As our Congress mulls over how to spend another 1.1 Trillion dollars of hard-earned American money, I watch how our government grows in size and power buy the day. It has become a mammoth leviathan with an insatiable appetite for increasing amounts of dollars. With taxation the only means to feed this monstrosity, our government finds new ways on a daily basis to levy increased taxes and garner more and more of our personal freedoms in the process. As America quickly slides town the path towards socialism similar to a skydiver plummeting to his death without a parachute, I recant some very foreboding warnings by certain notable figures from our past:
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don’t need it and hell where they already have it.”
Ronald Reagan
“The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it, adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.”
Pope John Paul II
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Winston Churchill
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
Winston Churchill
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.”
Margaret Thatcher
“To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukemia with leeches.”
Margaret Thatcher
“Democracy is the road to socialism.”
Karl Marx
“Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is at the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity.”
William Howard Taft
“The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?”
G. Wells
Despite the warnings, the leftists like Obama continue to adhere to the merits of this failed economic system. Just look at modern day Greece and Venezuela and you will see the prosperity that socialism bestows on its citizens. I like to display a few quotes by our dear leader about what he has openly stated about socialism. It will serve as the end of this blog and unfortunately the epitaph to the end of American and Western civilization.
“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
“I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution…”
What Obama Has Done Wrong Since the Terrorist Attack on Paris
If Obama knew there was a major ISIS terrorist camp in Raqqa Syria, why did he not order its destruction long ago instead of waiting to give France this intelligence information after the terror attack?
Despite FBI director James Comey’s admission that the Syrian refugees cannot be properly vetted, Obama double-downed on his insistence to import more Syrians despite the foreboding warning—even with the knowledge that at least 1 Paris ISIS terrorist snuck in as a Syria refugee
Obama refused to admit that his comments about ISIS being “contained” just a few hours prior to the Paris attack and after the Russian airliner bombing were unfounded and at best incorrect.
Obama arrived late to the moment of silence at the G-20 Conference
Obama failed to admit his strategy for containing ISIS has been faulty and needs to be completely revamped
Obama continues to fail to admit that there is any religious motivation behind ISIS’s actions
Obama continues to talk big in his efforts to fight ISIS but does little to combat the problemMy suggestion Mr. President is to actually lead when your country, if not the world, needs a leader. For once in your life take one step away from your left wing, progressive ideology and do what’s best for the citizens of this great country which elected you
As the French police raid over 150 locations for ISIS-linked terror suspects and their military bomb the Syria city of Raqqa, it only scratches the surface in creating any real solution to the terrorist problem. After the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris and after the report on BuzzFeed that over 4,000 ISIS gunman have already been smuggled into Europe, one must ask why nothing of substance was done to prevent this horrific second attack in Paris? It is not like these acts of terrorism should at all come as a surprise. ISIS has been making constant threats. Plus, with the “No-Go Zones” throughout Europe breeding home-grown terrorist and presumably welcoming ISIS operatives, the war has already made its way both to the European and American homeland.
The problem with Europe and America is that although France has closed her borders, the borders of most other countries remain wide open, accepting non-vetted Syrian and other foreign immigrants. How many terrorists a day are sneaking into these countries as a result? Plus, how much more can the American and European economies support these immigrants? Here is America we cannot even take care of our own veterans, yet each illegal immigrant is receiving free health care and other government handouts—while the vets die waiting to see a doctor.
Many in the news media call it Western generosity or hospitality. However, the truth of the matter is that it should be called Western suicide. These foreigners are not assimilating. They are not taking pride in their home country’s heritage. As the rich elite revel at the cheap labor and the leftist celebrate openness, the vast majority of citizens are negatively affected by this unchecked mass migration. As already mentioned, the mere safety of the country and her citizens are at risk. Plus, economically, the migrants are taking away jobs and costing their perspective countries money that they do not have. In the end, they will economically, socially, and physically destroy all Western nations.
To make matters worse in America, Obama still wants to bring over 10,000 non-vetted Syrian migrants. When will the insanity end? Until we as Western nations make some really difficult decisions, our way of life will cease to exist—to the happiness and delight of such anti-Western minded people like Obama and Soros. Bombing a Syrian city is simply a show of force but really has made no long term gains. Until we as Western nations close our borders totally in this time of war, embrace of heritage, properly vet the immigrants here both legally and illegally, close “No-Go Zones” completely, start properly deporting appropriate immigrants, and becoming completely energy independent and free of any need for foreign oil (especially from the Middle East) the problem will continue. Let’s see how quickly these Middle Eastern countries would crack down on internal terrorist organizations within their own borders after we stopped buying their oil. They would have no other options but to capitulate as doing anything else would prove economically suicidal. Until these definite steps are made, the terrorist will continue to grow in strength and numbers by the day.
