
The Irritated Genie: Ayo Kimathi

When I write about racists, you may think white supremacists. However, unlike what the media preaches, racism goes both ways. If you have not heard about him, I’d like to introduce everyone to Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie”. You may just assume that this militant is just some left wing radical spewing hatred towards conservatives, whites or America. You may think he’s just some nut job that chants anti-gay slogans and spits on all homosexuals. Even after reading his blog site, War is on the Horizon, you would just assume that he was some lunatic planning a war against all gays and whites in our country.

All are logical thoughts. And in fact, they are most likely correctly. However, this man is no survivalist bunkered down with guns, hiding in the wilderness. No. This man wears a white collar and has a job. But the sad thing about it is that you and I pay his salary- along with all the other white people and homosexuals in the country. This man,  in fact, not only works for the Department of Homeland Security but also is in charge of the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement! You ask where all the ammunition is going and why there is a shortage. This man is buying it all up for a future race war.

Ayo Kimathi states, “Warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count.”

These are not my words. This is what he, himself, writes. And he is procuring arms?

You may think he would have been fired from his job. You may also believe that the DHS did not know about this web site. However, he has neither been fired nor did the DHS not know about this site. The man is still working for the DHS in a very important position.

This is exactly what an Obama administration gets us: radicals. Obama wants a revolution. He believes the way he is going about changing the Constitution is too slow and laborious. He has grown tired of the long process it takes to achieve his change. That is why he has surrounded himself with radicals- not unlike what Hitler did. Obama is trying to replicate Hitler’s Beer Hall Coup of 1923. As Hitler shouted at that time, “The National Revolution has begun!”. Though Hitler was unsuccessful in his first attempt, he continued until he gained total control over the country. That is what Obama is hoping to achieve. He wants these radicals to rise up. He wants the revolution. That is why he continues to incite race issues and is unrelentless at trying to divide the country.

History repeats itself. The warning signs are before us. Let them not go unnoticed.


Obama is the New Overlord

The following 2 paragraphs on Barking Moonbat have got me thinking:

Obama is creating a new police force to hunt you down and make sure you are complying with the dictator’s orders:

More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86 tasked with ‘criminal investigating’ – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing.
On the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010, HHS received authority from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to make as many as 1,814 new hires under an emergency ‘Direct Hiring Authority’ order.
The Obama administration ordered that employment expansion despite a government-wide hiring freeze.

There’s always room for the Obama Schutzstaffel and it won’t come cheap:

A total of 1,684 of those positions were filled. An analysis by MailOnline shows that at 2010 federal government salary rates, the new employees’ salaries alone cost the U.S. at least $138.8 million every year.
Had the agency filled all its available jobs, that cost would have been a minimum of $159 million.
The hiring began in May 2010 and continued through June 2013, making the later hires eligible for higher salaries as a result of annual cost-of-living increases.
The difference between what HHS spent on new Obamacare-related employees and what it was authorized to spend is explained by its failure to hire most of the 261 ‘consumer safety officers’ it was authorized to bring aboard. Only two such employees were hired.
But while OPM authorized HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Denise Carter — later renamed Denise Wells — to hire 50 criminal investigators, the agency increased that number to 86 on its own.
After MailOnline lodged a Freedom Of Information Request with HHS, the agency sent a spreadsheet containing records of the positions it filled, along with the salary level for each one on the government’s ‘GS’ hiring scale.

The day of the government overlord has arrived. What is happening is no different to what occurred with the creation of Nazi Germany’s SS. The SS along with the State-driven media kept close tabs on its citizens and essentially suppressed all opposition. Those that spoke up faced serious repercussions. This militarization of  the police force and attempts to take away all guns from the American citizen are not coincidental in nature. They are part of a much bigger plan for total government control.

Disarming the country will make it that much easier for Obama to enforce his will over the country. His disgust over recent shootings is nothing but a façade in order to pursue his greater agenda.
If we defund Obamacare, we may be able to slow down the Obama juggernaut and curtail his efforts to destroy our country.  Laws such as Obamacare are liken to the Nazi Germany The Enabling Act- which was a 1933 amendment to the Weimar Constitution that essentially gave Hitler total control over his country. It was the final straw in the coffin of the Wiemar democracy. We are at that point now. Obamacare is America’s Enabling Act. You see the liberties that Obama and Holder have taken with the law already. Now, what will happen when they take over 1/6 of the economy? There will be no stopping them.


