A picture does say a thousand words. Just look at the Federal, State a Private mailboxes in the above picture. If this is not a true and visual testament to vast difference between government-run verses private-run businesses, I do not know what is. FedEx and UPS are both successful business, make large sums of money each year and employ thousands of people. On the other hand, the US postal sevice is about 20 years out of date, bankrupt and requires our taxpayer money in order to survive. Can you imagine what things would look like if the government took over 1/6 of the economy by implementing Obamacare?
Did anyone have a chance to read this book. If you haven’t, let me save you some time. Or instead, let me suggest Mein Kampf or The Communist Manifesto. Both would be better reads and less confrontation to capitalism and the American way of life.
To quote from EAGnews.org:
The book is a mix of math lesson plans and essays from activist educators who explain how they’ve used their classrooms to advance a progressive political philosophy.
Two main themes emerge from the pages of “Rethinking Mathematics.”The first is that the U.S. is a hopelessly racist country that routinely oppresses “people of color.”This message is conveyed through lessons and essays about racial profiling, environmental racism, unfair mortgage lending practices of Big Banks, the “overabundance of liquor stores” in minority communities, and slave-owning U.S. presidents.
The book’s other major theme is that capitalism’s unequal distribution of wealth is the root cause of the world’s suffering. Students learn to despise free market economics in lessons about third-world sweatshops, “living wage” laws, the earnings of fast food workers and restaurant CEOs, and the “hidden” costs of meat production.
Well, I can tell you one thing. Numbers don’t lie. Over 40% illiteracy in Detroit. Our American students are not ranked in the top 10 for mathematics, geography or science. Is it because the textbooks are racist? I don’t think so. It starts with both the home and our school systems. We can’t change the home, but we certainly can change the way our school system is running. And I’ll tell you one thing, textbooks like this will make us become an even a more uneducated country. Our forefathers are rolling over in their grave right now.
But hey, isn’t that what all dictators want? Keep the people stupid and they won’t know they’re getting screwed by the government. We need solutions to our education system- not books that create further problems. This book is not about math, education or learning. It is about social indoctrination. The liberals want us to feel bad about our history so that we now embrace a new future- a socialist future. Things really have gone from bad to worse. God save our country.
Obama’s 7.6 Million Dollar Vacation
I’ve attached an excerpt from an article I’ve read recently. I have sounded off on this recently on different blogs- but is it me or is any one else furious over Obama’s 7.6 million dollar vacation! He’s by far the biggest hypocrite I know. Didn’t he just win an election by condemning the 1 Percenters and blaming them for America’s problems. Didn’t he admonish Governor Romney for being rich and owning nice things? Yet he and his family are going on a lavish vacation on America’s doll. Think of what that money could have got the US citizens. The first thing is that they could have opened the White House for tours once again. Secondly, that sum of money could have bought a significant amount of people without healthcare medical coverage. And the list goes on.
Well, I am calling you out Obama. You are a failed leader, a divider of the country, a destroyer of the American way of life and the biggest hypocrite. You will go down as the worst president we ever had.
P.S. Don’t forget to sign this petition:
Don’t Fund It – Obamacare
This is our last chance. Go to this site and sign the petition: http://www.dontfundobamacare.com/. Funding this bill will essentially have the US government take over 1/6 of the economy. It will hire, just for starters, 14,000 new IRS employees to run it- the same people who pleaded that they don’t want Obamacare. Plus, if this law were so great, why did Obama delay the Employer Mandate? If it were so fantastic, he would had it implemented a year earlier, not later. And better yet, why does Obama get to pick and choose what parts of the law he wants to implement and when? I didn’t see that in the Constitution. But I guess that doesn’t matter to the executive branch anymore. Between Obama and Holder they have proven that they can unilaterally disobey the laws and the Constitution without repercussion.
If that’s not enough, Max Baucus (D-Mont.), lead sponsor of Obamacare, admitted that the idea of him reading a bill allocating nearly $1 trillion of federal funds is “a waste of time”. He went also on to later say that Obamacare is headed for a huge train wreck.
If we as a nation don’t stand together against this gross overreach of power shoved down our throats by Obama, America will fail. We will go bankrupt. Plus, does anybody believe that we can get rid of Obamacare once its forcibly instituted? You would be kidding if you said yes. Just name one entitlement program the government has gotten rid of. The US government has become like a huge, unruly beast that keeps getting bigger and bigger, feeding off the American wallet and taking away our personal freedoms while doing so.
Stop this law before it stops our kid’s and grandkid’s future. Go to this website, call your senator, call your House representative and do what you can do to get out the word. Senator Cruz said this needs to be a grassroots effort. Send this blog posting out to everyone you know. Pass on the word or prosperity in America will pass us by.
I know everyone is excited that the stock market is rising. On Friday, the Dow Jones closed at 15,555.61. It seems reasonable, and in fact it would be remiss of me if I didn’t think it was at a great number. That being said, you have to ask yourselves, why is it so high. Unemployment is still at 7.6%, and under George Bush it never rose above 6%- and at one point it was a meager 4%!
Let’s put things into better perspective. Under President Bush ,we had a higher percentage of people working and less people on the government doll. In 2008, at the onset of the recession, 28.2 million people were enrolled in The most recent Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP). At the end of 2012, the total number was 47.8 million people. In fiscal 2008, the last full year before President Barack Obama took office, there were 58,794,000 Medicaid enrollees. A record 72,600,000 were enrolled in Medicaid for at least one month in fiscal 2012, up from 71,700,000 in fiscal 2011. And this is just scratching the surface.
How about underemployment?Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
So then you ask, where is the money coming from. With less percentage of people working and more on the Obama doll, who is investing? The answer is simple. Under the guidance of Bernanke, the feds are printing the money which is flowing into the Stock Market. It’s not coming from people working more or a good economy. As you can see, the government has created that money which has inflated the Stock Market. So what is the final result? Collapse. The Stock Market has no firm base and like a sand castle, it’s bound to crumble under its own weight. God help our economy and the hard working Americans that are supporting it!
Media Watchdog
This cartoon sums up nicely where our media stands on reporting. There are those in the media who report the facts, and there is the rest who defend, protect and lie in order to preserve their political agenda. Without Fox News, our country would be left with an entire media system reminiscent of the Nazi propaganda machine run by Joseph Goebbels.
Whay I Can’t Trust The Media
The questions is: is this a real news broadcast. The answer is yes. And it’s insanely funny. After I watched this video, I sold this news station the Brooklyn Bridge and a shipment of left-handed mugs.
Weiner’s Back!
And the most absurd story of the day: Weiner is running for mayor. Does he think us Americans are complete idiots? First of all, he reigned from the house because of exhibitionism. Secondly, he admits to sending nude pictures of himself after he left office. And finally, he has the nerve to run for office again. I do believe in the adage- forgive and forget- but is this guy for real? Does he think American morality has fallen so low that we are all depraved perverts just hoping to receive a text of his weiner on our phones?
When all is said and done, who really wants a Weiner in office?
What Difference Does it Make?
It does make a difference. Just because the media again has buried the story, doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten what happened. We can still remember the cover-up and and the ineptness by which the Obama administration addressed this terrorist attack. We also did not forget how you apologized for the killing of 4 Americans.
The Truth About Obamacare
Obamacare is a complete affront to each of our Constitutional civil liberties. With over 2000 pages of new laws, stipulations and intrusions into our rights the bill essentially gives the United States government a mandate to take over our economy. How could the most successful country in the world knowingly give away everything that our soldiers fought so hard to preserve? It spits not only in their faces but also in the faces our Founding Fathers. I think this video above nicely sums up the intrusive nature of this bill.