’t the struggle between society’s classes the basis of socialism?

Take a look at history and now look at the road that Obama is leading us down. Haven’t we seen it all before? Let us not forget what history has taught us, and turn a blind eye to what Obama is attempting to perpetrate. He wants to change America and turn it into socialist nation, a nation of mediocrity, a nation of dependents, a nation devoid incentive to better one self, a nation of stagnation, a nation watchers-not doers, a nation of complacency and nation our forefathers fought not to become.

We can’t let this happen. Keep the American spirit alive.

Stem Cells

I came across this article this week about stem cells and Parkinson’s disease. Mohammad Ali’s daughter is currently collaborating with a research company to help further explore the use of stem cells for this condition. The article partially reads as follows:
In an attempt to help find a cure for her father, Rasheda has collaborated with a biotech company called “BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics,” which has been experimenting with stem cell treatment on patients with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.  Through their efforts, many of these patients’ symptoms have greatly improved, and the degenerative properties of the disease have started to slow.
“If you can have these incredible results for what I think is the most severe…neurocognitive disease there is, what kind of promise will they do down the pipeline for other neurocognitive diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s?” Rasheda said.
After seeing the amazing results this company has achieved, Rasheda is convinced that stem cells hold the key to treating these diseases in the future.  
            Stem cell research has been around for a hundred years now and some good advancement has been made. The best example of success is in bone marrow transplants when stem cells are used to help cure some hematological disorders such as leukemia.
            As a neurologist I hope to one day see such a breakthrough in my field. However, the panacea of stem cells curing all neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, spinal cord injury and Alzheimer’s is very far from fruition. In fact the results have been a little disappointing. Take for example a spinal cord injury where the nerves have been severed. The thought and hope was that a surgeon could take stem cells and place them into the area of the spinal cord that was injured. The stem cells would them turn into nerves and reconnect the injured neural pathways. Also, with Parkinson’s the thought would be that the stem cells would turn into the cells that make dopamine.
            However, the clinical trials have not yielded these results in any tangible fashion. All the research I have read that deal with humans (and not rats or any other nonhuman primates) show that the stem cells promote a healthy environment where injured cells can thrive. Instead of the stem cells turning into the cells needed, they instead help the injured cells by providing a nurturing environment for them to heal. Although not the intended response, it does show that stem cells do have an important role in the future.
            The question now is what is that role? Again, take spinal cord injury. During an injury a cascade of events occur, such as scarring, that make nerve repair almost impossible. Even under the most auspicious circumstances created by stem cells no reconnection of nerves could ever occur. However, current research on spinal cord injury is trying to produce drugs that will halt the negative cascade of events that occur after an injury. Thus, when these drugs finally materialize nerves will have a much better chance at repairing themselves after injury. At that will be the time and place for stem cells to be used.
            The scenario I foresee in the future is that after a spinal cord injury the patient will initially be stabilized. During this early period certain drugs will be administered which will halt and reverse the negative cascade of events that cause irreparable damage to the nerves. Other drugs will then be administered to help the injured nerves heal, grow and possible reproduce. Then, possibly, stem cells will be introduced to help enhance the overall process. Lastly, intensive physical therapy will help the patient return back to normal activity.
            What I see is that stem cells will be part of the cure and not the cure itself. When treating any neurological injury, other treatments will need to take place first or in conjunction with stem stems to create the tangible results we need for these patients. Stem cell will not be a cure-all but one of many viable options for these neurological conditions.
            When dealing with Parkinson’s there are a myriad of clinical trials being conducted right now that are both expanding our knowledge of this disease and creating new and novel treatments to help those afflicted with it. Personally, I don’t think stem cells will be the answer for Parkinson’s but I do see a concurrent role for it in other neurological conditions.

There is no care in Obamacare

The Final Reality relays the potential consequences of a governmental overhaul of the United States Healthcare system:

Marissa went on to explain how the continued government run healthcare system had devastated medicine in the United States. Through repeated cutbacks, poor reimbursements, and inadequate bureaucracy, the government’s plan had turned the clock of modern medicine back the twentieth century. No longer was America a leader in the industry; it now just followed in the same footsteps as other mediocre socialist run medical systems.

The entire world as a result suffered because they relied on the United States for its cutting edge medical technology and pharmaceuticals. Once the government run system was in place it became a monster in itself, consuming more and more of the GNP on a yearly basis. As the cost of the socialist system grew so did the number of bureaucrats. Soon there were more governmental employees running the system than medical staff manning it.

As we watch The US Supreme Court debate Obamacare’s legality, we must ask ourselves: how was such a thing passed? With over 2000 pages of new laws, stipulations and intrusions into our God-given civil liberties the bill essentially gives the United States government a mandate to take over our economy. How could the most successful country in the world knowingly give away everything that our soldiers fought so hard to preserve? It spits not only in their faces but also in the faces our Founding Fathers. I think this video nicely sums up the intrusive nature of this bill:

Ronal Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Where is the ACLU in all of this? If they really cared about our civil liberties they would have organized mass marches against it and not slept until it was repealed. This bill takes away more of our civil liberties than anything ever passed before in the United States, yet they do or say nothing. I guess the only thing they really care about is their own political agenda, and if something doesn’t fit into it, then it doesn’t matter to them. Well, it matters to me.

As a physician it is my hope that everyone receives proper medical care. Every week I either donate my time to the free medical clinic or provide care to the uninsured, underinsured or illegals for free in this country. However, I don’t believe the government has a right not only to mandate healthcare for everyone but also oversee such a massive economic goliath. Plus, where are the funds for such plan. Every day I learn the cost of it is rising. No matter what news station you listen to they all agree that the plan is over budget and that there is no way to pay for it. The plan both underestimated the amount of people who would be covered and also the funds needed to support it. I don’t know about you but this is a recipe for disaster. And the worst part about it is that Obama wants to proceed, despite the economic devastation it will create for America’s economy.

Capitalism has made America great. It won us the Cold War and continues to make our country great. Why? Capitalism allows the people to take charge of their destiny and gives them the opportunity to make a better living for not only themselves but their children. It allows for initiative and creates an environment so that anyone has the potential to succeed. That is why Capitalism has proven to be the greatest economic system the world has ever seen. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but has there ever been any socialist, communist or fascists utopias? Just look at North Korea, where the government runs everything. How are they doing? Their people are starving and they are living in complete poverty. Now look at South Korea.

Have we not learned anything from history? Obamacare needs to be repealed for our sake and the sake of our children.