Did you ever wonder why the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused George Soros of undermining the European Nations by helping to facilitate the influx of Middle Eastern refuges? Many news programs mentioned this comment, but none have delved into the actual significance behind it. No one asked why Soros would want to undermine the European Nations or what if anything Soros would gain from such an endeavor.
In order to understand the mind of George Soros, one must investigate what both influences and motivates the man. From his beginnings in Nazi controlled Hungary, Soros’s lack of empathy became appalling apparent. Though a Jew himself, as a teen he sold out his Jewish brethren to the Nazis and helped in the unrightful confiscation of their property. He, himself, admitted to feeling “exhilarated” by the whole experience. By his own words, he seemed morally immune to the atrocities committed by the Nazis, and to this day routinely denounces his Jewish heritage.
However, his major political influence derived from his professor and British philosopher Karl Popper. Popper was a staunch supporter of what he called an Open Society. In his book, The Open Society and Its Enemies first printed in London by Routledge in 1945, he expounds upon this theoretical utopian civilization. He states that in an Open Society “individuals are confronted with personal decisions as opposed to magical or tribal or collective society.” Popper claimed that the problem with countries and borders is that each individual country looks out for their own good and not for the good of all or each individual across the globe. Plus, the beliefs held by one country are many time thought superior to another country or absolute in nature, stifling individual thought and prosperity. Popper states that an Open Society transcends borders and safeguards the rights of individuals. In this hypothetical Open Society, people are free to think, act and live by common interest not confined by one’s religion, culture, country or race. Then by coming together and accepting each other’s values and beliefs, ultimate truths about humanity, law, order, right and wrong can be communally decided.
Soros was and still is an ardent supporter of Popper and the Open Society myth. In fact, Soros wrote his own interpretations of a perfect Open Society and shared them on different occasions with Popper, desperately seeking the approval of his mentor. Thus, an OPEN BORDER policy is the logical outcome of an Open Society. As President Regan said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” And that is exactly what an open border policy produces. With refuges invading Europe and the United States, bringing their own culture and beliefs into these countries and seemingly unwilling to accept the culture embedded within them, nations and hundreds of years of cultures and beliefs will eventually crumble.
The Open Border policy is but one of many efforts by Soros and other globalists to undermine the sovereignty of individual countries. Soros has been attempting to fragment the US and many other countries for many years now. Through his Open Society Institute, Democracy Alliance and other support for other 527-funded radical groups, Soros has attempted to tear down the foundation of the United States and destroy the fabric which holds it together.
It may seem counterintuitive but Soros also distains capitalism. He believes that it allows the pursuit of self-interest without respecting the common interest. He also distains communism because of its beliefs in universal knowledge and the system’s suppression of individual thought.
To summarize, Soros distains religion, western society, capitalism, communism, borders, cultures, or anything which creates a sense of a national common interest. Now you see why the world is heading the way it is. With globalist like Soros and cronies who share in his beliefs, you can now understand the motivation behind what is driving some major current events.
The real and more pressing question is where does all of this take us? What is the purpose of creating open borders, dividing a country’s citizens into separate discrete factions, and attempting to undermine the sovereignty of individual countries? Is this some philosophical experiment perpetrated upon us by the global elite such as Soros or is there a more sinister objective behind all of it? The answer is rather obvious. It is all about control, power, and the concentration of wealth. With the sovereignty of individual countries undermined, the global elite and international bankers no longer have to worry about borders or governments to interfere with their global ambitions. Through clandestine meetings such as in the Bohemian Grove or in the Bilderberg Hotel, these global elites can set international policy that transcends national borders without the interference of individual governments interfering with their plans. Is this not the goal of the Trans Pacific Partnership?
Once you understand how these global elites are manipulating both domestic and foreign policies, you will soon began to realize that we the people are just insignificant pawns in their international bid for power and control.
Please Click on Picture to view Video of the real “plight” of the Syrian refugees.
Before welcoming the Syrian refuges with open arms, blindly accepting them all without a hint of a background check, the basic question remains as to who are these people? On the news, pictures of impoverished woman and children plaster the TV and web pages, making our heart ache at each new image. Though these pictures may be sobering, it hides the real truth about the nature of this invasion.
What most news outlet fail to inform is that 72 percent of these refugees are male—mostly in their 20’s or 30’s. The other 13 percent are woman while only 15 percent are children as reported by the United Human Rights Commission. These documented demographics are certainly not which is portrayed in the news. In fact, I only found one news agency on the web, Breitbart, which was reporting it. As the video above accurately displays, these refugees are mostly young men who don’t look impoverished, sick or even unkempt. In fact, many have cell phones and are indignant to any food or water mercifully given to them by the countries they invaded. After watching the video, I still am stunned how they throw food and water onto the rails as if they are insulted for such kind Western hospitality.