Obama Crosses the Rubicon

FOX NEWS: WASHINGTON –  The Justice Department said Thursday that it will sue Texas over its voter ID law and, separately, look for ways to intervene in a lawsuit over the state’s redistricting policies — in the latest volley in the ongoing dispute between the feds and the Lone Star State. 

Attorney General Eric Holder said the step marks the department’s “continuing effort to protect the voting rights of all eligible Americans.” He added, “We will not allow the Supreme Court’s recent decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights.”

Holder’s announcement follows a June 25 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that effectively removed a vital portion of the Voting Rights Act that required 16 jurisdictions to seek pre-clearance from the DOJ before making any changes to election laws and redistricting laws.

Following the ruling, Holder called the court’s decision and its reasoning behind it “flawed,” and vowed to find other ways within the law to challenge the ruling. He planned to do this by targeting other provisions in the act that would allow plaintiffs to present cases where they were unfairly targeted by the law.

I was always taught to lead by example. Good or bad, there will be those who follow. So when it comes to positively enforcing the law, the example should come from our President, obama, and the Attorney General, holder. It is their lead the country must follow when upholding the laws of the land and avoiding mass chaos. However, taking their lead has taken America down a path of lawlessness and self-destruction.

Again, this article exemplifies another example of how the Obama administration circumvents the law if it does not fit its needs. Whether its through executive actions, picking and choosing what parts of the law to enforce or blatantly disregarding the system and making up new rules to accommodate their desire, Obama and his band of thugs have systemically dismantled the law of the land. Yes, I will repeat it again. They have systemically unraveled the Constitution and made a mockery out of all we find sacred as Americans.

There are those who say there is not any evidence to impeach Obama. However, those that understand the Constitution would know that Obama should have been impeached long ago. Take for example Obamacare. What gives him the right to tax citizens if they are not insured? That is not his job. Also what gives him the right to chose what part of the law to enforce? It doesn’t.

In this world boundaries need to be set. Without certain boundaries lawlessness ensues. The founding fathers knew this fact. That’s the reason they made a checks and balance system. A system that has worked and enabled our country to become the greatest nation on the planet. Without boundaries, Obama has officially created a tyrannical system of government. History does repeat itself. Remember how Rome went from a Republic to a Dictatorship? That’s what we are seen now. Obama and his lackies have crossed the Rubicon and taken over the capitol.


Dictator Obama


Did you ever wonder why Obama has pushed back portions of Obamacare such as the employer mandate past its designated time of institution?

The simple answer is that Obama and the democrats plan to take back the house come Fall and they don’t want anything in their way from doing so. It does not matter if they have to lie, cheat and fix the votes, they believe it can be done. They saw what they could accomplish with 2 presidential elections, and it has empowered them. They know that once they again have the house, they can shove more socialist, progressive legislation down our throats. Realistically, nothing will be able to stop them at that point. With the media, who are leading the American people like sheep, in their back pocket, they will be able to legislate whatever they want. And what they want to do is to transform America into a socialist country with mediocre citizens, mediocre ambitions and mediocre outcomes. You see, with mediocrity, nobody’s feeling are hurt and if they are, a citizen can always turn to the government for help. It seems to be both the obvious and unavoidable conclusion to Obama’s unconstitutional actions.

Plus, what gives Obama the right to pick and chose what parts of the law he wishes to enforce? It is illegal, unconstitutional and un-American! By these actions, Obama has essentially negated the Constitution and created a quasi-dictatorship regime. If the President can pick what parts of the law he wishes to enforce, then, in fact, he has become a quasi-dictator who serves only his own needs without any supervision from the other branches of government. Is that not what Hitler did in Nazi Germany? All hail Obama.


