In the except below taken from Flopping Aces, Dr. John writes about Obama’s new race-based discipline program. In the program black students will not be subject to punishment for their aberrant behavior. Dreamed up by some progressive idiot, the plan is again some ludicrous plot to better our public education system- which is failing. Instead, all it does is make these students not responsible for their actions. And if responsibility is not taught and enforced in the schools, the students will not be adequately prepared for the real world. In the real world responsibility is the first prerequisite for success and obtaining a successful career. In the end, what is our public schools producing- more people destined for the government doll. With more and more people on this doll and less working, who will pay for the nanny-based system that Obama is creating? The economy is bound to collapse. But in the end-is that not their plan?