So TWO serious questions remain: Why are young, fighting men migrating West in such large numbers and Why is the mainstream media not reporting the truth? I certainly don’t have an answer to either of them, but these questions are certainly ones that need to be answered soon before the West ceases to exist. Does anyone really believe that these refugees plan to assimilate or acclimate to their new countries? The answer is a resounding no. For proof, just look at the major Western European cities most notably France. What will the West look like in 1, 5 or even 10 years down the road if the invasion continues?
Are these young fighting men terrorists? Are they here to fundamentally transform the West into a Muslim culture? Are they solely here just for cheap labor? Are there other more sinister reasons why leaders of state are so eager to welcome them? Who do they really have allegiance to? Why are no real background checks being conducted on these men? Why is the West not accepting the Christian refugees who are in the direst of needs?
The world is facing a massive crisis. History will look back at this time and say this is where it all went bad unless we do something now. Let the insanity stop before all of Western culture and our Judeo-Christian beliefs and principles are destroyed.
With the recent talk of vaccinations highlighted during the Republican Presidential debates, it definitely highlights the concerns that linger among us parents about having our children vaccinated. I must preface this post (before getting to my point by discussing a recent article in the neurological literature) by stating that I am a neurologist with 5 children and all were fully vaccinated. That said, I must admit that the vaccinations were spaced apart further than that which was recommended by the pediatrician.
The only reason my wife and I were adamant about altering the dosing regimen was that we routinely witnessed an alteration in our childrens’ mental status after they received a barrage of shots. I would like to say that flu-like symptoms or low-grade fevers precipitated the changes. However, there were no signs or symptoms of any physical reaction to the vaccines. What did change on occasion was their personalities, sleep habits and at times cognition. It was scary to witness, but we were relieved when it resolved. As we began to split up the vaccination shots for our younger children, these neurological sided effects abated.
The reason why I discuss my own experience is that the medical system ardently insists that autism is not related to vaccinations. However, a recent medical journal I read does raise the awareness about the possible neurological sequela that can occur after one of these shots. A July 1 article in Science Translational Medicine discussed the link between Pandemrix, a vaccine used during the H1N1 flu pandemic, and 1,300 reported new cases of narcolepsy which occurred after receiving the shot. The article described how antibodies that formed as a result of the vaccine crossed the blood-brain barrier and attacked the sleep regulation portion of the brain. As a result, these people were left with narcolepsy. The process is called molecular mimicry. It has already been documented as the cause of different neurological diseases that result from the body’s immunological response to certain cancers, infections or exposures.
If a vaccine can cause narcolepsy, it definitely calls into question whether vaccines could also initiate other neurological problems such as autism. Though the question remains, the overall benefit of vaccines to society as a whole does outweigh the risks. My only recommendation to the medical establishment is to reconsider both the dose of the vaccine and the timing they are given, to reduce any of these possible side effects.
As the world digs itself deeper into economic debt, increasing wars rage across the globe, and refugees from The Middle East and Mexico are rapidly changing the landscape of Western Society, one must wonder if these events are not all somehow connected –or might I say even contrived?
Though I’m not one to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon, recent events have certainly made me question who is really in control of our governments. It almost seems as if this utter madness which has enveloped the planet is somehow being manipulated or that the madness is someway being controlled.
If this hypothesis is correct, who are these puppeteers directing the shots? The answer in fact lies in plain sight, yet is not reported by media or spoken of by most news agencies. The first of these puppeteers is known as the Bilderberg group. Meeting annually in the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands, the richest and most powerful leaders in finance, industry and media unite in private to discuss, if not plan, their global financial initiatives for the upcoming years. Without culpability to any government or elected in any fashion, their wealth and power shape the political, economic and domestic landscape of countries across the globe. A similar congregation of powerful men meet annually at the Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California. Comprised also of the whose-who of business, politics and finance, its members congregate similarly in secrecy with the same nefarious goals.
One may ask: why do they meet? The simple answer is that they meet both to secure their wealth and create new means whereby they can become ever richer and more powerful in the process. More importantly, it’s about control. With their combined wealth and power, they have both the financial means and clout to buy and manipulate any politician they need to across the entire globe. Though these men and woman were voted into office by their constituents, their loyalty lies not with the voters but with their financial backers.
Thus, by working in conjunction with one another, the members of the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove can sway politics, finance and business on a global manner. They have created a method whereby internationalism now supersedes patriotism. National governments mean nothing to them as they manipulate the world as a whole, unconcerned about attachments to any particular country. In fact, local patriotism only gets in their way and stymies their international economic aspirations.
Hence, the massive influx of illegals and refuges from Central America into the USA and from The Middle East into Western Europe who do not wish to share in their new country’s heritage or assimilate in any way. In a matter of a few short years, centuries of history and a common sense of patriotism can be essentially abated. With such a diversity of cultures within a country, nothing will be left to unify them as a whole. With both political pawns such as President Obama and with the mainstream media in their back pocket, members of the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove can garner both political and public support while arousing little suspicion. Plus, the cheap labor that the immigration brings with it is an added bonus for these global entrepreneurs.