The Meidia Hates Religion

I’ve come across the following article about the savage murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom which typifies the flagrant media bias and disregard for the truth:

Although the horrors inflicted upon Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were luridly savage, the national news media was slow to pick up the story. Conservative commentators and right-wing blogs insisted that the crimes were being ignored by mainstream media out of a perverse sense of political correctness — simply because the victims were white and the suspects were black. TV pundit and conservative columnist Michelle Malkin said “There is a discomfort level with stories that have black assailants and white victims… If it doesn’t fit some sort of predetermined narrative of how we view taboo subjects like race and crime, there’s a disinclination to cover it.”

The press has no regard for Christians or for the most part, religion. Just look at Tim Tebow. Not that he’s a good quarterback but he’s been crucified in the media and portrayed as some religious nut. The media hated seeing him pray. They hated his Christian beliefs and they mocked him every chance they got.

So it’s no surprise they could care less about these 2 people. They two innocent Christians are not part of their progressive, atheistic agenda. You see, progressives don’t want people to rely on themselves or religion as Obama pointed out: “clinging to guns and religion”. They want people to only rely on government for their support. In order to destroy the guns and religion, the government and media thrust gun control laws down our throat and marginalize religion. You see their plan now. It’s spelled out nicely by Obama’s comment. They want control- total control. The very thing our forefathers warned us about.


Free Speech is Gone

The sad part is that this is America. No longer does the first Amendment apply. Now, we watch what we say and look over our backs before speaking. A remotely racist or sexist remark could get you fired, branded or ostracized from society. Speaking up for what you believe no longer matters. If it does not conform to the progressive agenda, you are marginalized and cast aside as a dissident to the nation. You are called racist, right wing, uneducated, un-American or religious nut. The names are all different but the point they make isn’t- what you have to say doesn’t matter and does not want to be heard.

Take for instance, hate crimes. All crimes are hateful but unfortunately, only certain politically correct ones are considered hate crimes. I’m a physician who has worked in inner-city and suburban trauma centers. I have seen hate crimes that would make you lose faith in humanity. Yet, no one will address the issue because it is politically incorrect to bring up the subject. The real reason is that we as Americans no longer have the freedom of speech to talk openly. Yes, we have gangs, roaming thugs and drug addicts. And yes, they kill, rape and pillage for fun, money or just to get into a gang.

The question is: where is the real media coverage. Who is bringing the real problems to the forefront. The answer is no one. And that is how Nazi’s took power and created death camps while it people stood docile.


Obama Picture Photoshopped

Reggie Love recently was seen on a YouTube video talking about daily life with the president, including the historic day when Osama bin Laden was killed.While advisers huddled in the situation room,  Reggie Love said, “[President Obama] was like, ‘I’m not, I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing. We must have played 15 hands-15 games of Spades.”

It is a sad day when our commander and chief decides to play cards while brave Navy SEALs risk their lives in a vital mission. The mission to take down the man who killed over 3,000 innocent American citizens. Obama, the elected official who is supposed to be in charge, played spades instead being where he was needed most. Where is the media outrage? Where are those asking for his resignation? Instead of calling him out on his unpresident-like conduct, YouTube removed the video off their site. And still some deny media bias.

Keeping in mind what Reggie Love said, now take a look at the famous picture at the top of this post. Does the picture of Obama seem out-of-place. Look at the size of his head compared to those behind and next to him. Doesn’t it seem smaller? Also, notice the color and even shadows seem off on Obama as opposed to the other people. Lastly, take a close look at the buttons on his shirt. They are backwards.

Putting it all together, it seems as if Obama was playing cards while this famous picture was taken. Unbelievable, but the truth finally comes out. Now consider this, he is the man leading our great nation, the head of the largest armed forces in the world and he is totally incompetent.


First Amendment does not Apply to Obama Clown

In yet another affront to our First Amendment rights, the Obama clown (redundant statement) was banned from all future Missouri events. So much for free speech. And better yet, the NAACP is asking the Secret Service to investigate the clown. And no, I’m not talking about Obama but the guy wearing the mask. Not to go out on a limb, but I’m sure that if he wore a President Bush mask, there would not be the slightest uproar or banning.

The double standard in this country is sickening. The First Amendment seems to only apply when a liberal says it or it’s against a conservative. Where was the outrage when Sharpton called Greeks Homos. How about when Travon called Zimmerman a Cracker? Lastly, remember when Biden poked fun at Indians working at 7/11? The liberals can say and do as our Constitution originally intended. However, if a conservative says anything anyone might find offensive, they call them a racist or ignorant.

Remember, the First Amendment applies to all of us- not some. And I’m tired of those some telling the rest of us what to say and how to act. This must end. This is a slap in the face of our founding fathers and to all us hard working Americans.


The Government Wants to Be Your Neighbor

The article below floored me. Just when you thought the Obama government could not be more intrusive, now they want to tell people where to live. This is exactly what our forefathers warnmed us about. Each day the government chips away at our autonomy and freedom. Though the process is slow, the net effect accumulates after years of progressive policies. The intrusions into our civil liberals have got to end.

The governmnet uses the cover of affirmitive active and equal opportunity to push their agenda. However, their agenda is helping no one other than temselves to gain power and place more people on the government doll. After reading the article,Ii have to ask: who will pay for the relocation and the cost of these homes/properties? Again, the taxpayer will be responsible for this intrusive governmental policy. If the government is able to tell people where to live, what’s next? Are they going to tell us who we live with? Or maybe he are friends are. Or better yet, who we marry. Imagine a government quota being formed for both same and opposite sex marriage. Imagine the the government stepping into your marriage and saying, “Excuse me sir, you are not allowed to marry the bride. You now have to take the best man as your spouse to meet our quota”. The insanity can go on forever!

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country’s housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for.

The proposed federal rule, called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Hosuing,” is currently under a 60-day public comment period. Though details of how the policy would specifically work are unclear, the rule says HUD would provide states, local governments and others who receive agency money with data and a geospacial tool to look at “patterns of integration and segregation; racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty; access to education, employment, low-poverty, transportation, and environmental health.”

States would then assess the best way to integrate communities deemed by HUD’s data to not be integrated enough. A HUD official, who did not want to speak on record because of the public comment period, said the rule hopes to better match up HUD-assisted housing with the communities that have good hospitals, schools and other assets.

The move has been welcomed by civil rights groups including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, whose senior director of the economic department Dedrick Muhammad says the policy could result in more access to economic resources for minorities.

Congress, Staff, to keep Federal Health Premium Payments

I think this cartoon adequately sums up what Obama is attempting to do with his health care plan. And we’re the suckers who are going to be forced to swallow the pill because in the end, there will be only one insurance company for all Americans- Obamacare. However, those elite like Obama and the rest of Congress will be exempt from this intrusion. I read the article below and was just besides myself with anger. Obama speaks of class warfare- yet, he is creating right now by allowing Congress to have a higher standard of health care. The article below sums it up nicely.

WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) – Congress has won some partial relief for lawmakers and their staffs from the “Obamacare” health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago.
In a ruling issued on Wednesday, U.S. lawmakers and their staffs will continue to receive a federal contribution toward the health insurance that they must purchase through soon-to-open exchanges created by President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law.

The decision by the Office of Personnel Management, with Obama’s blessing, will prevent the largely unintended loss of healthcare benefits for 535 members of the Senate and House of Representatives and thousands of Capitol Hill staff.

When Congress passed the health reform law known as Obamacare in 2010, an amendment required that lawmakers and their staff members purchase health insurance through the online exchanges that the law created. They would lose generous coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

The amendment’s author, Republican Senator Charles Grassley, argued that if Obamacare plans were good enough for the American public, they were good enough for Congress. Democrats, eager to pass the reforms, went along with it.

But it soon became apparent the provision contained no language that allowed federal contributions toward their health plans that cover about 75 percent of the premium costs.
This caused fears that staff would suddenly face sharply higher healthcare costs and leave federal service, causing a “brain drain” on Capitol Hill.

But Wednesday’s proposed rule from the OPM, the federal government’s human resources agency, means that Congress will escape the most onerous impact of law as it was written.

The OPM said the federal contributions will be allowed to continue for exchange-purchased plans for lawmakers and their staffs, ensuring that those working on Capitol Hill will effectively get the same health contributions as millions of other federal workers who keep their current plan.