Taking the model which I described above, you can now start to understand why the countries across the planet are headed in the trajectory to which they all seem to be spinning out of control. Whether it be the international debt or endless wars, just follow the money trail behind the politician and his or her policies and you will lead yourself back to someone involved directly or indirectly with the Bilderberg Group or Bohemian Grove.
Though many chastise and demean Donald Trump’s comments on illegal immigrants, his message is founded upon undeniable fact. A recent article in the L.A. Times bolsters his argument with some amazing statistics. These are the facts you won’t see highlighted on CNN, MSNBC, or other mainstream media outlets. These are the facts that the elites of this country want to hide. We’d better wake up soon or America and all of Western Society will be lost forever.
40% of all workers in L. A. County (L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.
In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County.)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States ‘annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
As Donald Trump’s popularity continues to climb, one wonders why he appeals to so many Americans of diverse backgrounds. One argument from some ardent supports is that a success businessman like Trump is needed to run the country. Though it does seem superficially like a cogent argument, one speculates why the government should be in business in the first place. Can anyone name any successful business venture they manage? Amtrak, Social Security, Healthcare and the VA are but some of the most obvious programs that are woefully inadequate. Plus, if a private businessman could do better than the government, why are programs such as the ones previously mentioned not placed into the free market where businessmen can run them? (This argument was well articulated by Mike Church during his morning show on Sirius/XM). In addition, does being a successful businessman translate into being a successful president? I don’t know.
Another reason people support Trump is his ability to openly fight the PC police. Americans are tired of the same politically correct jargon spewed out from the political candidates and force fed to us by the media every day. Americans are discouraged by the stories of so many citizens that are politically and economically ruined if they find themselves at odds with the system. The draw in Trump is that he fights back. He says what he thinks, and openly attacks the bastion of PC dogma- the mainstream media. Many find it refreshing to hear someone actually speak his mind and fully flex their First Amendment Rights. They also find it refreshing to hear someone articulate issues that are seemingly ignored by the political class such as illegal immigration, crimes committed by illegal immigrants, a southern wall, the trade inequalities with China, and a balanced budget.
Donald Trump is also a political outsider. He is not part of what Senator Cruz calls the Washington Cartel. As we have seen after the last election, no matter how many Republicans we vote into office, or how many branches of government the Republicans control, no positive change is being undertaken. People feel as if their vote doesn’t count. No matter who goes into office, the same outcome will emerge: bigger government, more rules, more regulations and less economic growth. Thus, many Americans believe that the only way to fix Washington is to bring an outsider like Trump into this city.
Lastly and most importantly, I believe people are attracted to Trump because he is simply entertaining. No matter how you feel about the man, he can bring in ratings. Americans love entertainment, and thus many simply love Donald Trump as a result.
Will his appeal lead him into the White House? Time will tell.
The proverbial wall between state and religion had already been built and continues to become more vehemently fortified by the day. While misquoting from the Constitution, men and women alike defend this wall as if it were Check Point Charlie during the Cold War.
However, these same men and woman are no longer content with simply just defending this monstrosity of a wall. They are now climbing over it and encroaching on our religious freedoms while ignoring the actual words inscribed in our Constitution as set forth in the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
An excellent example of this unconstitutional religious encroachment is the state’s harassment of The Little Sisters of the Poor. The group comprises nuns who have taken a vow of poverty, obedience, and chastity that lovingly care for the elderly poor. The Lowers Circuit Courts with the backing of the Affordable Care Act, also known infamously as Obamacare, have mandated the nuns to disavow their faith and comply with the secular law of the land. As a result the nuns have taken to the courts to defend their First Amendment rights. Instead of meeting with the elderly poor, they are meeting with lawyers. Instead of spending time in poor house they are spending time in the court of law.
The problem stems from Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate which requires the nuns to offer all participants in their insurance plan contraception, abortion drugs and female sterilization procedures. Under the law as set forth by Obamacare, the sister’s insurance plan does not have to directly supply participants with these contraceptive methods, but must allow their insurer or an outside health plan to provide separate birth control coverage—thus making the nuns indirectly culpable in defying their religious faith.
As a result, The Little Sisters of the Poor have recently filed a second brief to the Supreme Court of the United States to petition them to hear their case on its First Amendment merits before the government can impose millions of dollars of fines if they don’t comply with it.
If the government would go far as to harass and financially bog down the Sisters of the Poor, what and who will be next. Will any religious organization or place of worship be able to survive? Will religion be relegated to the dark catacombs under building or in dark caves like where the first Christians use to congregate? Unfortunately, that is where the slippery slope is taking our country.